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RE: Buy me a Lighthouse with Market Friday

in Market Friday2 years ago

Oh!! I never thought of a train station, but, think about the possibilities!! I am still hung up on the church and I did find one downtown DC, but, with so many things against it, I let it pass. That was a few years back and real estate crawled back up. I still dream of a church that would work, but, then I dream about going to Hell for being sacrilegious. LOL

Perhaps a warehouse. Super cool space!

It is Saturday and I should get doing the markets! Have a great day!



Yes, some buildings have so many amazing possibilities. Like a warehouse… it would give me one open space to live and have my art studio… oh I can picture it already hahaha 🤣

In downtown DC… I can imagine why you didn’t go for it. It can be… busy. I don’t think it will be sacrilegious, when you treat it well and tread carefully I think it would be ok.

The time today went so fast. It’s past midnight here, we went out for a long drive to visit some awesome sights. All covered in so much snow… it was epic. Will have to share soon ☃️⛄️
Hope you had fun catching up with the posts. I’m behind a little and soon I go to sleep.
Have a wonderful evening Denise and good night for later 👋🏻😴😊

Goodnight, Jackie! See you tomorrow! :)

Thanks Denise, see you tomorrow 👋🏻😴