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RE: The Silver Lining of Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago (edited)

Truly, I never thought I'd write anything about this especially with it being so controversial and I am anything but seeking that kind of personality. Because it is you, and, because I have always believed to be able to speak my mind with you, I give you this. It was probably a huge mistake on my part to even put anything in writing here however I did and I own it. But not in the way that you think. There is no hatred or anger in me, and, if there was this is the last place but I would post it all over, but I take that back, because if I get onto Facebook, that would be the last place that I would put it. There is a separation here as there is in your country but it is more with the people that have visibility than a nobody like me. I understand some things must be kept close otherwise many misunderstandings happen, but, this wasn't some war that was being fought and secrets let out. When the only thing that was being let out was misinformation that makes a person skeptical of any of the information. I am not talking about today but at the beginning where there was no truth because there really was no information. That is what I was talking about in speaking about the truth. It was pretty scary and a little bit horrifying to work in the health field and watch, wondering if it was going to be my time this day. Do you think I am an anti-vaxxer? Since the beginning of time, I have been there to make sure that people that are sick get the best Healthcare available. Since the beginning of time, I have dedicated more hours in my day to everybody but my family. Since the beginning of time, I have watched the world in horror as people are not allowed to say goodbye to their loved ones. All these things for necessary, but, that doesn't mean I have to like them. If that were my mother, I would want to see her but, it didn't justify the harm that it could do. I do realize that you and your wife were at all and believe me, I was sick about it. My sister-in-law also was highly infected and she still is not the same. That was a year ago. She did not get the vaccination, but, they had more to do with her autoimmune disease and nothing to do with her resistance to vaccination. However, my brother did not get it and they were together until of course, she got sick. They're still not sure why one would get it and then the other not, but, it was a terrible time and people in the family had to go and take care of her. My brother was incapable of managing it. I am sorry that your wife is having a hard time recovering. Life is so unfair sometimes. My prayers go out to you that you will not get sick again but if you do, may it be mild and swift in passing. As of three days ago, I know that a little bit over 56% of the country's population has been fully vaccinated. They're still learning about the immunity of covid-19. I think a lot of people who are infected with it develop an immune response within the first few weeks but they don't know how strong or how lasting that response will be. Only time will tell. People and get upset because the information is usually all on tan before they start vaccinating oh, but it must be understood that this was very different than what is normal. In actuality, the vaccinations are up 30% in one week, deaths are down 8% there is flu trending in Washington DC in Mississippi. Where I am living, only 61% have been vaccinated. These are the best numbers I can get and sometimes there are reporting lags between the states in the CDC. Our state of Vermont has the highest percentage of its population fully vaccinated, but even that is only 69.8% I have found that the highest number of vaccinations are in the New England states, which I regard as highly educated or with the most percentage of higher educated people. That of course is neither here nor there just something of note. I think that we need to work together to evaluate our cultures, practices, and services to identify the root causes of inequity. I think that everyone in the world deserves services that improve health outcomes for all, health equity if you will. I am not skeptical at all only because all you have to do is work one day in the hospital to not be skeptical. I have no animosity towards anybody that has been vaccinated. I have heard all the stories about COVID and its non-existence, calling it nothing more than the flu I can guarantee you that I know more people that have died from it. I can tell you that it is not pretty and I can tell you that anybody that has it or has it as you did would be very defensive about people spouting off about it. To this, I say oh, I cannot blame you, because anybody that has had it nose that is very real. I probably sound like a nut but I am still very worried about the world. We are so torn in two and I have never seen the likes of this in my own country. Even when it was the time of Vietnam and my country was at odds with each other, I do not think it was like this. This is a deep hatred for each side and even if I have a different opinion, there's no hate involved. For your own knowledge, I am vaccinated, and nobody had to tie me down or make me go. I apologize if I sounded like someone who wants to fight about it, the only thing I wish for is a peaceful resolution for my country in the world. I want to wipe this off the face of the Earth so that we may live again oh, I don't want my children to have the same life that I was fortunate enough to have. I want your granddaughter to grow up and live in a way to enjoy nature, smelling the flowers without fear of being without a mask. I'm not going to fight anybody for this oh, I'm hoping that people will want the same things and work together to figure it out. Right now, figuring it out means getting vaccinated, but, people are afraid of what is not known about the vaccinations. I can understand that part of it and I can also understand the part that without the vaccinations, we're going to be going round and round. So, I can see both sides of the circle, and frankly, it's exhausting. I agree that all those countries that are almost fully vaccinated have all but erased the numbers. The Delta variant spreads easier than the original and in order to get that herd immunity that they're working towards, 80% or more of the population needs to be vaccinated. Some people are relying on the information but if they've had covid they'll be more protected but that protection is variable depending on many different factors. So it's a crapshoot if you're taking your chances. Right now they're showing that probably close to 90% of people show a stable immunity or at least eight months after they've had the infection. They've been pretty consistent with that number so I have to believe that it's accurate. A positive result for you means that they've detected antibiotics and hopefully you have developed an immune response to it. You know that I wish you well and my hope is that the entire world will heal itself without coming to blows. Be well, Dan. Again, my prayers go out to your wife and your family. @bluemoon


Thank you Denise for your response. I knew in my heart of hearts that what I understood about what you were thinking on this issue could not be so. Of course, the theory of personal freedom sounds good but it may not apply. You, who have every reason to be patriotic and love your country, how do you think it would happen that the US would be attacked by who knows who and the population and military would be divided, some would say their rights are taken away if they are asked to defend their country. How about everyone does what they want? This world has been built differently so far and it has worked. I'm not a conservative and I want to believe I'm open to the new. However, I can't stand the sudden awakening of a free man's conscience in my fellow man who did nothing when he had to fight for freedom. It drives me crazy that they are like sheep, that Facebook has made them feel that they have discovered the purpose of life, freedom. Inoculated by others! I fear a movement like the Nazi movement that brought Hitler to power. This seemed unthinkable ten years ago, now it is very plausible. I say this observing the society where I live.

Forgive me! It is a subject that fills me with fear and anger. Precisely out of love and care for our children and grandchildren. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. What is set to happen will happen! The fact that I probably won't live to see it doesn't comfort me. I fear for Ilinca and what her life will be like.
She is so eager to see, to have, to know. She's so helpless, like all of us, of course!

Thank you, Denise, for not taking offense. I care so much about our friendship, the fact that we are so far apart and have many, many things in common. Without this friendship, I don't know what Hive would mean to me.

Believe me, living here has filled me with fear, something that is a little foreign to me. I take no offense, Dan. That is what open discussion is about. Even if we were on opposing sides of the coin, I would still want to talk about it.

I agree about the kids and those we will eventually leave behind. That is where my fears lay. Hopefully, we will be able to work together as a united world and bring it back to a place we all want to live in.

I don't think we are on opposite sides of the coin. I'm sure we want it to be right, even if we see it differently. As long as we are honest with ourselves I think we can be comfortable.

I don't think we are on opposite sides of the coin either. I think we just want the world to be right, as in we want a place that we can can comfortably live in. If we can't be honest with ourselves, who can we be honest with? It's been a long, long week here and I am hoping the upcoming week will be a little bit more forgiving. I am getting a little bit of liquid sunshine today and hopefully the sun will come out to play tomorrow. Have a peaceful Sunday evening, Dan.

Thank you, it was quiet. I wish next week will be kinder to you and we'll see more sunshine!