A few weeks ago, I was pondering the memories I have attached to the sounds of Christmas. For me, it is all about people, places, and even things. But, it is the people that my mind is on. What are they doing? For some, that I have lost touch with, where are they? Are they happy? Do they reminisce about days gone by, when our paths crossed on a daily basis for a year or three? Do they? I wonder.
Do you have a friend like that? Once so close, even more than your own family at times? Then, for one reason or another, the ties are no longer, or perhaps they are lying dormant, waiting for life to be pumped back into them?
Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.
Angles we have heard on high. Reflections. Of life. This is such a good time of year for reflections. I am so glad that you stopped for a few minutes to read. Today is a most beautiful day, with a touch of sunshine and a little glitter too! And let's not forget that there is some shopping of sorts to do!
I have such sweet childhood memories, picking the Christmas tree from the hundreds that were in our woods. It was always a challenge to get eleven people to fall in love with the same tree, but, somehow, we managed, every single year. I can honestly say, we never went home without one.

Fast forward and I find myself buying a tree in a tree lot, precut from a tree farm and you select the one you want out of their trees displayed. Last year, the area had a problem with the spotted lanternfly that was detected for the first time in 2019. They were encouraging residents to buy Christmas trees from growers within the county we live in because the spotted lanternfly hasn’t been detected there. So, we will forgo that for this year and just buy it from the lot. How bad can that be? Besides the fact that bugs on my tree. Ewwww! We went to several places and finally settled on my favorite nursery, where I buy most of my flowers. In case you haven't guessed, we are going Christmas Tree shopping at Merrifield Garden Center, 8132 Lee Hwy, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
You can walk up and down the rows of trees to see which one will fit into your space. The prices are based on how tall they are. You can tell the price by the colored tag on them. This one is blue, so it is $88.00 and a Fraser Fir. It is really pretty, but, my ornaments are too heavy for it. It will make the branches weep. Never a pretty look. There are all different types of trees, the longest-lasting, best shaped, strongest, best smelling. I have been schooled in the last two years on how to select the perfect tree. I liked it better when I just pointed at one and said, "Okay! Let's cut this one down!" Next year. I promise. Bugs be darned. These are a few of the trees I saw there. I am sure that I didn't name every kind they had. This will give you an idea of the variety.Here are a few:
Scotch Pine Tree
Douglas Fir Tree
Colorado Blue Spruce Tree
Balsam Fir Tree
Noble Fir Tree
Fraser Fir Tree
Sometimes, even the very tall, expensive ones are not perfect, they are just tall. I was going to say not pretty, but I think pretty is very subjective. Some trees just need to be decorated to show off their true beauty.
It's fresh and smells heavenly! Why do pine trees smell the way they do? It has to do with what the trees are made up of, largely terpenes and terpenoids. From Google What exactly are terpenes? Terpenes are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants and some animals. They're responsible for the aromas, flavors, and even colors associated with various types of vegetation.
We picked a nine-foot Fraser Fir! As soon as I walked up to it, I knew it belonged to us. The price for a nine-foot tree was $135.00 and I think that is expensive, but, there are no bugs I need to worry about this year so that in itself is enough peace of mind. I will be glad when we can trudge through the woods and get out own next year. They put the tree through a machine that gave it the ability to put it on/in the vehicle, as it was all trussed up.
Rules of the Road
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
- Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
- Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
- Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.
Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤
The different types of trees continue in their courtyard, living trees, which would be nice and we have done that. A live Christmas tree that is potted with a rootball is something we loved to do, having it indoors for the holidays and planted outside after Christmas is over. Actually, waited for spring to plant, although, in a warmer climate, it would be fine.
I intend to enjoy the ambiance with a little birch. How can I resist, all tied up with a big red bow? As with a few companies, they only use fallen trees.
I seek gentle words that will indulge my soul, one that will lift my spirits with such a small effort. Flowers. As always, flowers. Flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower
I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year ~ Charles Dickens
And just like that, this post is done. I hope you had a good time and learned a little something new. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a most fabulous day! Cheers!!
All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.
It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Don't ever forget what an amazing world we live in, people. Some days, it is not so easy to see, how truly wonderful it really is. Always remember, kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.
#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

Pinmapple! [//]:# (!pinmapple 36.753486 lat -77.851038 long 8132 Lee Hwy, Falls Church, VA 22042 d3scr) d3scr)
Yes a fair weather friend is not much of a friend at all. Sadly I have had a few it seems. Life, I suppose, just gets in the way sometime. Generally it ends up with the OldGuy being dropped like a hot potato lol. Oh well, like so many things in life that come our way, we try to accept it and move along. Seems the older I get, the more often it happens.
Anyways, here is my late link...
Well, I have to believe you because it is your story, but, I find (for myself) that timing is everything. I don't have the same time as most people do, so it makes it harder for me to be available for friends, plus, I am not comfortable sitting in restaurants (or even chicken places! LOL) right yet.
Perhaps this is the new normal, as you say. I hope not. I miss the life I had, it feels like I had a funeral for it. (
Anyway... thanks for dropping the link! I appreciate it!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes Indeed I do have friends like that who have for some reason unknown to me falling to the way side, perhaps all the travelling I have done and living the other sid eof the world now is a big factor, but your starting thought sin this post made me think of one in particular a very good friend from my early days in the army, who I have lost contact with, we helped each other through some crazy escapades and tough times, you have inspired me to try and get in contact with him again and I will start on that quest as soon as I finish this comment
That shot of the angle has the song hark the herald angel sings in my head :)
and your beautiful tree shots makes me thing today I have to try and get our tree setup and decorated
here is my totally unchristmassy post for this week https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@tattoodjay/market-friday-nightmare-on-elm-street
It is so easy to do, mostly because of the movement in our lives. We move, they move and one of us moves yet again. It is so easy to lose track! I had a good friend who was at the Russian Embassy then came to Washington, DC again and we bumped into each other shopping. Bizarre with all the places here to shop! This was 20 years ago. We both moved on and after 13 years, I lost track of here and just started looking again. I hope you find your friend. These people had such a major impact on my life at the time.
I know! I have been humming "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" all morning. :)
Yay! A tree. I look forward to the post! Nightmare on Elm Street? Could it get any more Chrissmassy? LOL Thanks for stopping by and leaving your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
We are similar in that regards so many moves over the years
And most of my friends were in the same field so also moved a lot
I did get his email address from a mutual friend and zapped of an email
Will see if the grandkids are motivated to help me drag the tree and decorations up from the basement this afternoon Lulu doesn’t trust me to do it on my own at the moment I wonder why lol
I wouldn't trust you either! Instead of waiting to see if the grandchildren are motivated, take forward action and ask them if they'll help because you're injured. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and just because you don't want to look like you need help, you will probably avoid saying that. That is what family is for, to help each other. You might as well put it up there now and enjoy it for an extended period of time than wait until there's only a week left. I think it will be a boost for Lulu! Who doesn't love a little Christmas?
All very good points and will try and do just that
It would be nice to have it up
And that is awesome that you got his email and that you zipped one off. I bet he'll be surprised to get something from you. I know I've been recently surprised by people from the past showing up and then. I think that's great. Showing up as in emails.
Yeah let’s hope it’s still his email and I hear back
We only had a live tree a couple times growing up but they make a big difference. They look and smell better. More Christmassy.
I was finally able to use the marketfriday tag for a recent trip to the Christmas Markets in the Alsace France. Your post said to drop the link in your comment section, So I did! Hopefully I didn't misunderstand that though?
They do smell heavenly, don't they? It is like walking in a pine forest! Hmmmm! A scented pine candle does wonders. :) If you close your eyes.
Yay! They don't have to be typical markets. Mine hardly ever are. We have become creative since covid. :) You did do it right! I hope I explained it right, but, if there is a better way of explaining it, you can let me know. But, to be clear, you did it right. Thank you! How nice of you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Well remembered here in the run-up to Christmas. Friends! Care for them, a good thought for them! Like you, I often think of friends and others, people I knew and now no longer have a connection with. I can list several former Steem and Hive colleagues I no longer know about and regret that I can no longer communicate with them.
In our small family, we often consider friends even closer than relatives...
You went after the Christmas tree, interestingly I too visited yesterday for the first time the place where they are sold, I chose the model and I still have to go next days to buy it.
Yet another post in your unmistakable style, you take readers to heaven unlike me who can't tear myself away from the earth and the usual monotonous and ordinary life.
Everything Happens On Friday
I think it is the nostalgia that makes me think of the people that have passed through my life. I admit that I reach out to more people during this time of year, especially ones that meant so much to me.
Growing up, I had a huge family, and still, friends were always a part of the family, with the blood connection totally ignored. That is just the personality of my parents. I do understand what you mean by that. That is so funny that we both went to get trees. This last year, there was a very invasive bug that was out on the trees of pine. I am not sure if they were still finding them this year, but, I gave it another year of rest. Perhaps next year we will cut another from the woods.
Don't be silly regarding your posts. They are not even close to the word monotonous or ordinary. You live in a wonderful city, well noted for the beautiful parks, especially in the middle of the city. There is such elegant architecture, many built between the two World Wars. How many cities are called Little Paris? I find it an interesting city. I read something interesting about Bucharest having the fastest internet connection in Europe and Romanian is second, after English, the most spoken language in Microsoft. That, I didn't know. My point is, there is nothing ordinary about it or you. I can assure you, most of my life is ordinary and quite boring. It has moments, as does your. I like the balance. Too much of any good thing will stress even the most active person. I find extraordinary in a most ordinary day. I am a little weird that way. :)
Thank you for dropping your link, Dan! @bluemoon. I am going to do you first instead of last this week!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Once again so thoughtful of me, of course, you picked up on some weakness in me. Thank you very much! I won't mention from now on my sometimes whiny opinions about myself because they become hard for the reader to bear. On the other hand, by introducing such personal opinions I invite the reader to have a reaction and thus find out who is reading with interest and attention. You are the first and thank you! My readers can be counted on the fingers of one hand and that's only my fault because I know what needs to be done to attract more attention... and I don't. Insufficient time and fatigue intervene. I've seen that you reply to comments at 1.30 am, and I'm often awake then but I don't have the strength to do that anymore.
Thank you for the good opinion of the city, I have a kind of contentment when I hear it and I don't know why, because I have no contribution to the good parts of it, except a promotional one, as far as I know. It's true, we have great internet speed and very good IT people. I'm so sorry we missed this train. The year I graduated from high school, it turned into a computer science high school, in the 70s! Obviously back then I had no vision of the future and didn't know that the internet would follow.
It does me so much good to read your views, Denise. Thank you!
Here is my link for the #marketFriday @dswigle https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@tobywalter/market-friday-a-day-to-explore-through-different-market
Thank you for participating in the #MarketFriday challenge! I appreciate you taking the time to drop your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are welcome @dswigle
9 foot - that’s tallllll
If it was in my house, it would touch the ceiling
When Mum was around and we’d put up a tree, it was usually not real.
I think we had a real tree only once
Can’t wait to see pics of how you’ll decorate it with your heavy ornaments 😊
And I'm back with my MarketFriday
Oh, you are! Thank you so much for dropping the link! I had a picture of one of my trees above. You can sort of see it in the back. It shows off some of the ornaments.
Thank you @kaerpediem ❤️
#MarketFriday loves you!
Haha! Most years, we have to cut the tree a little because I choose one that is too tall. :) When it looks eight or nine feet, sometimes it is really ten. Ha!
But, the other trees are fine. Once you decorate them up, they look awesome! Not all the ornaments are heavy, we just tend to put more than one on a branch. You have to use them all up!
You know #MarketFriday loves you!
Are those your ornaments?
That's A. L.O.T. ;p
Looks ashamed... some of. I do have a lot. I collected them for years and my grandparents and parents gave me some of theirs from time to time.
I love unique ones. I really do love Christmas. :)
Then I see no other way but to hang on to them
They are too precious ;D
Wow ... Denise. You were curated!!!
Some gorgeous seasonal shots. We decorate our house the other night. So lovely to be in thick of the holiday. Been awhile since I had a real tree. We have a white one. I do have a lovely pine tree candle. It makes the house smell like I have a tree.
Thank you. It is truly the season of Joy, isn't it? Did you post any pictures? I do love decorating, of all kinds. Real trees are fun, but, they can be a hassle to get in and out. My grandmother had a white one! I always thought it was so exotic.
I used to use a pine cangle because it truly was like walking through a pine forest! Until they changed something in it and made is unbearable for one of the kids. Boooooo! Only the candle, not the tree.
Thanks for stopping by, Pryde!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think my son will probably post some tree shots in his blog. I'll tag you:)
I am very sensitive to artificial scents too; try essential oils.
Oh, yes! Tag me! I do use essential oils. Many are wonderful.
But, she is so sensitive to smells, not too often. Thank you!
Wow, it has honestly been over 20 years since I remember a real Christmas tree in my place. I could smell those ones in the photos though it sure brings back memories. All the decorations and waking up early for eggnog and presents, those were the days.
It's just me and the parents that Celebrate a quiet and quaint Christmas no real trees or any trees for that matter just a nice turkey dinner and each other's company. I use to miss the big celebrations we use to have with more of the family, but we don't really talk to many of the relatives over the last 15-20 years.
I have come to love and enjoy the little things and have also been pretty introverted for the past few years now. But nothing could beat the smell of fresh pine that was always a joy to wake up to. I haven't gone out in well over a year so I don't know if I will be able to have a post for this awesome initiative, but I really enjoyed reading this post and seeing all the pictures.
If I do happen to be in a marketplace in the next little while I will definitely take some pictures we have a local farmer market here but I believe it is shut down for the winter.
Well, you don't really need a tree to celebrate! I was living in temporary houseing (hotel) with kids one year and had a tree that we had gotten. We were in Germany at the time and our house ended up being a no show. Two days before Christmas, the hotel people came in and took our fire hazard away, then added insult to injury and put it up in their lobby!
Anyway, our Christmas was still nice, just a little different and they were young and remember it as a much better time than it was. LOL Time has a way of fading the less than great memories. Families are funny things, one minute you have 200 relatives and the next moment, people have grown differnt lives, especially as we move away after graduation or go to an out of state school.
It's always the little things in life for me! You will find that many people on here are introverted in real life. The internet allows them to become more, if you will. That is a great thing, in my opinion. People misunderstand #MarketFriday. We have gotten a lot more creative with nobody going out much. I have used museums, movies, internet sales, a manicure... anything you spend money on for an item or service. It's not that hard, but, it is a challenge! Thanks for the LUV!
#MarketFriday loves you!
(1/1) gave you LUV. | wallet | market | tools | connect | <><
Thanks for the LUV!
These are lovely Christmas trees
The season is here
This is my entry post for market Friday
Thank you so much for the words. Yes! The season of joy is upon us! Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yeah, I'm happy that you celebrate Christmas.
Therefore, we're on the same page.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/20)@dswigle! to your account on behalf of @ddn688.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
I still remember the beauty you brought to the #marketfriday seasons on the blockchain. Especially amid yuletide celebrations like these. As always, this is a fantastic one. In advance, I wish you and the whole #marketfriday family a Merry Christmas.
Thank you, Sam @mcsamm for the kind words. Christmas is so hard to not do well, isn't it? It is a blend of friends, family, and counting your blessings. I appreciate your visit and for dropping your link here!
Have a fabulous weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Beautiful shots! I just realized today that I was not following you. I don't really know how that is possible since we have interacted so many times over the years, but I quickly resolved it. I understand what you are saying about your friends and acquaintances. That's pretty much me with all of my friends right now. I think a lot of it for me has to do with the fact that my wife and I don't have kids and a lot of our friends do. We realize we need to take a step back and let them do the family thing for a while before we can get together again. We'd never expect to take precedence over their kids etc. It's a fine line to walk.
It is, but, don't make yourself a stranger. I can remember when my kids were smaller, I was good friends with couples who did not have kids. On the ones that were really close to me, I (sort of) created an aunt/uncle role for them and it was great for them and us. They still wanted to be part of our family and I wanted them. It is a hard place to be, but, there is room in there somewhere. I have to say that you are exceptionally cognizant of it, most people are not.
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words. It is always a pleasure to see you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Yes, we have some friends whose kids we have co-opted as niece and nephew. We go camping with them most of the summer. Have a great weekend.
I like the smell of real Christmas tree. In one of the previous workplace, we have one every year.
Most of the others I see are not real ones.
Anyway, my #marketfriday reporting for duty: https://hive.blog/hive-191668/@ace108/marketfriday-holy-crab-free-flow-of-liquid-joy-or-holy-crab-by-ace108
That is super cool! The one place with a real one probably had little storage, whereas the other one did and it is cheaper in the long run to have an artificial one.
Hi, Ace! @ace108 Good to see you today! Thanks for stopping in and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hey! I agree. There must be time to reflect. About myself and the people. Also about the time we live in.https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@maestroali/underwater-world-for-usd-20
Reflection is always great and most times needed to sort through things. The times we live in have been reflecting on heavily in my house. Thanks for stopping in and leaving your words!
I appreciate your participation!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Christmas are always filled with memories, raging from people to object.
And it's always to good season to celebrate with Family and hopefully close the loop holes work and activities as created over the years.
Also here is a link to my post
It really is, isn't it? Christmas always conjures up the best of times! It is a time for family and friends and setting work and activities aside. Thank you for taking the time to visit and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I also really like the smell of pine needles. it is indeed the essential oils that the tree releases into the environment. I love the essential oils of conifers: they are both air disinfection and help our head in its work 😀 I use them often during the daytime.
I think that is pretty cool too about the essential oils released by the trees. I actually used to use a pine cleaner to disinfect. (actually, it was my mother, I just used it at home )
I loved how clean it made the house smell.
Thanks so much for your information and for joining the challenge. I appreciate that you drop your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
artificial fragrances cannot be compared to natural fragrances. if you are not allergic to odors or asthma, then I would recommend that you buy an aroma diffuser and some good quality essential oils (citrus, pine). it's not expensive at all. and try to spray them at home for half an hour several times a day. mood and health will be much better !!! take care of yourself, my dear !!!!
Oh ma'am, I see you're getting ready for Christmas, it's always a joyful season.
The tree you finally bought is nice but expensive😑
I was wondering why bug disturb the other kinds if tree you mentioned.
I went to the market today, a very busy one. Here is my link below.
Despite the hot sun, our list was checked
The tree I bought is segregated at a tree farm. The bugs came from another State and were on some of the trees two years ago. I wanted to wait one more year before I tried to cut my own. Just a precaution. I don't need to bring invasive bugs into my yard.
The trees are overpriced for sure! Busy market days! Everyone's favorite! Not! :) Sorry it was so busy for you. Mine was too. Way too many people today! Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My link. 😇😍
Thank you, my friend!Oh!!! A Victorian Christmas Market? Have I told you lately I think I love you? Let's go to the Market!
Thanks for participating and for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My pleasure. I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can find something Victorian! 🙂
That time of the year is so close by and it has come around so fast what a beautiful time of the year it really is and I do wonder of some close friends I had where are they gone are they alright? Just hope they are and going to have another happy Christmas.
Here is my link @dswigle have a great week ahead.
Hasn't it gotten here so fast? I have to wonder where the rest of the year went to!I have reached out to a few and heard from two! I hadn't heard from them (or them, me) for over 5 years, one ten!
Get on it! :) Thanks always for stopping, putting together a post and dropping the link! Much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you ... because there is #alwaysaflower!
That is the problem we keep putting things of because we get so busy in life and by the time you know it they are lost in the woods sadly enough and no one calls each other anymore we sent a text message its not answered and that's the end of that for another few years 🤣
Hello market lovers :) I can't resist having my entry after finding market photos from years past so here's my participation :)
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Woo-hoo! This is great! I can't wait to see it. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words- and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thank you so much Denise, it's very welcoming here :)
I have friends I do remember during Christmas because there's something in this holiday that helps me to remember them.
The price seems expensive for me that Christmas tree. I think it's nice to grow them in the backyard instead. And oh, I remember we went to the forest to get a tree to serve as our Christmas tree. It's nice to get one in some days.
The sentiment is what I feel in your post but not a sad one though. It's about happiness old days. By the way sorry I forgot to put my link here. I posted mine, a late one.
I actually rarely have a sad sentiment, although I am sure I sound that way sometimes. It is hard to write in reflective tones without sounding sad. :)
We couldn't cut out tree down like normal. They were having a problem irradicating a bug that was in some of the trees, so I opted out of that and bought one that was cut for me and checked. We will cut one next year. I move frequently for work, so I am not anywhere long enough to grow a tree. :) No worries, I will run and upvote/repost your post right now.
No worries! I am glad you take the time to post!
I loved taking my kids Christmas Tree shopping/hunting/cutting. Loved it! I like to go back to the tree farm just to browse, since we've since moved toward an artificial tree. Preferably I can wait for it to get cold.
I love it! We have so much fun, hot chocolate, and tiny little marshmallows. This year, I got one that was precut. They had a problem with a bug hitchhiking in the trees (last year) and they were hoping there were not anymore and none would hatch - so I will wait til next year.
We cut some down on our property for a few years and that was super cool! Our tree! Our property! The kids were pretty excited. :))
It wasn't warm when we got the tree. Even yesterday was 22C In December. We keep getting warmer and warmer. Must I move to Canada to get my winter? Until Christmas or New Year. Have fun with it, Victor! @wwwiebe
I used to get live trees way back, at my mom's, but i don't see them much around, i guess it has to do with the prices being to high to import them, because we don't grow them here. But i still have hope to get one, now for my own home to get that amazing smell that we all love!
They have gotten expensive and they grow them right here! To be honest with you, artificial trees can be better in so many ways. They will last for years, don't need to be watered, and can hold heavier ornaments.
If you miss the smell, order or buy one of those pine-scented candles! They really bring the outdoors inside! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words! I appreciate it!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Thanks for the support @wesphilbin!
#MarketFriday loves you!
here in my country venezuela there are no natural pine trees, they sell plastic artifical trees in different colors, my favorites are lush green and large, its price is from 100$ depending on the size and quality, the best thing is that you can use it every year and just change the decoration, aumque with the situation of the country will be decorated with the same objects of last year, although this platform gives money there are other priorities.
I love those natural pine trees must smell like glory, hopefully one day I will get to know them.Hi @dswigle, love christmas and the trees.
I actually did not know that, but, it makes sense with the climate. Artificial trees are nice, also, as you can decorate them with heavier ornamentation and the branches don't droop.
It is convienant that you can use the same tree and not have to struggle to find one. I do like the natural pine, but, I can see the practicality of having an artificial one.
Thank you so much for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know you have your own profile map?
And every post has their own map too!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Thanks, @pinmapple!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Contemplating the memories of hearing the sound of Christmas, so happy,the time of the years is so fast and will be reunited with is contemplated what is contemplated. See photos of fir (cemara) trees that are hundreds of years old, I saw on television broadcasts , the fir trees are so big and tall. Thank you and happy.
This is one of the nicest of seasons, to be sure. Everything about it seems more cheerful, more peaceful than the other times of the year. People normally get together with family and friends. We will see how that goes this year with the new virus. Time will tell.
In the meantime, I will check out the cemara trees that are hundreds of years old. Thank you! Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
That's right, the same in Indonesia tightens travel because threre is a new virus, which comes to indonesia quarantined for 10 days. Sama-sama terimakasih.
Oh. This is fun. I'll see what I can do 😁
Awesome! I look forward to it! This should help!
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Take pictures! Be creative!
5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find itUse the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
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I love the poinsettias of the season.
Last year’s plant still lives! Albeit with only 2 red leaves remaining. But hey, I’ll take a healthy green plant over a dead red one!
How unusual! I am not sure where you live, but, the poinsettia flowers usually go away with the season of Joy. Here is what I could look up for you. If yours is still blooming, congratulations!
Do poinsettia come back every year?
Poinsettias can be kept year after year, and they will bloom each year if you give them proper care. When the leaves begin to yellow or when the plant is no longer desired as an ornamental, gradually withhold water. ... After all the leaves have fallen, store the plant, in its pot, in a cool (50 to 60°F), dry, dark area.
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Thanks for looking into that for me!
Yeah, I’m just happy it’s still alive. Seems cruel to starve and freeze my baby girl, lol. I’m happy she’s leafy still.
Haha! My pleasure!
Getting the right Christmas tree among so many offered is always a difficult call.
That is funny, but, true. Some of them are beautiful, but, too tall, too small, too skinny... you know. The old Cindarella glass slipper story.
All's well that ends well. We got one! Thanks for stopping by!
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Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Thanks for the beer!
What a beautiful market Friday @dswigle I love 🎅 Christmas tree 🎄 so much
Thank you. Yes. I love Christmas trees as well! There is something magical about them.
Or perhaps it is the season of joy. :)
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You are very correct the feeling is like no other @dswigle
Isnt that truth!
Smile 😊
Can't wait to start having Xmas 🎄 gifts 🎁 @dswigle
It's not about the gifts for me, although I do love buying them. It is a wonderful day with family and friends. Are you putting up a Christmas tree?
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Maybe if I have enough cash to get one @dswigle or maybe as a gift I wish,but I will love to have one if I can
I hope your wish comes true! That would be wonderful!
Hi friend, I love your natural pine.
you had a good shopping
I all follow this great commnity
Thank you so much. Looking for a tree is always fun, we all make a day of it. I am happy to hear you are following the community. This should make it easy so you will be able to join in!
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Take pictures! Be creative!
5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find itUse the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
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Christmas is a time of magic. All decorations are captivating. I will definitely take part in an interesting competition.
Excellent! I look forward to it! This should help!
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Take pictures! Be creative!
5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find itUse the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
I do love the magical aroma of the Christmas tree lots. I think they are possibly more fragrant than the tree farms, maybe because of all those cut trees. I love to go get our tree, whether it's a visit to a farm or even to those cute lots where all the workers are dressed in red plaid flannel shirts and cute red hats. With my kids grown up, that's about the best we can do since they all have crazy schedules!
I hope you ended up with a tree you love, @dswigle!
Oh, and here's a link to my Market Friday post for this week: https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@jayna/market-friday-christmas-shopping-in-a-favorite-antique-and-thrift-store
Happy Holidays!
Your making Christmas look so beautiful and spiritual love it and it's always the small things that matter love and care for each other is the way it should be 🙏
I have a @marketfriday for you this week and it was in your beautiful country 😊
Do you ever put more than one tree on display at your primary house, Denise? With all the lovely Christmas ornaments you have I could see you doing that, maybe have an artificial tree decked out by a window on the other side of the house.
I smiled at the part where you mention terpenes. Immediately turpentine and all the happy memories associated with it came to mind (oil painting and the crispy fragranced terpentine I love to smell to clean the paint brushes, as well as thoughts of the family together at campsites in the forests with the scent of pinetrees joining us at campfires)🌲🏕🔥
My late post from #teamnosleep is here: https://ecency.com/hive-119845/@ninahaskin/snow-and-candlestick-for-photochain
Enjoy the rest of your weekend! @dswigle
Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
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