Wow, that definitely is some beach! Makes me feel warm just looking at it! I think my dad went to Nassau once when he was in the navy. They had a shakedown cruise there or something like that. He has slides from it I think.
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My grandfather had pictures from the invasion of Iwo Jima. He was a little 17-year-old kid in the Navy, sitting off the coast.
They really saw so many things they should have had to see as a young teenager. God Bless them.
You definitely would love the Bahama beaches.
#MarketFriday loves you!
My dad was a shop keeper on base in Vietnam and has a ton of pictures from that. I think he wrote a memoir about it. I keep meaning to share it on Hive, but I never get around to it.
You should do it! I need to do a post on it too.