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RE: Market Friday: Chincoteague Pony Auction: Don't Forget to Pay the Lady!

in Market Friday3 years ago

Oh thanks @dswigle, your explanations are crystal clear! Now I understand well what is the situation of your horses, I understand well how big this passion is, it has an aristocratic side... horses not being within everyone's reach.

I understand why this event is happening on the island, an event that has turned into a show that everyone is chewing on.

I suspected it was close to your seaside home. It makes sense that it would be.

I dislike the expression "comfort level ( or zone)". It's been a habit, especially with a lot of influencers, gurus, and all sorts of modern quacks using the phrase: "you have to get out of your comfort zone". I detest this expression, especially as it has become commonplace, I hear it everywhere, from the market to the theatre... I don't deny that maybe the meaning is correct, but I don't like the expression...

I know where the fear of horses comes from, but I didn't want to expand on the subject. The fear comes from my childhood in the country. My grandmother didn't have horses or cows, she didn't have big animals, so I wasn't used to them. My playmates had such animals that were treated very badly, brutally and because of this, they were also brutal and, probably out of fear, would bite or kick when you approached them. I have seen a few accidents of this kind that ended badly for people and hence the fear.
You are talking about well-groomed, gentle, and trained horses. That's a whole other story, I'm not afraid of them.

Glad you had such a nice week, I hoped so when I understood from your absence here that you were on vacation. I really like the way you say "my family and extended family", I feel your love and warmth for your family. I think that means happiness!

I'm so glad I could communicate with you again. Have a nice week!