I still can't believe such farms are near Washington DC, they seem so rural and far from urban civilization. Your passion for horses explains your many knowledge of caring for them and I can tell it is a great and powerful passion. It has to do with your education and the chance you had to live close to these very special animals. I like horses a lot myself but from afar. I've rarely been up close and have always been afraid. Respect them but also fear, I must admit. Thus, the admiration I have for horses, I have seen in movies since childhood.
I'm glad, @dswigle, that you manage to get close to horses so often, and that your daughter is as passionate and I can say... practical. Life's little or big pleasures, I think we can say it both ways without being wrong.
I'm sticking with the classic and simple market, store visit, I mean just visit... that's my post this week: I was downtown again, and again, and...
My own mom who has been around horses had always had a few of them. She was always around and really liked them, but, the size made her fear them. She also respected, but, fear them. I think that is okay, it is not for everyone. There are actually quite a few horse farms in DC, and many horse stables in Washington, DC. Believe it or not. Twenty-minute drive, less than ten miles, and there are enough places with space to do whatever you want. Not as rural as it seems, but, plenty of space. :) That is one of the reasons I have loved it here so much.
I hope you have had a great weekend!I always look forward to your posts, Dan! @bluemoon :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
That explains your admiration for horses, it comes from far away, from your family and I can see that you pass it on to your children.
I love where you live and the surroundings. I think that's why you don't really miss traveling, except for the sea.
That's why I hope you don't have to move out of this place... unless you find something even better!
I have three replies from you that I have to answer... I always answer you last because I need more time. Please forgive me for being late!
I see you've also fallen into the trap of time, not enough time. I wish you a pleasant and relaxing weekend, absolutely necessary for recharging your batteries!
And it is Memorial Day Weekend, a flurry of activity especially involving the military families and military... Arlington Cemetery and the putting the flags on the graves. I am so far behind, I didn't even start the markets.
Today is the closing ceremony and I might not go as it has started to rain pretty hard. I am on my way home now and I am calling it done! Time to make food!
Never worry. I am always behind on replies!~ :) I hope your weekend was wonderful!
Thank you! The weekend was dramatic but also hard and beautiful...