Oh, your lunch was delightful! I am still yet to go out to the restaurants, however, ours were closed forever and I'm just not too excited to do it yet. Feels wrong to sit there with a mask on, and then take it off to eat. But, I do miss it and have a glass of wine to bask in the loveliness!
I love your arboretum! I was so jealous of the tulips as ours are long gone! All those pops of pretty are magnificent! I wish I could get the same effect at home, but, then, they pull theirs up every year to make room for the new color. Maybe if I had a gardener! I like their building. The one with the stone. Very cool the way the entire thing is set up. Although there were some that weren't bloomed, that only means future visits as long as you have that pass! It is like a freebie. :)) How lucky to get in on the presales! Woot! Woot! You get the largest selection at that time. What did you get for the butterflies? I am happy that you are finally joining the Spring Fever. I love your post. ❤️ No surprise, right?
I am so happy to see you posting in the #MarketFriday tag. It has been a constant challenge I am sure to come up with new material with so many businesses closed down and the fact that many people do not want to go into some of the crowded stores and Markets. In these times when COVID has made it challenging to put together a post, or even search out different locations, I can say with an optimistic attitude that #MarketFriday has survived the pandemic, thanks to all of you. Without your dedication to stretch what we call a market has been done successfully. Thank you! All of you! In doing so, we have discovered that we have added new dimension to the tag. As many have been staying closer to home, I have also discovered more and more about each of you and that has been pretty nice. I have to admit, with the platform broken into different communities and tags, we get to see the same people, more or less that join every week, so we get to know each other a little bit. The challenge points out our differences, but, then, it also shows many things our cultures share. When the day is done, it shows off how human we all are and how we basically all care about our families and others. We embrace each other as humans.
I love the experience of it all. I appreciate the love and support given to #MarketFriday! Thank you! Truly! Your participation adds a piece of your world, and I have to say, people are interested in is seeing it. This entire challenge has opened up the world to me and so many others. Thank you again for being a part of all this! I am so happy to see you here! I hope you have a fabulous day! Hive on!!
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
How to Participate:
Go to the market! Any market will do! Food, clothing, plant, or animal, if you wish. You can go to the zoo, an art auction, and restaurants. Anywhere or anything that you pay money for any kind of service.
Take pictures! Be creative! It’s fun!
Tell us a little bit about the market, what brought you here?
Post the picture.(s)
Don’t forget to use the MarketFriday Community #196308 to post from or hashtag it! #MarketFriday by @dswigle If you hashtag it, drop the link to your post here so I can easily find them.
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you! ❤️
Upped and reposted
Thank you for the lovely comment, @dswigle. Yes, I'm so glad also that #MarketFriday survived the pandemic. There were many months when I was not going to stores at all, unless it was absolutely necessary, so it does seem like a true success story. And it's good to be back.
The native plants I got for the butterflies are Rudbeckia (yellow sweet coneflower), purple Liatris Ligulistylis, and orange Asclepias Tuberosa. I already have purple coneflower, so it will be fun to see them all in bloom this summer. Last summer I had the most gorgeous butterflies! This year I may have to charge admission, ha ha. Hugs!
Haha! That sounds perfect! I would happily pay for that! Thanks again for your amazing submission. ❤️