I know, right?? Who can resist a free frozen Margarita? Not me!! Hehe~ You know me so well, lounging in that all-cotton t-shirt just waiting for its turn to become part of the night crew.
I have taken far fewer photos than normal, skipping it for days at a time unless it was a cheeky shot of one of my brothers. :) It is always so interesting to see the different nationalities presented when going through the Caribbean Some of the islands were rather dramatically changed by some countries time and time again You can see it in the different aspects of their cultures. It makes for unique cultures, but there is always a piece of their African culture showing, for which I am glad it was saved.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your always interesting points of view!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Cheeky shots of brothers not always shareable, sounds like a great time is being had by all.
Tribal culture from each place landed will always shine through somehow, history displays itself in different traditions remembered from old. Each region in our tribal lands reflects very varied culture in lifestyle living.
Enjoy your day, enjoy your week and keep smiling!