Haha! Fair question! I update all year long in a document, so it is not that difficult a task to put it all together. I have each person's name and things that are major that are in their life and write a little something about it at the time. When you do it all year long, it only takes minutes. Planning the event is easy. It is always at my house because mine will accommodate everyone or most everyone. Some bring an RV and that makes more room. Most time will take it out to the Shore House which accommodates more and has more land. (and beach, even if it is in the winter)
I like to sleep, but, never seem to need very much and am usually pretty well-rested. I like doing these things little at a time, so spend more time doing it, but, spread over the year, it makes it doable. No superpowers needed, Just uber-organized. (ha! that is what I keep telling myself anyway) We have been fortunate here to be able to continue working and most of the kids that live home (or moved back during lockdown) telecommute, even now, we know we have been lucky. I hope you are able to get back to work without a problem and settle those financials that is plaguing the world right now. I apologize, but, where are you that your border is still closed and where will you be going back to?
I so wish I were that organised and well rested...
I'm sure that you guys have a incredible xmas, just the way that you described it then, I could see it in my minds eye almost as if I was there....
All of our national borders are closed to each and have been again since August 5th and we can't travel more than (as of yesterday..) 10kms outside our residential zone, before yesterday it has been 5km radius.
So like last year, there is zero reason a persona can travel across the borders and if you abslutely have to you must apply for a permit- and 99% of them get declined.
My home town is only an hour north of the NSW/Vic border- so a 9hour distance to travel north and it is only a small place- 4500 people and nowhere near Sydney- about 7hours south of Sydney infact, but they also went into hard lockdown when Sydney did, even though they have zero cases there the entire time. their premier has done a really BAD job of handling this wave of Covid...
That's the absurd part about it, all of NSW went into lockdown when it was only Sydney that is getting the 1000+ cases a day (there were a couple of other larger regional towns that had a small handful of cases too, but they were all up around Sydney anyway...
This is here I grew up. Stunning area...lol...
This is the area that the massive bushfires went through in 2019/2020 surrounded my home town, burnt down my school friends houses (and everyone elses..) in Cobargo and I got out and back to Melbourne about 2 days before the fires hit the areaFamous markets there too...Interesting...no vids on the markets there....hmmmm, well there you go- a future post from me- when I can get up there...lol...https://www.escapetomerimbula.com.au/event-details/candelo-markets-8