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RE: Antigua and Barbuda, Market Friday Style

in Market Friday2 years ago

That was too enjoyable. I didn't want it to end, like I was having an actual vacay in paradise. I thought people only went there in the movies.

I'm on your page about bargaining, for more reasons then the stuff is already cheap. I just feel strange and a little embarrassed at the idea of doing something like that. We didn't grow up that way.

I did do some bargaining in Egypt after I realized I was charged fifty dollars for something that I found later for eight dollars. The swindling was the worst there then any place I've been to, and on going for the whole trip. I was budget backpacking so that was a sting.

I wish I could have a bunch of those dogs!

Enjoy the rest of your time😊


You are so awesome. You have such a way about you that makes everyone you come in contact with feel good. It is a gift. Thank you.

Bargaining an already inexpensive price seems so wrong, yes? It is like taking away some of their planned-for income. We absolutely were not brought up that way.

Okay, to be fair, bargaining in Egypt is totally different and I believe they saw you coming to be so bold in their swindling. I have learned many lessons along the way, for sure. I wish I could have put some of those pups in my suitcase! They are well treated by all the locals and tourists alike. 💗

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