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RE: Market Friday - Barbados, Lesser Antilles in the West Indies

in Market Friday3 years ago

Denise, I got it! You missed your vacation and your trip. Lately, only travel posts in your market. Perfectly justified, the longing and wanderlust burn bad, almost physically.
Now we're visiting Barbados! Exotic land and far too far away for most of us, thanks for taking us from with you to Bathsheba Beach. Very beautiful indeed but couldn't be otherwise, I know what good taste you have.

While you're making your Friday posts more and more subtle, I'm going back to basics and the much-touted Universal Stores. She Will Come, She Will Definitely Come!


You are right! I just looked back and the last five out of six were travel posts! Of course, there is money spent there, but, in a less evident way. I think I need to change my venue up a little!

Do I miss travel? I think we all do, maybe it is the lack of freedom that is more painful. Although, it has enhanced other things, more time spent home doing things that need to be done... not nearly as exciting. :))

Bathsheba is a small fishing village with about 5,000 people. Life is simple, the people are happy and their smiles welcoming. There is no doubt in my mind that where there is less money, there is less worry about what to do with it, leaning into the happiness is free. Of course, there is that balance. You need some, otherwise, you will starve or freeze to death (although not there) but, too much and people get jaded.

I love posts that bring me back to the basics!! Isn't how this all started? Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your post!

Have a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!

It's nice at home too, I see you like it and I must say I like it a lot too. Still, a trip! Away from home often means away from certain worries and obligations.