I do too!!! I never go there, unless by force. Or I need a quick #MarketFriday picture. We don't have big visiting plans this year with any of the outside relatives. Most of them have had Covid, so they can keep their little infected selves away from me. :) Kidding, but, truth! Most of them have had one of the variants and several had wicked Covid-19!
Yikes, right?
We have been clear so we like to keep it that way. Sounds like they take zero precautions. To be fair, I am talking about more than 30 of my close relations. The vintage ones are pretty cool. I got most of them in Michigan at different St. Vinnies (St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shops) They have the best stuff. I put them in a frame and use a small easel to hold them, putting them on a table for the holiday. I have seen travel ones, but that was probably 15 years ago the last time I looked.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Since my wife and I work in the school district we got vaccinated pretty quickly. We are actually the only ones on her side of the family that haven't gotten it I think. Luckily no one had it too bad. I think we are doing a small brunch for Easter, but I have picked up a cold from somewhere, so hopefully it clears up before then.
Health Care/Government /High-End Personal Assistant. We had to get taken care of. We are having friends over from local, but, our family usually flies in, but not this year. One more case of Covid last week.
Le sigh.
I hope you feel better soon!