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RE: Grapes to Glass Tour at the Bull Run Winery: Market Friday: Part One

in Market Friday2 years ago

Beautiful pictures! This looks like a really cool place! My wife and I did a wine tour in the lower peninsula a couple of years ago. We eventually decided that we are not really wine people. The brewery we stopped at for our last stop was more our speed! It was fun to go to all the places and see what they had to offer. I like the fact that many wine places are offering cider now too. That is more my speed. All that being said, I'd still visit this place just because it looks so cool.


It was a pretty cool place and with over 300 vineyards in Virginia, I think you could ride the Wine Tour Road forever!

I have been to a few tastings and not always wine. Sometimes Mead, sometimes Cider... but, this was wine as I was pretty interested in seeing a small Virginia vineyard. It really isn't always about the wine, but, with the drinking I see in some of the places, you wouldn't know it.

Of course, I went up to Wigle Whiskey and hard liquor has the same going on. There will always be people of excess, no matter what it is. Even food, although you won't lose control of your faculties with eating.

I love that the owner was able to purchase the all-but abandoned estate less than 12 years ago and made it into a success, using the Battle of Bull Run to his advantage. To be fair, the family are huge history buffs and have ties to the first British to land here. They are a super nice family and I am happy to see their success. They kept all the history, and fences and rebuilt the barns in the exact likeness of what was there.

Kept the foundation of the estate and use it as a platform for weddings, and is hugely popular. I Love their landscaping too. Altogether a nice place!

Thanks always for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Oh wow that sounds really awesome. Kudos to them for flexing their entrepreneurial muscles.