The posts that you speak of are getting less and less as people learn, I accept that. What I was hoping to encourage was all in the community try to extend themselves and support each other also. Like you do! You peruse through the posts and upvote a few and leave a few encouraging words. It is such a small thing to ask, I thought.
Some people do that already and I know it...but, many do not. I will take your advice on the vote though after a bit.
Woo-hoo! #MarketFriday with the @old-guy-photos! Yay! I hope you are having a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
A "great day" might be a bit of a stretch, but I would certainly rate it at least not too shabby 😄
Well, I think that I would count that as a bonus. Plus, well, a holiday on Monday! Very bonus.