Copy Shop in Volcan, Panama - Market Friday

in Market Friday5 months ago

This is the little copy shop I use each week to make copies for the veggie market I help manage on Fridays. I used to have another place, but it closed recently, so I found this one.

This place, to me, looks like an old internet cafe! I remember back in 1998 when I was studying in Spain one summer, having to go to a place to use the internet. There were little stalls with computers where you could get on the internet and check your email. What else did we use the internet for back then? Not much!!

This place has one computer people can use to access their information and send it to the printer if needed - like a Word document or a pdf file.

There are still some evidences of Covid-times - like the plastic barrier they used to have at the cash register. Now there's just a piece of it left, holding up a few announcements.

This place is full of school supplies. It's right across from the main elementary school in town. I guess it works if you forget your calculator, pencil, crayons, or scissors. If you've got some money, run across the street and get some!

The other place I used to use for copies charged $1 for 33 copies, but this place charges $.04 per copy. It works for me, as I usually make about 20-30 copies, so it's not too expensive.

The ladies who work there are nice enough, but not overly friendly. I'll have to win them over and take them some banana bread or something sometime!

When we lived in Texas and I needed copies, we had to go to Kinkos or Office Depot or somewhere that was a big store, not a tiny family-owned place like here with one copy machine. Ha!

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I am sure you will win them over in no time at all, especially if you bring them banana bread. ;-)

It worked with the ladies in the water district. 😉

This place surely has everything a child can need for his schooling activities
Nice one!

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