The Winery at Bull Run is having their annual Haunted Tour, a lantern-led walking tour of the grounds of the Winery. It was a fascinating tour, where the spirits walked in from the battlefield. Listen carefull as they tell their story, and how they saw it. Bull Run Winery is located at 15950 Lee Hwy, Centreville, VA 20120. The tickets were $55.00 and included 7 one ounce tasstings of wine, a haunted tour of the grounds, and a history lesson, historical facts and a little bit of fiction. Pick up a lantern and let's go.

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) I hope you will join me as we share different markets across the globe, often unique and varied as the countries themselves. I always look forward to seeing what you send me. Come. Sit down. Relax. Enjoy the shortest trip around the globe you ever experienced, taking in a market from somewhere different than what you have. And always remember #MarketFriday loves you!
There is an energy here that you can’t explain, that defies a rational explanation. That’s what hauntings are – energy that remains. There is a common occurrence of the unexplainable. Bull Run has a ghost tour, but the emphasis isn’t on cheap scares. Instead, this is an intellectual ghost tour, as “the spirits of the battlefield come to life and tell you their stories.” The 2022 Haunted Wine Tours begin tonight. source
Your wine glass is ready. Pick one up. It belongs to you now. You are welcome. Granted, it is a cheap thrill to get an engraved glass with the Winery's logo on it. Still, it's mine and I am taking it home.
The tour is announced by the haunting of the signage as it looks over the fields where the very first battle of the American Civil War took place. There were approximately 4,878 soldiers killed 2,896 Union soldiers and 1,982 Confederate. Shhhhh. You can hear their whispers as you walk through the darkened fields.
There was a story about William Nelson Pendleton, who was a Episcapalean minister, nicknamd his 4 artilary guns Mathew, Mark. Luke and John. When he opened fire, he would say, "God bless their souls, for we will have no mercy on their bodies.
The goosebumps ran up my spine, doubletime. Can you feel that chill? It's not cold out. I saw the cannon and put my hand on it. The majority of the artillary during this time were bronze and iron. Cold to the touch. Yet, it made me cold to touch it.
There is no doubt about it. The Haunted Wine Tours has a seasonal delight,charming in that creepy, haunted kind of way, nevertheless, I could feel the chill lifting off the ground, keeping the fog at bay. It has potential to scare, or at least allow me to scream. Maybe a little.
There is a historical marker on the grounds of the Winery at Bull Run. It interprets the ruins of the Hillwood Mansion. The marker reads:
"The farm on which the winery now stands was once part of a huge tract of land owned by the Thornton and Lewis families. Over the years the land passed into the Entwisle family and is known today as the Entwisle tract. Parts of the original farm are now portions of the Manassas National Battlefield Park, the quarry, and this last remaining plot on which the winery now stands. The stone foundation before you is all that remains of the original mansion and was standing during the First Battle of Manassas or Bull Run."
The Hillwood mansion was used as a Union field hospital in the second battle of Manassas.Congress later authorized payment for the damages of the house.
I realize that #MarketFriday is still quite challenging at this time. Some people are using memories, from days gone by or perhaps markets that they haven't posted. In these trying times, I am happy to see people still partaking in #MarketFriday. Use what photos you have. If you get to go shopping, we would love to see! Don't forget to take photos - whether it be the grocery, art galleries, or even the pharmacy, wherever money is exchanged for a service or for merchandise. Don't forget to use the hashtag #MarketFriday and @dswigle.
Wine? Thank you.It's dark and I don't see his lantern. Do you think he will know how much to fill it? Spilling any would be automatic alcohol abuse. I forgot all about the wine tasting because the live history lesson was intriquing. I wish I had had this during high school. I think history would have been so much more interesting than it was!
This was representative of those traveling salespersons during that time. He has everything set out showing how he traveled alongside the soldiers. It was very profitable for the salesman to sell to the troops. They set up their shops by selling their wares from wagons and using a tent during the encampments. They were known as sutlers.
This was the General of the Confederate soldiers. inexperienced Confederate Army of Brig. Gen. PGT Beauregard. He gave a moving speech that I missed, but was told it was fitting.
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
I dedicate this post to all of you.💖 You bring joy to my soul and spread your love across the world. For this, I thank you. And just like that, this post is over..and just so you know, although we are throwing our love around the globe, I can guarantee you that there is still a little left to take us through the bad times until they can become good once again. Have a most fabulous day! As always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower
Don't forget to spend a few minutes and go forth and support a couple of your #MarketFriday people. I just like to see everyone sharing in the joy, just like I do yours. Reach out and touch a few! Thank you!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? Was it expensive? Did it go up or down? I need something other than 50 pictures of the market.
- Post the pictures. Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post, it is too difficult to guess on some
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post (#hive-196308) This is not required but appreciated.
PLEASE Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it!!
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.Following me and reblogging the post would be appreciated, but not a rule, more vision for more views on the #MarketFriday posts!
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!
All pictures and words are mine,(unless sourced) or my daughter's and were taken on the eve of our pretour of the wine tour. That is why you have scripts in their hands. Practive! Practice!
About wine again! Wine tends to become a topic here. Of course, it's wine time this early autumn. I got a lot of historical data that is hard to understand, for me at first reading.
This tour looks a lot like theater in nature. My director friend put on a few plays in the park and it was spectacular. By comparison, I realize the grandeur of the nightly performance you attended. It made for good photos... Great photos!
I've written a little, little bit about wine too. Coincidence again?
Wine Alley Thanks, @dswigle, I love wine!
It IS about wine and a little bit of history. I know how you feel about Balchik now. I am doing too much wine and not enough other, but, it is what I have. :) The history is not told well by me, I do not retell things as good as you. Honestly. I tend to rush it and skip parts. If I took my time and started before Thursday night, it might be better. It is something to look forward to.
I love theater in the park! We have those here too and I like the simplicity of it and the acting is usually quite nicely done. This wasn't grand by any stretch of the imagination and most of the pictures came out black as there was no flash and you were always moving so the settings were difficult. Do thank you for the words. I wasn't sure someone wouldn't call me out on them, but, I was trying for the atmosphere too.
Le sigh.
@bluemoon I LOVE WINE too! OMG! You wrote about wine?? There are no coincidences. I live in your brain. Didn't you know? LOL
#MarketFriday loves you!
The Haunted Tour sounds like a very interesting and exciting fest, though I can't help but imagine does hunted house and co we saw on movie series and most especially when the first image also contain a skeleton skull.
Having this experience and visiting this places at a tender age would truly make history easier to comprehend, because of the first hand experience, sightseeing and the likes.
Thanks for sharing this Masterpiece with us, below is a link to my post.
I sure didn't like the skeleton and skulls, but, it was part of the Halloween scare. :)
I agree that if they did this sort of thing for school, learning history would be fun an memorable. Thank you for reading and for dropping your link! It is always a pleasure to see you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Sounds like a fair price. I wonder if historical places like this will continue to have a life in the future? Those were dark times. Strange that we find ourselves in dark times again. I guess humans never really learn. Well fantastic phots and thanks for sharing the history lesson!
I think it is a little high, but, that is because of the wine tasting, so it was a good deal. It is $36.00 without the wine tasting. But, we all got that glass, so heck yeah! Let's call it a deal! :)
I think they will continue to have a life. We will have to wait and see though. Those were dark times and now is dark, although I hope to never get there again.
I hope we learned so that History doesn't repeat itself. I hope you enjoyed it. It was fun to experience.
Thanks so much for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
so now you're haunted and the exorcism for it is drinking loads of whine ? 🤣
Obviously you willl not be in charge!! Lol! Hello, Mick! @stresskiller Thanks for stopping by!!
#MarketFriday loves you!
enjoy your weekend , i need to get rid of this haunted flu 🤣
Do you still have the flu? Are you sure it is the flu and not COVID?
yes it ain't covid just a cold
That's good. Seems like you have had it forever.
This looks like so much fun! The pictures are gorgeous. We're heading to Portland Maine in a few weeks. Have you every been there?
It really was pretty fun! Thank you. The pictures were difficult in the pitch dark, only lanterns and kept on moving. :)
Portland, Maine is gorgeous! If you have never been there, you will love how they seamlessly blend the old and new. I love nature, but, I love their downtown and of course, anything New England is rich in Victorian history and the waterfronts!
Who doesn't love a good wharf?
I am so jelly! Take pictures. I haven't gotten home this Autumn yet. I need to just go and forget about planning it. :)
Have fun! The ferries will pretty much be shut off by then. They get ready for winter early. I know the one in Nova Scotia shuts this week or next week. I love going through Maine by boat. :) I hope you are going to make time to go to Acadia National Park. it is a little less than three hours away. Bar Harbor (the town outside of Acadia) is a cute little town with Victorian history and where the Rockefellers' monied people had their summer houses.
I hope you will have a great time!
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yay! I love this, and the stories, and the tour, and the lanterns, and the outfits, and absolutely all of it! This is what autumn is all about, for me. And wine! You got wine! Yum.
I got wine!! All seven of them. Tastings anyway. 1 ounce of each one. That is a nice touch to the tour. And the stories were fabulous. I just suck at retelling things. I am not animated and crafty with my words like you.
But, yes! This is what autumn is all about! However, tonight!
Tonight they are having a Fall Festival! Wine Tastings tonight! And bonfires and s'mores! OMG! It is 81 out right now, but, I am digging up a flannel shirt for the festivities. I may rip the sleeves off it, but, I am wearing flannel!
Hey, Victor! @wwwiebe You know #MarketFriay loves you!
Hahahahahahaha! 😂
BS. 😆
Shhhhh! It's true. And it is my blog so I'm in charge. Hahahahah! OMG! I really said that!
Now I feel bad. Here is a kitty to pet. They make everyone feel better.
Should I be shuddering in fear? Will history repeat itself?
Now, I am wondering if this room is haunted... Hehehe.
Thanks for sharing the history with us, ma'am. 💞
Hey, ma'am @dswigle, a shout out to you for keeping the initiative alive. ☺️☺️🤗🤗
Hello @iskawrites ❤️
Hahahaha! If it is, let me know! I will be shuddering for real! I was thinking how much better I would have known history if I had gone to something like this. They made history interesting with interactive storytelling.
It has been five years now! The pleasure has always been mine!💙
Thank you for stopping by, reading, commenting, and then dropping your link! You are one of the best!
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What a great way to teach about history! That's the kind of history lesson that just might keep you awake at!
No, all jokes aside, I really do agree with you! That is an awesome way to learn about history! Thank you for sharing it with us!
You will find my post for this week here.
Hahah! It might keep some up all night, but, thankfully it was a 21 and older event because of the wine. That is good and they need to do more of that.
It was awesome to teach history that way! I really do wish I had been to one when I was in school. I didn't appreciate history, but, we had boring teachers. LOL
Thanks so much for participating!
#MarketFriday loves you! about boring teachers. I think many of us will agree on having that
But I'm glad you've had this opportunity and thank you for sharing the experience with us!
Youvare welcome! 😀
Wow, what a cool experience. I can just imagine what it must be like to have all that history around you. It's kind of like an out of body experience at times. This seems like an event that would be really cool to visit. I might have to put it on my bucket list even though we are not big wine drinkers. I know what you mean about getting a free glass though!
Isn't that funny? We can all afford to buy that glass, but, giving it to me for free??? Oh, yes! I'm in! The history is pretty incredible around here, although most of these battlefields are self-tour unless you go on the irregular scheduled tours. Which is easy for us living here.
Still, I went to the 150 reenactments of the Battle of Gettysburg and it was probably one of the most incredible ones I have ever seen. I posted it here a while back. That was cool.
This was cool because there are details I don't know or forgot and I love the history lesson ... stories from the battlefield based on real events.
Super cool, Believe it or not, tonight is the Fall Festival there! Another free glass! LOL S'mores and flannel (even though it is 81 right now) bonfires and wine tastings. Maybe even some hard cider.
Woo hoo!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Haha, 81! We are sitting square in the 40s right now!
I love how you edited the photos. It's like in a movie scene, you also made it like a haunted view. Well, I'm sure you really love it there because even I feel the thrill of seeing the images like it's real even though it's just some acting. Nice.
By the way here's mine,
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#MarketFriday loves you! ;)
Awesome photographs and some of them are like candid and the first silhouette image of this blog is outstanding! I may share my market friday experience at the end of my Friday as I need to collect photos for it. Sounds you had a great time on haunted wine tour and it really worth to share. I love the way they holding lamps and dressed up. Have a nice day dear mam @dswigle you are my idol hiver ❤️🤗❤️
The lamps were pretty cool and really added to the atmosphere! They are having an Autumn Festival tonight there. I might have to go to see what they do! :)
Whatever it is, a wine tasting will be involved!
#Marketfriday loves you!
Wow so are you going to share more photographs from the autumn festival? Would love to see more beautiful moments you going to spend there by joining them. Love you mam @dswigle 💝🥰💖
:) I hope to! I go in a little while and hopefully it will be conducive to picture taking. Thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!
We are going to visit a winery tomorrow but I am sure that it won't be not even remotely interesting as this extraordinary experience!
Here is my humble contribution :)
I am sure it will be even better! I support this winery as it is the closest one to Washington, DC. It is on an old battlefield from the American Civil War and they are always trying to teach history to the people that come.
I hope you will share the winery with us. I love the old wineries I found in France and Italy. I never went to any in Greece and have not been to Crete where you are!
I need to travel, and get out again! Thank you for participating and for stopping by to drop your link! I hope you and @traisto had fun today! @fotostef !!
#MarketFriday loves you!
That sounds like such fun !
I'm sure having some wine makes the experience even better.
I like all your photos, but that first one is some sort of perfection and fun to look at.
I think having a taste of the grape certainly makes the experience a little bit deeper, if you ask my opinion. :)
The photos were especially hard to get as it was so dark and the balance between darkness and eerie was not clearly defined. Admittedly, if a real photographer came in, they would have been better.
But, it really was quite fun! I had never been to one, so it was new to me! :)
Don't you know, #MarketFriday loves you!
Fascinating and once I read where it was then it sent shivers down my spine.
It reminded me of Culloden.
Battlefields get to me, standing on the history and blood spilt, it is an emotional experience.
Does the human race ever learn...
Damn right I would have took my wine glass home too Denise!
What a wonderful experience:)
Haha! I am getting another one tonight! They have their Fall Festival!! Bonfires, s'mores, and wine tastings! Plus some hard cider I'll bet!
Digging out my flannel shirt even if it is 27C right now!
It is a Fall Fest! There will be a flannel! Battlefields always get to me. I live here in the Washington, DC Metro area. There is a battlefield on every corner! I live on the peripherals of one. So yes. I get it.
Damn right there will be another glass coming home! Ha!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Very romantic
Thank you! It was a great time! I hope all is well with you!
Thanks so much for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Apparently there was a whole performance! 😮 very interesting ancient outfits in public! it was spectacular! although $ 55 in my opinion is not cheap, but perhaps by the standards of your country and inexpensive 😃 link to my post:
Nooooo! I was a guest and did not pay, so it was quite inexpensive for me! :)
It was a great time, but, the price did include a wine tasting, 7 one-ounce servings of different wines were offered, Which is normally a $20-$25 option and you got one of their glasses with the winery name etched in, a whole history lesson and the memory. :)
So, even though I think it is expensive, they were booked solid for every single day in October. Perhaps I am just a cheapskate! I always think everything is expensive!!
Hi, @tali72 I hope you have had a wonderful week!
#MarketFriday loves you!
it's wonderful that you were able to go there and enjoy it!!!! I think everything has really gone up in price now, so you have to get serious about budgeting. everything is really expensive 😏
Hi D, sorry for not liking the post. Thanks for the remidner.
You are lucky to live amongst those beautiful, rolling hills with our country's history. $55 is a fair price to pay for several glasses of wine and the event.
like my post at all. Lots of people don't even read it. :) However, I do require that you drop your link here, making it easier to find everyone. I have found I may miss one that doesn't always come up. This ensures that I don't have that happen.Hi @rt395! There is no requirement to
I do feel lucky and the wineries around here really put on a show, each weekend. Thank you for reading the post and dropping the link. I appreciate it!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Just wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! And that's a lot of wows!! Best post ever. Great photos, especially your thumbnail. Perfect. I insist you go to the top of the class. 🙂❤️
Haha@ Of course, I adore your enthusiastic response! Who wouldn't? Tonight there is a Fall Festival there. Of course, more wine is involved!
I send you some virtually!
#MarketFriday loves you! ❤️
Thank you. It was very nice too!
Just one visit to your post impacts a lot of knowledge, the historical dress spiced up the post.
Thank you for your comment. I also appreciate that you read the post and that you dropped the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
good evening @dswigle
My support this week
Hi @olivia08 ! Good evening to you! Thank you for stopping by to read my post and for dropping the link to your post! Much appreciated! I hope your weekend is going as planned!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Wow! Not just a winery but with bit of history and haunted story. So interesting and fun.
Here is my entry to #marketfriday. Thanknyou and a wonderful day.
Thank you! The history part was a real bonus! I wish I had learned this way.
Thank you for reading, commenting and dropping your link here! Have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Some weeks ago there was a wine tour in the park of our place... however, it was nothing special. Nothing like your one, which I see as a way more interesting event!!!
Happy Friday Denise, and almost forgot, here is my entry for today :)))
You are so sweet!! Thank you! They don't have to be over-the-top amazing for them to be wonderful. I have gone to some that are very small and nothing else but the bare facts, and yet, I still love them. This one I liked as there is history involved and they had actors. It really was pretty cool.
You put in a post! Yay!! Thank you! Here is the plain tour we got here and here
#MarketFriday loves you!
(2/5) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily NFT for Peace
Yes, you are right, they can be wonderful even if they are modest one. Also, company matters, I went alone...
Wow, that Bull Run Winery looks amazing. So much fun! 😍
Truth!! You can be anywhere with amazing company! Sometimes going alone is fine as you can meet interesting people along the way, but, I like to bring my own party most times.
However. I do love my downtime, just me and my own company! I hope you are doing well and having a wonderful beginning to Autumn!
Have a good weekend!
Well, you are right about that, just me and my own company! I also enjoy it sometimes 😇
Thats wonderful pictures and for sure a lot of great impressions for your romantic writer soul :-)
here is the link to my marketfriday post ;-) not so romantic and no wine
Thank you so much! You are so sweet and I appreciate you helping out some new people! It was a wonderful night and I learned a lot of history about the American Civil War.
No wine and unromantic? I don't believe you! :) Thank you for taking the time to make one and for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh, in fact I am not the real wine fan.
Haha not for some ethic reasons :-D but simply most acoholics are not my taste. Only like them when they taste very sweet. Strawberry limes for example or some rose wines :-)
Here's my participation:
In a Mami market
Thank you for your participation in #MarketFriday. I appreciate you reading the post and dropping your link.
I hope you have a fabulous day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful funy tour, have a great Weekend! awesome photography! Here is my post for this week:
Thank you so much @almi! I hope you are having a great weekend! Thank you for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my own contribution to the #marketfriday initiative.
Thanks so much for your participation! I appreciate you dropping the link. Here is hoping all is going well with you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Live History Lesson and all about the history of the past, the people, the very reason why such place was known to be! I would definitely sign up for this. I would be probably be drinking wine and talking to the ghosts if it was just me. 😆
Thank you for bringing us with you (even just virtually) to this amazing event. Such beautiful photos as well!
First Time At A Seafood Wet Market!Here is my entry for today's #marketfriday:
Much love!
Haha! They might even talk back!!! Booooooo! It was a great place and a lot of fun! Thanks so much for putting together a post and for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Oh, for sure it was fun but if I were in that place for sure I would feel same as you. Those chills! The lamp added to that feeling especially when it was kinda dark already. The feeling of anticipation.
By the way here is my entry for this week.
Thank you.
I know!!!! Right? That lamp gave me chills as well! It was fun though and everybody loved it!
Thanks so much for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Greetings dear mam @dswigle I love your Market Friday blogs and it deserves to be loved. I also love being original so I've also shared my real life market Friday experience in my blog and I just hope you’ll enjoy visiting it.
Here is the link of my Market Friday blog :
Thank you! Stay blessed 💝💖❤️
Thank you so much and I am glad you liked the post. I look forward to checking yours out later. I hope you are having a great day! Thank you for dropping the link here!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Nothing beats nature's beauty. These are so incredible. Thanks and l wish you a happy weekend dear @dswigle
Thanks, Sam! It is actually about the history of the battle on a Civil War Battlefield.
I hope all is well with you and you are having a great day!
#Marketfriday loves you!
Hi Denise! The winery tour, besides being scary, seems to be very interesting.
These are hard days for many people in the world. Let's hope for better times.
Here is my entry for this week's MarketFriday
Have a lovely weekend!
Hello, lovely woman! It wasn't really scary! :) Although it was sort of leaning that way, showing to learn from our past mistakes. It was a great history lesson. I wish I had seen something like that to learn the history of it when I was in school!
I agree! We need some better days for our world.
Thank you for dropping your link! Have a great weekend too! 💙
#MarketFriday loves you!
This looks like a total blast :)
I'd so be into something like this!
Great formatting, content and photos. As always 👏
You know it truly was @nickydee !! I got to go a couple of times! I loved it and they had different stories (different characters) on different nights. It really makes for a great time to go with friends!
I am glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I'd totally go twice! 😁
You talking to me??? What a cool GIF!
I'm talkin' ta you, yeah! :)
Oh - he's gorgeous. You win! Send him my number, please.
Be careful what you wish for! He loves to take advantage of nice people!
My post link
Thank you for dropping your post link. I hope you are having a wonderful week and that your weekend will be peaceful.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good morning! Thank you for the greeting!🤣 I hope you have a great day and thank you for dropping the link! I appreciate it.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hello @dswigle, my entry
Hello @umirais ! Thank you for dropping the link here! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are welcome @dswigle
That looks like a wide grape yard. Im not much of a wine drinker but experiences such as that one is amazing !
here is my entry
I understand what you are saying. I am not a huge wine drinker, but, a taste is nice. It is a nice piece of land that the grapes grow on and a beautiful place to spend time in.
Thank you for stopping by and reading and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you.
All I taste in wine is a bit bitter. I can't understand why wine drinkers says wine is sweet and aromatic. Maybe that comes in more practice and experience.right,
That was a beautiful experience though. A unique even
No. I agree. Some wine tastes bitter to me and that has a lot to do with how they make it and what grapes are used and their process. Some wine is sweet, while others take on different flavors with the fruits they use (in the barrel)
I don't know where you are, but, there are many nice wines everywhere in the world.
But, yes! There are some that are bitter and I won't drink! :)
My entry for this week's #MarketFriday sponsored by @dswigle
Thank you for dropping the link here. I hope your day is going well!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Whenever I get a chance I will surely share my experiences here with the #MarketFriday community
Thank you! I look forward to it! Have a great day!
I wish I had attended a tour like this. It's amazing and very exciting. Here is my entry from yesterday. Greetings! 🤗
Thank you. It was a very interesting tour. I had never been to one like that. Thank you for reading and for dropping your link here. I put that part in the guidelines so thank you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Awesome post 👍 I'd love 💕💕 to go there
Did you forget to drop your link? 😮 I thought I saw a post from you yesterday, but, apologies if I am wrong!
#MarketFriday loves you!
It was great- you would love it there!
yeppers I forgot, here it is
Tsk! LOL How many years have we been together? :) Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
flipflop-market-spaceMy #marketfriday post link
Thank you for dropping the link! Please take time to visit other #MarketFriday posts. I appreciate it.
#MarketFriday loves you.
@dswigle , my entry post this week ,greetings, happy day. Thank you very much,
Thank you for dropping the link here. Greetings and have a great weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I finally got around to getting a post done for this :)
Happy Market Friday ❤️
Woo hoo! You did it! Thank you so much for putting it together and dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I did it! 😁
Thank you for the prompt and the hard work and admin ❤️
Love #marketfriday
Thanks for the repost! @pixresteemer
#MarketFriday loves you!
So good that Congress authorize payment of the house that were destroy, those soldiers who lost their life's, should be remember.
They do remember the people in the military! They are insured and their spouses are supported if something should happen to them.
Thanks very much for appreciation
We need your support on ourvpost too
What do you mean?
Wanted to say we need your support on our post in the community
You should never ask for votes. It is against all that Hive stands for. I am pretty sure that @ksteem would be disappointed. I do try to support many communities, I promise you.
Sorry about that 😕
Was making a general comment not necessarily asking you to support me or anyone.
Oh my. That's SO cool. The combination of history and the sense of the energy and spirits of bygone people lingering there on the battlefield must have been so intense and lovely and creepy, all at the same time! I love how you captured the mood and the low lighting. The features of the woman in the purple dress and glasses are so intense and kind of haunting. I bet she was riveting, in whatever information she was delivering.
As always, you amaze me! Thank you for hosting this lovely weekly event. Here's my post — a day late, which is not unusual, but this time it is for unusual reasons! 😆
Apologies, missed that tag in previous post. Came to report
I was at Universal Studios Singapore entrance yesterday. They were also having their Halloween event. They used to just have it for one weekend. Seems they have decided it's worth to milk the cash cow.
That was a good twist and thrill in a wine tasting event when they add on a play of history. Goosebumps would surely be all over me if I was there, 'cause this is jus the kinds of play that I wanna see. That's wonderful.