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RE: Market Friday on Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

Yes please! A few crates of snow would be greatly appreciated! My children have never seen snow - except on the mountains but we don't hike up that far. We swam in the flood irrigation channels today. It was wonderful. Considering the temperatures are 40 C (in the shade) we could do with a little snow. Rushed out to help the new neighbours last night. Their cattle were bloating (and started dying) on the alfalfa. They have never farmed with alfalfa (or calves) before and don't know how to manage the combination. They also didn't know how to save them. So grateful we were able to help!

Denise, you know since returning to Hive 10 odd months ago I have seen how much #MarketFriday has grown. It's wonderful! Both in the last year as well as since the steemit days I see the gradual growth. I just rack my brains about how to get more exposure for your unique idea but more than that, how to get more support and enthusiasm.

Until I have an epiphany about markets in this crypto kingdom ... I will enjoy those that post. Have a lovely rest of your white weekend!


It's also a little funny as it started as a tag, never to be more. I'm not sure what happened.

People like the idea! Markets are really special places. And one of the best ways to sample culture, cuisine and clothing of another country. I just wish I had more photos of all the years I lived overseas. American Garage sales. Italian wine and pasta tasting. British nougat. Belgium hot chocolate and pastries. Czech beer and vegetarian platters accompanied by blues street bands.

You and me both. I am so rich in the cultures of the world and enjoy each place to the fullest. It has been amazing. Don't I wish I had taken more photos? Of course, but, I didn't and it won't change... But yes! I need to see if I can dig up some more.

But, we have the memories.

My kids swam in the irrigation ditches of our summer house on the Canadian border. It was fun. Our horses would colic on all the sugar in the grasses. We have to be careful or muzzle, not an option for calves. The neighbors are lucky to have you! That an entire livelihood!

#MarketFriday is okay. The people that are not interested in community building are mostly new, but maybe in time. It would be better if I did certain things, but, i dont want to be overwhelmed with it. Thanks so much. You are a treasure.

Of course you understand! And thanks for the experience. Once the kids are older they will definitely be down there every opportunity. But considering this heat staying home wasn't an option. Isn't it interesting how similar the experience is, but different wording? Colic! I forget some English speakers use that word for animals and not horses. We mostly use the Afrikaans terms which directly translated is bloat. I lost my very first goats to colic. It was horrendous. The fencing was terrible. I only had the mama and her pregnant daughter plus a very naughty Boergoat who ignored fencing. She took them to fresh alfalfa. It was HOT. It was windy. I heard the screaming all the way at home and started running. It was horrible. I had to learn fast. We lost a few sheep but saved many. And goats. And cows. Before we learned. Experience is sometimes a cruel teacher.

Thank you for the compliment

How silly of me. I did understand bloat and knew what you meant, but, my brain didn't translate back when I wrote it. Bloat is fine! Please don't accommodate me! LOL I just looked it up: Colic in goats, (generally called “bloat”) Could I be any more wrong?

Not at all! Did I ever tell you about my first few weeks in the US? I was in a Mall - my first ever as SA only started building malls in the last two decades - I asked someone the way to a toilet. I was met with shock and confusion. After asking a number of people for a "toilet" in my best South African accent, someone eventually said "Oh!! You MEAN the restroom!" I never used the word toilet again while I lived there. But it did cause me to chuckle. Here in SA even in public areas the signs all say TOILETS. If someone asks for a restroom here they will be directed to a bedroom!

Haha! I never call it a restroom either. I had always referred to it as the bathroom. although, I am sure that would cause some confusion too as you can, not always take a bath there. What do you call that room? When I was growing up, in New England my grandmother always used the term toilet, which, it was. My mother used the term bathroom and I answered everything.

I wished I had been there when you asked. I cannot believe (and yet, I can) that anyone would be so ignorant as to pretend to be shocked over such a thing. As if they didn't know what a toilet is. I apologize for all of them.