Thank you so much, Dan @bluemoon I think you are right, it is ignorance on their part to think that living is so cheap where they live. Food is not cheap unless you grow your own. There are no huge farms on these islands, there is no room anyway.
Tourism is the main source of employment and income in Antigua and Barbuda. The other source is government services. I think it is tough when you are dependent on a service-based income, especially during covid. If there are no people to service, there is no income. I believe some people believe they are doing people a favor by buying their wares, but, when they try to score a buy with a low value attached to it, I am insulted for them. That could be me or my mother trying to sell something to earn a living. How would I feel? Probably hurt, and maybe a little insulted that they value my work so little and worse, making me believe that is all it is worth.
Wherever I have gone, I only see hard-working people making the best they can with what little they have. Are there some out there that take advantage? I am sure, but, I would rather err on the side of pure-hearted than make a mistake.
I have always loved children too! They have no hidden agenda, their hearts are pure. They have not learned how to be deceptive yet. Hopefully, they never will. I always wonder what they are thinking! My hair is very different from her mother's, who most likely had gloriously dark waves of hair, long and beautiful. That is the majority of what I see in the people. I have no reason to think she is different judging by the daughter. I am not the first blonde person she has ever seen, but, she was sitting next to me on the bench, waiting for the local bus. It was sort of funny because she was petting me like a cat! LOL The father asked if I could take their picture, which delighted me to no end. I asked if he wanted me to take a picture for him and he decline, so it was an honor to walk away with two pictures of them. I do wonder what the future holds for this generation. Good things, I can only hope;
Nostalgia is not a bad thing. It gives me a feeling of warmth. allowing me to remember things that I enjoyed from a different time. Thank you so much, Dan! I hope you and Magda are well!
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