I was that kid once, until I found out what wrist pain feels like (kao nagradu sam dobijala solju bele kafe)
Yes snowflakes :D
I was that kid once, until I found out what wrist pain feels like (kao nagradu sam dobijala solju bele kafe)
Yes snowflakes :D
❄️ hope there are still snowflakes around :))
Interestingly I didn't like white coffee as a child. NOt sure when I started with coffee, maybe in high school or University already... I just liked to play with the kitchen scales (that was not really allowed haha)
Nah, all melted away :(
Coffee was forbidden fruit, but when grandma wanted to make me feel special and grown up she made some, with the well-known "porasce ti rep.":D
Scale is playing with the scales, hahha.
Always. It's our rule :D
haha, I know the porasce ti rep thingy 😂
But why they were telling us that? 🤣🤣 Ok, it has some charm, how to threaten a child in a nice way lol
Have no idea what the hell coffee has to do with tail, but it made me giggle every time I've been told. :D
Another thing they were telling us (at least to me)
Eat that cabbage, you will have nice red cheeks
haha 😂
But this has more sense. it's like you will be healthy kind of a recommendation... the coffee and tail connection is just... hilarious