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RE: Market Friday Presents: A Tale of Tulips

in Market Friday2 years ago

I did find tulip heaven! $75 - I know that it does seem high, but, I have gotten my money back in flowers alone before the first week is 3/4 over - and you cannot put a price on the joy some of those older people get from an unexpected bouquet.

Such a small thing that makes such a difference in their week. Somebody cares enough to send flowers. Hello! Hello! I hope you are having a great day already!

#MarketFriday loves you!


True that ! I'm totally not shocked by the price as it represents the works of all the people invested in the festival, plus as you said :

...and you cannot put a price on the joy some of those older people get from an unexpected bouquet.

This is indeed really priceless ! No number or definition of financial value can compete with that, and it's the beauty of the thing 🌺 🌱 !

I'm doing good, thank you ! How could it be different as it's my birthday today haha :)
Have an enjoyable and pleasant weekend dear @dswigle !