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RE: Market Friday: Wading the Salt Marshes of Chincoteague Island

in Market Friday3 years ago

Oh, I left my rings and things at home, so you won't be getting mine! It's all about the ponies, @old-guy-photos, there are times that money just doesn't rule! This is one of those times.

$72.00 is for the site. The crabs and campfire are on you. But, being you can go crabbing right here, it's pretty cool. Crabs are king here! Sorry, but, that is sort of like free, isn't it?

Thanks so much for taking the time to make a post, drop the link, and support the tag!

#MarketFriday loves you!


Yes it is the sticker shock that keeps me at home. What they charge for things these days is completely criminal. Staying at home is all I can afford, and that even just barely!