I love the Air and Space Museums. This is the one in Nebraska, yes?
Oh, the days of MAC, SAC, and TAC are deemed inactive and renamed. I am glad they didn't reflect that in the museums. In 1992 SAC was decommissioned and, in its place, the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) was created.
I was surprised that the museum had no prices. That is a huge disappointment as I feel the same as you about it if I have to ask... For one or two items, I might ask someone working there, but for the whole museum, I won't do it. The ball caps are always a hot item, but that is perhaps because I see so many active duty/retirees wearing them in the DC area, Ditto with the mugs. I used to have a thing for mugs and shot glasses, small reminders of the places I have been or things I have done. I like all the old patches displayed. Different squadron patches and command patches. Even within the military ranks, they were collectible. This is a pretty nice museum with so many interactive stations and from what I hear, some of the best tour guides - and a really nice children's area., I also really like the minime version of the shuttle flight suit.
I have a question about the B-25 that took off from the carrier. You said they didn't have enough fuel, so they were one-way missions... Were they suicide missions like the Kamakazi pilots? I didn't know if that is true. :(
Your post was a fun one for me to read! Thank you for taking us along. I hope you had a great time and which is your favorite exhibit? The Blackbird?
#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.
Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday
Yes this one is located in Ashland, NE just off of Interstate 80. I'm liking you know my language 😁 Here I'll leave you the new USSTRATCOMM building built in 2019.

I see every morning driving into work :)
The Dolittle Raiders Mission with the B-25 were to launch and bomb and try to land somewhere in China. Let's say probably all had rough landings and had to bail out of there aircraft. There was not enough fuel to bomb and return to the aircraft carrier. I think all but 1 of the 16 aircraft were destroyed. Quite a few survived and rejoined American forces. There were a group that were captured by Japanese forces. There's many movies on this raid but the most recent is Pearl Harbor (2001). If you like Ben Affleck he's plays Lt Cole which was Lt Col Dolittle's co-pilot. Interesting fact about 8-9 years ago(maybe longer, guessing lol) I met the last four living Dolittle raiders. Sadly the last one was put to rest a few years ago. I'll leave you with this account of one of the co-pilots (taken at museum)

Oh yes, the Black Bird was my favorite of all. Just something super fast and stealthy looking. I did write an article exclusively about the museum itself. Of course there's really too much to tell everything. Here's the link in case you want to see more: https://ecency.com/hive-194913/@coolmidwestguy/strategic-air-command-and-aerospace-museum
Thank you so much for your appreciation and detailed comment. Until next time :)