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RE: A Trip to the Metaphysical Boutique

Ah! Well, it's in my little town on Cape Cod, in Dennis. Prices are very reasonable. The Psychic Meditations book I got on my first visit was around $20, for a paperback. And the Runes I bought during this trip were $13, which I think is good, though I don't really know the going price for runes. And again, the book was priced from the publisher, so it too was around $20 (hardcover). Thanks for looking around, thanks for the questions!


I love Dennis and all of Barnstable Co! I'm from Connecticut, by my mothers people are totally Cape Cod, Providence and Newport. Of course the Providence in Newport people don't mix so much but good thing that they're not related to each other. Lol thank you so much for such an interesting post! Kiss Cape Cod hello for me!

I am finding it very interesting that a lot of the people I'm gravitating to either live near by or have some connection to it! That's the universe for you, I guess! ;)