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RE: Market Friday 's Countdown to Christmas! One Hundred Days and Counting!

in Market Friday4 years ago

Good luck in School! Happy Halloween! Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! May you rest in Peace.

It's only 99 days away now! :) One can never be too early or Make people aware of it. I know that you will want to seek out the most perfect gift or make the perfect gift for those sweet kids of yours. You know those kinds of gifts take time and thought. And ingenuity. I have none of that! Maybe I will piece together a quilt for one or two of them. I have some quilts partially done that I work on, you know, in my spare time. Eyeroll

Anyway, I just thought you might want to know that it is okay to push it up to the top of your list. :) And let's get cracking! Christmas will be here right after Halloween! Oh, Halloween! Am I going to get a sneak preview of what is going on at the Weibe house?

Hey, you!! Thanks for dropping by today!

#MarketFriday loves you!