Bar Harbor, Maine. It is one of my favorite getaways when I have a couple of days free. Typical of coastal New England, it can be a sky filled with sunshine or a blanket of fog and spitting of mist. It makes no nevermind, whatever the weather, it is accepted and adjusted for. Whenever I am there, everything seems to slow down and enjoy my surroundings, the beauty of nature, and perhaps life in general. Have you ever been to a place that makes your heart stand still, just so you can take pleasure in every moment.
As long as I have known, people have been trying to figure out how to pronounce the name of the town, Bar Harbor. Let me just say that it isn't you, it is the way New Englanders pronounce it. Bar Harbor. The 'r' isn't dropped, by the way, it's just elongated and softened. So 'Bar Harbor' is 'Baahr Haarbahr. ' Pronounce 'a' as in 'bat' and just whisper the 'r. There you go! You have got it!
Whenever I am there, I always stop in the cafe on 14 Cottage St, Bar Harbor, ME 04609, one of a few that I frequent when there. It is a popular place, it seems like the whole town comes in before they go to work, school, or drop the kids off. Hello? Coffee! Of course, that was a couple of years ago, and when I went back boom! Those shops literally had babies. Seems like they now have them all over the place, even several on one small street. They heard that people like choices! I have to admit, I still honor my old place. They know just how I like it! Plus they have the best pastry. I got a cup, and unlike everything else, they did not go up in price. That was a bonus. $3.95 for a medium latte. $2.95 for a small. Not bad.
Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.
Maine is well known for its delicious blueberries. They aren't in season right now, but, they do have some dehydrated and frozen. Many have been made into jars of blueberry jam or blueberry tea! It is yummy! We have them on speed dial at my house. Best tea ever! Bar Harbor Tea Company, 150 Main St, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 Amazon carries it now as do a few other stores. I just call the store and order it direct. It is blended in small batches and carried all year round. I like it because it doesn't have that fake blueberry taste and it's organic and caffeine-free. Win-win.
Fresh From The Bakery. Famous Blueberry Pie, a slice is $5.00nand a whole pie is $25.00. If you are down near the docks (where all the lobsters live, there it is, just waiting for the fishermen or people on a tour of the whales and puffins. They leave the window open and it wafts through the area, calling your name. You know you cannot resist, I bought one and carried it around part of the day. But, when we sat down at the park, I used the knife they gave me, along with heavy-duty paper plates with forks and napkins. The sun smiled down on me while I enjoyed that wonderful pie. It was made with love. I could taste it. You can find the Sunrise Cafe at 1 West Street, Bar Harbor, Maine... or just follow your nose.
New England harbor living. These are lobster pot floats at a fishing shack. The man here steams lobster all day long. As long as there are people, there will be lobster eaten. These buoys/floats help the lobstermen find their traps when it is ready to collect them. They are attached to a rope that goes from the buoy to the trap. They are colored brightly to find them easily.
It's Stewman's, Lobster Pound! They have lobsters, steamers, mussels, clam chowder, homemade lobster bisque, and corn on the cob... don't forget that the meal ends with fresh blueberry pie !

The lobster was under $9.00 a pound. Might I add that they were delicious, dripping in butter and a side of lemon? Yum!! You can find Stewmans at two locations, but, I prefer dockside. Downtown on the Wharf: 35 West Street, Bar Harbor, Maine.
Freshly steamed! Come to me!!! I have been patiently waiting for you.

There are all sorts of interesting places to visit and fun things to do and you can do it all in peace. I liked some of the clothing they had in the hemp store and I think their prices were reasonable. I didn't buy anything there, but, not for lack of trying. You can find them at 116 Main St, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
The architecture is grand in scale, as Bar Harbor was a playground for the rich and famous last century. It is not unusual to see names you recognize, Bar Harbor Has A rich history. Once upon a time, it had 30 grand hotels and just short of 200 grand estates on its shoreline. They mostly used them for their families to get away from the stifling heat of New York City and Boston. Some of the names that I pinched off the internet were
prominent families like the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Roosevelts, Morgans, DuPonts, Proctors, Livingstons, Fords, Pulitzers, Bouviers, and Astors. Can you imagine what this town was like then? This is not a grand mansion, but, I liked the house.
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
Thank you for tagging along with me to Bar Harbor, Maine. It never gets hot, so it is cooler all year round. You can still swim but, no big heat like there is in other places.I would say that it is pleasant most days, although it does have a cold, cold winter.</ce

And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
- Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!
The 'r' isn't dropped, by the way, it's just elongated and softened. So 'Bar Harbor' is 'Baahr Haarbahr. ' Pronounce 'a' as in 'bat' and just whisper the 'r. Found here
Slowly, slowly we slide into the journey. The truth is that we spend the most on travel... some of us. And not necessarily because we can afford it.
How lucky you are to have such an affordable place! Bar Harbor. All the goodies you showed, decent prices, exceptional quality. Then the surroundings, the harbor, the fishermen, and lobsters. From everything you've recounted and I could see and from the photos, the crowds are lacking. That is essential to have a good time!
If I were you I would do the same. I'd recharge my batteries at Bar Harbor. I don't have that near Bucharest. If there was, it would be extremely crowded and I wouldn't go there.
Yet another post urging us to travel and I hope some readers living in your part of the world will follow in your footsteps. You left all the addresses...
Thank you, Denise. I really enjoyed it!
It is with joy that I announce that I managed to write this week too. The inspiration also came from you, thanks again! Because you suggested I promote here, I'm doing it in full, even with photography.
How to steal a million... (I would like to!)
I love it when you promote! Pictures and all! If I get pictures, even better! If I could have inspired you in any way, that makes me happy, although in my opinion you need no inspiration at all! I see there is food to be happy and you know that's one of my favorite from you!
Bar Harbor is not all that close to me in actuality but I make it happen. There are some times in your life where the thought of burnout is scarier than losing time. Right now Bar Harbor is not in season so the people are few and places are just starting to open. May is there time and some of them wait until the Memorial Day weekend which is May 31st to really open up full time. The locals stay all year round of course but I can guarantee you that it's a cold place with a good wind in the winter. And snow. I forgot about the snow. But that doesn't stop me because it's still a beautiful place even in the winter. I wish everybody had a little Bar Harbor to run away too. I only put two or three places in the post because otherwise the post would run on and on with explanation, and I know how much my people like to read. LOL I try to keep it short and sweet for everybody. I may put out yet another Bar Harbor Post sometime. I want to thank you for taking the time to put a post together and for dropping the link. I hope you're having a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!!
Oh that does indeed seem like a fun getaway. Good food and friendly atmosphere, what more can one ask for? I would spend my days just filming at the marinas. If it just was not so north perhaps it would deserve a spot on my bucket list. Ah well, I feel the draw to the South, and thus happy to leave the North to you 😀
Yes I finally did work work work to get this done tonight!
I won't lie to you. I have been there in the winter and it is cold, but, more being right on the Atlantic, that bad boy wind blows plenty cold. Hence, my penchant for always going when it is warm. Warm being just nearly 80, but not hot. Perfection in my book.
It deserves a place on your bucket list if only to check out Cadillac Mountain and Acadia National Park. Granite rocks and such a beautiful place.
Nothing is off the table for me, you are right. At the right time of year, everywhere in the United States reaches the perfect time to visit. I have never been anywhere that I didn't love, even if it took me a while.
Accept a town in South Carolina, left unnamed. I could never love it and thankfully got my walking papers to move away from it. Anyway, suffice to say, you can leave the North to me! More for me. :)
Thanks for work, work, working to get 'er done.
#MarketFriday loves you!
They say better late than ever, right?
So here is it, probably the last entry for this week :)
Better late than never!!! Exactly my motto! :)
Thanks for taking the time to put one together! You are not even close to the last entry! LOL Plenty more after you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Haha I guess I get too anxious about deadlines :)
It looks such a charming place one I would love to visit and now I know how to pronounce it properly, all be it I will do it with my Kiwi Accent LOL
Here is my post for this week
I think you should be able to manage that because in all fairness it sounds much more like you're part of the world than it does over here. As you can tell from living in Massachusetts, new englanders have a language of Their Own. Personally I think it's a throwback from the pilgrims. LOL
I hope you do get up there someday because it is just the type of place I think you would love. Especially as it is the Gateway for Acadia National Park right in that town. Thank you again for stopping by and dropping your link and being a part of the challenge!
Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yeah its not to long a drive and I am working on if Lulus starts feeling better convincing her we need a few days away in summer, lets see how that works out :)
Fingers Crossed!
Bar Harbor is one of our favourite places in Maine as well @dswigle, we've not gone in a couple years, sadly, but it always satisfies us as hubby loves mountains and I the sea so it always fits us. We planned, once upon a time, to get a place up there, that was years ago and I can't imagine costs now haha. But it is a wonderful place to visit and stay for a much needed respite down east.
Mine too! I try to make it up there a few times a year, Acadia is such a wonderful place to go for a weekend or a few days. I always wanted a place there too! From time to time, I still check the Real Estate. It's free and fun to do!
There is a nice little cottage in the perfect place for a cool 8M! Yikes!
See here for the rest!
Thanks for always dropping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hello lovely Denise, here is the link to my Market Friday post that I just published. I love your flowers at the end of your post, sun colourful tulips. Flowers do not need any words, they only need to be seen and the heart is filled with love.❤️
❤️ Exactly. I have to agree 100% Although, I do pair them with words sometimes. I want to thank you for taking the time to be part of #MarketFriday!
Thank you for dropping the link!
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Oh I love Bar Harbor. I used to go there quite a bit when I lived in Boston and New Hampshire. It is so dreamy! Your pictures are incredible. I can smell the seafood! It really makes me want to go back.
Thank you for hosting Market Friday! Here’s my link:
I lived out of Rochester, New Hampshire for a year growing up. Actually, 9 months if I were to be totally honest. And Boston, well you know that is one of my absolute favorite places!!! I love the Freedom Trail, The Commons, Quincy Market, and the fact that you are drenched in history every which way you look.
Le sigh.
I really think I could do Boston forever, but, I have come to realize that no matter where you live, there is something redeeming about the area. You just have to find it.
Thank you for being part of #MarketFridayand for dropping your link!! It is always fun to have you!
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Yes that is so true. Every place has its charms! I’ve lived in many places as well, and I never stop missing any of them, as if I’ve left a little piece of myself in each one!
I think we have... As for me, I have also taken a piece of them with me! :))
Look at those lobsters in the man's palm, they're delectable. That seems to be rather large. Thank you for sending us these gems from today's show.
That's actually a very small lobster probably about a pound and a quarter. I think that is the sweet spot for selling them for lunch or dinner. That was only one libster in his palm.
Thanks for dropping your link!
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This is my post for the week. Thank you so much @dswigle for being such a great host.
Thank YOU for being a part of #MarketFriday and for dropping the link! You are so good to me! ❤️
The site has been awful for a couple of days, now it runs me late. I have to wonder why they always, always fool around with fixing it on FRIDAY. Don't they know that some of this stuff spoils over the weekend?
A treasure hunt~ You are fun!!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you so much @dswigle you're always so awesome, you are the best. Have a great day.
This is awesome, and a nice place to visit.
Thank you so much.
This is my post for this week.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the post and comment. Much appreciated!
Thank you for dropping the link!
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What a coincidence, we also have visited a seaside market. Here is our entry for this week:
It did not link properly, so I added it!
Thanks so much! You went to a seaside market also? How awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to make a post and drop the link! I hope you have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks for the correction. It is hard to make a right work when a toddler is around ;)
You are fine! I appreciate you dropping the link! These things happen to me all the time and I no longer have toddlers! :)
I have learnt a new pronounciation here, there a many places this weekend, i wish to accompany you to the bakery so that I can have it so fresh from the oven. The blueberry from the frigde is good for the afternoon when the sun is so hot.
I will drop my entry soon moma, thank you for hosting us
It's funny because I grew up with that the pronunciation so it doesn't seem weird to me oh, but I did bring someone up there that never heard the name before and so I thought it would be fun to post. Bar Harbor is one of those places that invites you to come and take a look and stay for awhile. I was lucky when I came that there were very few as far as tourists because it's not quite in season yet. Blueberries are the specialty here. Everything is about the blueberries! Thank you for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
That's lovely. Thanks moma
My pleasure!
I definitely failed the pronunciation test the first time. Bar Harbor looks like a great place to visit to take a break and enjoy a little getaway. I also like the lobster pot floats hung on the fishing shack because they all add a pop of colour to the structure.
Here's the link for my entry :
I only know it because I was born and raised in New England. It is a great place to live, but far too cold for me to want to live. I love how the colors make it a scene instead of just something to work with. I hope you are having a great weekend!
Thanks so much for dropping your link here! Much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It's the same here. Cafes are booming here and there.
I'm not particular with lobsters but I would go for some of those pies too if they are displayed like that by the window.
I would like to visit this place but I still have to learn to pronounce Bar Harbor :D
Here is my entry for this week
Happy weekend!
Hehe! It is an art, of pronouncing the names of towns in New England. :)
I grew up on lobster, living on the water, but, those pies! Leaving them on the windowsill like that to tease you into buying some! Yummy! I buy a piece or a pie, every time I am there!
What is up with cafes? They are growing in numbers and the price to buy a cup.
Thanks so much for dropping your link! Appreciated!
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Here's my market friday, some minerals in Galena, Illinois
So very cool!! I love minerals and crystals! Sister City to Bisbee, Arizona! :)
Thanks so much for dropping the link!
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Hey Denise are you well my friend?? Was going through honks back steemit friends @Jaymie last posted 9 months ago, any idea what happened to her?? Be blessed. Xxx
Jaynie is living the good life right now. Her discord, The Lifestyle Lounge is still open.
I hope this answers your question. xo
Captivating pictures you have thereHere's my entry.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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It's my pleasure
Oooooh the Pink Pastry .... wait no .... famous blueberry pie! Wait .... hmmmm .... how about the Pink Pastry AND blueberry pie! Yum. I loooooooooooooove sweet things.
Had a chuckle over your pronounciation. I remember the different American dialects only too well! So special
Oh yes! I do remember that you are the sweetest thing or that you like the sweetest things. Something like that but I think they are one in the same! :))
That's crazy Americans always looking to be unique. I actually think that New englander's how long to some of their British Heritage and the various dialects and then mix them with others coming in and there you have it. People who cannot speak. LOL
Thanks so much for stopping by, it is always a treat to see you!
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Pink pastry shop - Help wanted.
I feel quite confident that I'd be able to help eat their products so, maybe I'm the perfect person to provide the help they need?
Becca 💗
Haha! I bet you are exactly what they want, but at some point, they may have to roll you out of there! :)
They really do have delicious pastries pie muffins and well, you get the idea! I tell you what, I will go part-time and you can go part-time. We should be able to clear that inventory easily!
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh @dswigle, you're a genius! Two part time workers make up a whole, so they're happy and the integrity of our figures will endure.
Becca 💗
I know, right?
We will endure. :)
We must, all those cakes, pies and pastries. It is our duty.
I would love to try eating a fresh caught / cooked lobster. Yummy.
And then some of that freshky baked blueberry pie, especially in a beautiful and peacefull place by the water like this one.
I have to agree with you that eating a fresh-caught lobster is delicious! But of course you have to end that entire meal with a piece of blueberry pie! I believe Bar Harbor is one of those places where time stands still.
I hope you are having a most wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
The pie is like displayed typically, when they used to cool it down! Oh how inviting!
YUM!!! Lobster!!!
What a great Friday! Thank you for showing us your harbor, @dswigle..
Doesn't it look like something from the 50s? I smiled when I saw that. They always have one cooling off in the window.
Yes! Lobster! One of my favorite things in the world to eat. This is not my Harbor because I do not live in Bar Harbor, Maine. But it is a nice place to visit and I do love it here. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday as we make our way towards the weekend.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi @dswigle
What lobster shrimp is different from where I am because my parents raise shrimp also with a variety of shrimp including vaname shrimp and lobster and others also provide shrimp seedlings
This is my participation link for this community
The lobster and shrimp worldwide are little bit different from each other. Over time they have developed in a way that makes it best for them to survive. Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your link.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you very much for the visit and support may your day always be happy
My pleasure.
#marketfriday ❤️💪
Wow ma the restaurant look lovely and I wish I had the opportunity to visit, thanks @dswigle for sharing and I will be posting my entry for market friday soon
Most outdoor seafood places like this aren't you exactly high class but the food is good and the price is right! I enjoy it but I don't have expectations of grandeur! LOL I look forward to seeing you were Market Friday entry! I hope you are having a good day.
#MarketFriday loves you!
I can view the blueberry patch is a nice place to be.
Thank you @dswigle for this piece. Your pictures are fine And you are good as well.
Oh yes I have to agree with you there! They certainly knew how to do the blueberry everything! I love the blueberry pie and the muffins. I have to say that the blueberry tea is exceptionally special. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that you have been having a great week!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes Ma'am. Thank you.
Always a pleasure!
That was fun to see and I enjoyed your lesson on pronouncing Bar Harbor.
I enjoy a little bit Bar Harbor now and then, especially at this time of year when there are no tourists. The weather is cooler up there by about 10 degrees on a good day so even though I like it cooler A lot of people like the warm. I love their blueberry everything a
Thanks so much for stopping by nd the town really focuses on it. It's the gateway to the Arcadia National Forest so there is always Beauty to be found.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that you are having an amazing Friday!
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This is my link for my #marketfriday entry
Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping the link!
#MarketFridaay loves you!
Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your link! It's always a pleasure to see something Market Friday from you! I hope you have a wonderful evening!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you Denise, you too!
Help Wanted. Like many of the F&B business here are having issue with.
Anyway, I'm at the mostly owner operated stalls today so I think they have less of an issue with manpower.
It seems like they don't have to help wanted signs out when they are starting to ramp up for the season. They lay many people off after the tourist go away and they are left with just the town people. Those jobs will be snapped up in no time and they never seem to have a lack of help. I can see you're taking me out to eat today! I always enjoy something that I've never seen before. Even if I've seen it before I don't eat it all the time so it's always a pleasure. Thanks so much and thank you for dropping the link.
I hope all is well in Singapore with you and your in-laws!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You're welcome. Things are OK. The inlaws down go out much so we try not to infect them when we visit. With the numbers still high and going to work almost everyday, my wife and I don't know who may spread to us.
That is a fact. Your numbers are really high and I was surprised by that, but, I guess the whole world needs to live with it to outrun it.
You are a good son-in-law!
It seems Bar Harbor has a lot of things that one could possibly find during holidays to be happy. The Lobsters is one of my favorites but they are so expensive in Ghana especially for those of us who live not close to the coastal areas. It was such a nice experience you shared and would also share mine with you here:
Bar Harbor does have many things to do when one is there for a couple days or it has nothing and you can just meander and take in the sights. It is the gateway to the Acadia National Park and so I like the nature side of it also.
Lobster is an expensive side here because it's right here. If you go to the interior of the United States it is much more expensive because it needs to be shipped and kept fresh. So I understand that but I can say whenever you get a good chance to be on the water, lobster is always a good choice. I must say that the coast of Africa, for lobsters are very different because they are warm water lobsters. They are very good and we have them here in our warmer areas, however the cold water lobsters are the sweetest!
I look forward to sharing your experience! Thank you so much for dropping your link.
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My link for the market friday @dswigle
Thank you for dropping the link. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
This is my post
Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you for dropping the link! I hope you had a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks @dswigle :)
My pleasure!
Looks like an awesome place to visit, the pink pastry shop looks very tempting
Hi Shaun! @shaunf It is a great place to visit and one never passes up the pink pastry shop! :)
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link!~
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Wow that lobster!!!!🦞 I bet all the seafood here taste fresh and delicious since it is just by the harbour. What a great place to feast on!
Here is a link to my #marketfriday post!
Thank you!!
I do love the lobster and all the trimmings. It's hard to get any fresher than this and I know how lucky I am to have it available to me. It was, indeed a feast! Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your blink! I hope you are having a great day.
#MarketFriday loves you!
And so many little shops and great restaurants.
Must visit it one day 😁What a lovely area this is @dswigle 😊 it looks so pretty.
Have a great day today!
It is a wonderful place and I hope that you do get here someday! There is nothing fancy about it but it is just like a breath of fresh air and peaceful! I want to thank you for taking the time to make the rounds of the blockchain stopping by and dropping a little bit of sunshine. 💛
#MarketFriday loves you!
Happy to move around and find stunning posts that I can support 😁You are so welcome @dswigle
Maybe sooner than you think… The New England bit I mean. To visit 😉
I like peaceful and a breath of fresh air.
Have a wonderful day and weekend 👋🏻
New England is beautiful. I was born and raised there, but life has moved me. I still go back when I can as so many still live there.
Sooner than I think? How cool!! Where do you live now? If I asked before and you told me, I have forgotten since.
It is an overcast day, so it is a good day to get #MarketFriday done! :) Have a fabulous Saturday!
It sure is beautiful New England 😊 so charming.
Life can do that sometimes… move you around, as it has done with us.
But great to hear you still visit it when you can.
For now I live in Southern Spain (my 5th country of residence so far, for now) We have a big move coming up 😉 it was delayed again with 2 months though… we are patient. 😎
Here it is sunny today, great to see the sun as the last weeks we had loads of rain/ bad weather.
Have a wonderful Saturday @dswigle 👋🏻☀️
You did tell me you were in Spain. I have moved many, many, many, many times. That sounds like only four, but, it has been many more. :)
All the moves from companies/government have been pushed a little, not that I blame them and you get to enjoy Spain a little more! I love Spain! ❤️
Sounds like you are heading to New England! That is exciting and it is very charming! I love, love, love Boston and Cape Cod and of course, Connecticut, because that is where I am from. I hope that you have an amazing day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Have to add them up one day to see the total. I know the countries exactly though… that is 5 .Me too @dswigle I stopped counting when I reached move number 30.
Yep we noticed, the pandemic has a hand in that and the backlog.
We are 😊 can’t wait, we will for sure enjoy Spain a bit longer 😎☀️
How wonderful, you must know it very well than. Will be back with some questions one day… if you don’t mind 😇
So far so good, hope yours is too 👋🏻☀️
Wow, that looks good! Adding Stewman's to my must visit list. Looks like a nice long weekender , just under 7 hour drive.
Hopefully 7 hours!? You win! It takes me a lot longer to get there if I'm driving. I will get to only putting one or two things in this post but there's a lot more to do and Bar Harbor is the gateway to Acadia National Park which you would absolutely love oh, there is no doubt about it. Someday, but not in the height of Summer you will have to meander over and wonder why you didnt choose Maine!
It might be that I'm just Addicted to You lobsters straight out of the drink. Thanks so much for stopping by and as always I hope you have a wonderful day.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Maine was certainly on the list. My wife had lived in Maine for a bit while in the Navy, liked it, but we wanted to try something new. We didn't want to go quite that far North, were actually looking like an hour or more south of where we ended up, but couldn't pass up the spot here once we saw it. I'm sure I will love it there and definitely plan to visit. Also a huge lobster fan! Had the hunger now since I saw your pics! Have a great weekend.
Maine is beautiful and only if you love nature can you truly live there. It is a different kind of living. I love nature, so I have always loved it- and I don't know one person who didn't fall in love with Acadia National Park.
It would have definitely been hard to pass up on a place like that! It is pretty far North, but, if you have the toys to clean it, well... it is all good.
Oh, Lobsta!!!! I know what I want for dinner now! Throw in a few cherrystone clams!
Very nice place! Everything looks very attractive - the pie window, the colorful floats, the yellow mansion with the big veranda.
Thank you so much for stopping by and I love the Simplicity of it. It's Pleasant and welcome a and there's nothing complicated about it. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
The pie in the window draws me in every single time!
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I thought it was mostly pronounced "Baah Haahbaa." I was under the impression that the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts refused to ratify the letter R.
Massachusetts, parts of Maine and New Hampshire and a tiny bit of Connecticut. Renegades, all of them!
People who don't live there pronounce it one way and people who live there pronounce it another. I think it's safe to say that however you pronounce it they will accept it! Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a fabulous Friday!
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So awesome. Bar Harbor was one my favorite trips we took when I was a little kid. I have been trying to get back there ever since then. I am thinking in the next five years my wife and I are definitely going to head that way. I will have to keep some of these places in mind. Awesome post!
I went when I was a kid too! Wholesome fun used to be all the rage. Nowadays many parents are trying to seek the wow for their kids but what they don't realize is this is the wow when you're young. There's so much here for the young to be curious about and it is the gateway to the Acadia National Park which is a wow all in itself. I hope that you do get back here and you should have a notebook places that you want to go and just keep changing the order of importance as necessary. That's what I do because there are so many amazing places here in the United States without even stepping outside of it. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and for all the support!
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Here is my entry:
Thank you for dropping the link!
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You are welcome
Quit teasing, Denise!!! I'm craving lobster -- or anything mentioned above -- right now and Maine is entirely too far away! Stewman's needs to open a location the St. Louis metro area. I know, I know! Fresh seafood caught by local fishermen is key to Stewman's success and unfortunately there are no such delicacies to be found in my ole Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Just catfish. I'll catch them but won't eat them....
Awesome seafood post! 🍋🦞🍲🐟 🍽 🦀
Happy Friday! I'll be back with my long overdue Market Friday post! @dswigle❤
I know! That is a tease and I surely didn't mean to try to lure you over to the east coast for a little bit of fresh Lobster. We both know that that would be unfair play, right? Stewmans is like an institution there, one that I happily take part in. There is something about watching the seafood come off the docks and knowing it's going to make its way to your plate.
I caught catfish when I lived in Louisiana for 6 months and I never ate it either.
I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by and I believe I saw a name plate waiting for you at Stewmans. Take your time... they will hold your place.
Have a fabulous Friday!
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The harbour looks cool and the freshly steamed lobster... Mush be a delicious treat!!!
My market thing happened last Saturday, a Dutch market celebrating the King's Day 😎
French Lobster with drawn butter? Unequivocally delicious! It is, without a doubt a fun place to go to without any stress or fanfare. Just peace and quiet and nature.
Thanks so much for thinking of me and I absolutely love Dutch festivals! I appreciate you dropping the link. I hope you have had a fabulous Friday.
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The pink pastry shop looks so inviting, but what I want to try more than anything else is the lobster,
This is my entry for market friday.
I totally get that! The pink pastry shop is nice and it's even fun and they have the best blueberry pies, but the lobster is what has my heart! I'm right there with you. Thanks so much for stopping by and dropping your link to me. I appreciate it and I hope you're having a most wonderful day.
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Sounding out how you hear it a fun descriptive way in letting one know the slur of vocabulary used in the town. 😀
Quaint to say the least with much on offer, lobster would be a tasty treat along with a walk off between the town to the coffee bar, now that does sound good no matter the weather!
Thanks for outing Denise.
It is also the gateway to the Acadia National Park so even though it has very little in the way of tourist traps oh, I find it peaceful to go down to the town and enjoy the lack of tourist at this time. Most of the places are just opening or will open at the end of the month so it's very quiet here. Just My Style some days.
The lobster is a huge draw and even though I can get the lobsters fresh at home there's just something about coming back here that warms my heart. I hope you are having a most wonderful night there in South Africa. Thank you for stopping by and leave your words.
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More enjoyable 'out of season' when not over populated.
Taking a meal prepared from slightly different coastal produce puts us into a happy place making new memories or tinkering back on old.
Exactly that! Out of season is my favorite season!
Happy Mother's Day hope your children spoil you!
Carpet rose currently open in the garden, actually flowers most year round.
Thank you so much, you have such a beautiful heart! ❤ Lovely flowers! Happy Mother's Day!
As do you ❤️
Hello I share with you the link of the blog that I made this week in this nice community, I've been visiting some of your blogs, they are great.
@dswigle, Thank you for the invitation to share it.
Thank you for being part of #MarketFriday! I appreciate you sharing your post. Have a wonderful weekend!
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here's my market Friday this weeek:
Thank you! I appreciate you doing that.
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seems there is a favorite for us to visit.
It's true! I do love it here. Thank you for stopping by today!
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Oooooh! I think I went to Bar Harbor 13 years ago when I was in the States working at a Summer Camp in... Maine! And - not surprising, I'm sure - I went with a friend who wanted to eat lobster!
Now that doesn't surprise me one bit! There are so many people who work in the summer camps here and many from abroad. I will bet you anything that it was in the Acadia National Park. If it was oh, that is where Bar Harbor is. Have fun that must have been and Maine is a beautiful state! Lucky you! Did you get a libster? :)
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your story!
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I'm not sure if I ever made it to Acacia National Park actually! Crazy to think about in hindsight given how much I !LUV national parks! The camp was near Auburn/Lewiston.
And yes, we ate a lobster!
(1/4) gave you LUV.
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Maybe not, unless you traveled a lot. It is about 2 1/2 hours from Lewiston which is another beautiful place.
I love National Parks! I have never met one that I didn't love!
Who doesn't love lobster!!!?? :)