Seasons End: Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

Winter was nonexistent and spring refused to move forward, clinging to the cooler temperatures that we endured in March when spring had already started. We have already established that the world had gone quite mad this spring, some hanging tight to their winters while some of us wondered what happened to theirs.

But now, we are all in the heat of summer, while the Southern Hemisphere is enjoying all the seasons that are opposite to ours. Africa, South America, and Asia are in both hemispheres, so one part of the country is summer while the other is, you guessed it ...winter. But the good part of that is when your winter comes, they will have summer, secretly glad they live there.


And just for a moment or three, I can look upon the beauty of the summer that has been in residence since June 21st. I have to admit that it is flying by, don't you think? I can still remember when I was growing up, thinking how excruciatingly slow it was for a year to pass. The number I was looking for was ten, then thirteen, sixteen, and then eighteen. I'm pretty sure I thought I was all grown up and technically I was, but I lacked the maturity and experience, except I didn't realize it. What age were you when you thought you had reached the magic age?


Life was good, and we knew it, but, most of us looked forward to being grown up and leaving that all behind. Well, maybe take a little bit with us. Butterfly nets and fireflies. Cutting shapes out of paper, scissors, and glue. That actually trained us for quilting and sewing... so I traded one childhood in for a second one.

Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @dswigle (Denise, that's me!!) Join me as we share our markets across the globe. I always look forward to seeing what you send me! It is amazing to see the different markets and cultures of our friends here on Hive.


The Lavender Farm has a little cottage that has all things lavender with a couple of bonus items. It is a cool little reprieve, especially if you were out working in the fields. It was hot, hot, hot outside. More to the point, it was humid. It was close to the last day of the fields being open, I needed to buy a few things before I had a hard time locating them. Some of the things were seasonal. I could actually get some of the items online, but, I have found a huge difference from vendor to vendor, so I decided to go with someone I knew and trusted.


The store is simple, nothing fancy about it. Their prices were fair, so that was a win. Organic, better... If I needed it and they didn't have it, they would make more or order some. Could they be any more accommodating? Do you find that small shops, especially the mom-and-pop or family businesses seem to have the nicest people in them?


I think her husband made the shirt for her. He lets her be the boss. The freezer to the left of her has lavender ice cream in it. Yes, I brought some home. Smaller than the tiniest Ben and Jerry's ice cream, maybe one or two ounces... Tiny! $6.95 It was overpriced, but we wanted to taste it before I attempted making it from their recipe. It was good! That gave us the green light!If mine comes out good, I will pass the recipe on to you!


They make essential oil which I will be buying some of tomorrow. It is the last weekend before they close the fields. I didn't know this last year, but, the shop stays open until December possibly January, and after that, appointments can be made to shop. They also have an online shop.

Online Lavender Shop here


The French Lavender essential oil was absolutely heavenly. Not too potent, but, rather soft and lovely. I found that some of the oils can be a little strong, which, for me, takes away some of the gentle feeling it provokes.



High-quality and all-natural handmade bar soap.
Ingredients: coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, and lavender essential oil. $6.95

Size: 3.5" x 2 1/4”


On the top shelf, a premixed sack of lavender cookies was all made up. They were pretty easy to make, but, they seemed on the pricier side to me. Still, they make a cute gift, if it sounds affordable to you. I had never heard of the lavender coffee... tea, yes. But coffee? Have you ever heard of lavender coffee? I was afraid to look at how much it was.


It was everything lavender this day. Lotion, essential oil, lip balm. On the same table, but, out of sight in the picture were little mini sachets full of crushed lavender seeds. They were in organza bags with ribbon ties to hold them closed, The scent was lovely, but if it faded, a little squeeze and a puff of lavender air came your way. It was an inexpensive little extravagance at $1.95!


Tea towels dressed all up in a lavender pattern. At $12.95 a perfect gift for someone who will be getting some lavender products.

Center Crest.png

Please leave the link to your post here so it can easily be found by others. It helps you and me to have them in one place. Where else can you take such a quick trip around the globe? Thank you so much for joining us!! ❤


Lavender Monkey Tea: Certified organic loose tea and our culinary lavender which is raised with organic practices. ... dried coconut, natural flavor, calendula flowers, and lavender. I read this right off the back of the package. Right from the horse's mouth, so to speak!


And just like that, this post is done. Seems we have covered most of the store, but, don't you worry. What you can't see/find here, you can find at the online store, which is open all year round. As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit, and just remember, #MarketFriday loves you! Thank you for supporting the challenge! Have a fabulous day! Cheers!!


Always and always, there must be flowers to color my world. #alwaysaflower. For me, for you. Flowers, always. Pretty in pink: Dianthus. It reminds me of carnations, doesn't it?


Seven Oaks Lavender Farm
Address: 8769 Old Dumfries Rd, Catlett, Virginia 20119
Hours: 9 am - 4 pm weekdays and 9 am - 5 pm weekends
Phone: (540) 272-7839

Online Lavender Shop here

signal-2023-07-13-21-49-43-102 (2).jpg

Thank you for taking a wander through the fields of lavender with me. This weekend, they will have a tea party and close for the season. It has been a pleasure taking you along with me. Have a wonderful weekend. You will find me walking the fields, one more time.





Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

1.Go to any type of market, or anywhere where you pay money for a service. It can be a museum, a movie theatre, or an auction. Be creative!
2.Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost? We like to compare prices, otherwise, it is just pictures of a market!
3.Post the pictures! No out-of-focus ones, please! Tell a little bit about the pictures that you post. Having many pictures to scroll through does not make a better post without explanation.
4.Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) If you don't, then #MarketFriday should be your first tag
5.Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
6 You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.
7.#MarketFriday post should be submitted sometime on Friday UTC
8.The post MUST be in English
9.Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!

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Wonderful lavenders! Wanna have some lavender soaps.

Hi, my link to my late post.

Thank you, my friend! I hope you find those lavender soaps~ Is lavender popular in Thailand?

Thank you for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

That´s one amazing Lavender Market Friday Post! :) Wishing you a happy weekend and many great submissions to your legendary Market Friday initiative!

@tipu curate 3

Thank you! For so many things! Oh, wow! That is so generous of you! I appreciate it, and Joan beat you by so few blinks of my eye. But, you know what? It is the thought that counts, so truly thank you.

Thank you for the wishes and I want to say thank you for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Wow! I didn´t even notice, sorry about that :/ Joan was really fast... I will be faster next time! :)

Dont be! It was a nice thought and i really appreciate it. She is fast!! I have to cut in front of her so I can run faster to beat her.


We are also slowing losing the individually operated business.
Luckily we still have food centres here with individual running but food courts stalls tend to have business running them.

Isn't that so sad, Ace? @ace108 I just really feel sad that so many are losing their businesses, some even the family business. The food courts are holding their own, but, as you say, they are operated by a business.

I fear that it will all get worse with time.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Much like how the book stores got Amazon'ed and Amazon Amazon'ed itself till books aren't even their main business anymore

Magic Age, Hmmm I guess for me that would have been when I could sit down and say OK i am grown up now, so I haven't reached it yet LOL
but I must be getting close as I do find myself acting sensible more often these days than I ever did

So many options for how they market lavender

Funny think is since your last Lavender post I have noticed lavender in many places I have bene recently your post must have opened my eyes

here is my post for this week

Hehe! I was pretty sure you never grew up. How is it that according to most people, none have grown up? That doesn't say much about our world does it? Who is running it anyway? 🤣

I am glad you still are running down that road, although I have seen some sensible decisions on not going out for a walk early in the morning... well done! LOL

Oh, they really use everything they got to see the lavender! It is really lovely and I do like it, something I wouldn't have suspected a few years back. It could be psychological, but, I do feel quite relaxed with it in the air. It is definitely a win. Funny how we seem to see more once it is introduced to our brain.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

A good point maybe to many like me not wanting to grow up and were letting fools run the world,
Yeah I have admit admit I am acknowledging that I am not young anymore and being sensible more often :)

Haha! That does ring true, doesn't it? All these sensible decisions are starting to scare me.

Cut it out! 🤣

LOL well Lulu is partly to blame LOL

Age of feeling all grown up, still looking for it!

Lovely little store, one can look consider and not buy at all if too pricey. Enjoy trying the ice cream recipe at home, something my Mom made was a great bowl in summer months when we were young.

Carnations a hit every time I see them small or large buds one of my favourites!

@tipu curate

Thank you so much, Joan! @joanstewart

I make ice cream, but, I have never made lavender ice cream. I did buy some from the store, a little, hardly worth buying it was so small! I will use some of the lavender I picked for it. It should be fun.

Haha! Everyone is saying that! They have never grown up yet. I truly get it. It is the same as, who really feels their age? Until you do...

Carnations are gorgeous! They are one of my favorites!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Always nice to try your own experimenting with something new. Perhaps being summer, ice cream cake decorated with lavender....

You feel it yup when bones talk back along with other paraphernalia 🙃 these trivialities we manage most days.

Not there yet, but someday I will be is what I meant. My mom always said it creeps up on you until one day, you realize that you are there. I know you are right about managing it most days,

It just becomes part of you and not much attention is paid to it.

Creeps up is a great phrase, slowly notice that reflection is not what it used to be, sprightly step, not so much....

Was sitting imagining the smell of carnations with that peppery aroma how very much I enjoyed them, my Dad grew them and Sweet Peas every year inland.

Sweet peas! My dad grew them on a fence and I always remember the perfume of them as one would lay on the hammock, pretending we lived the good life. LOL

Slow creep, barely noticeable. The other thing my dad must plant was rhubarb. I always thought it was a funny must-have item, but, he loved his rhubarb jelly and pie. Sometimes he would add strawberries to the mix!

Our neighbour grew rhubarb, as children we jumped the wall, ate it with the sugar bowl on the back lawn, knowing if we were caught trouble would follow !LOLZ (was called a hiding back then).

Sweet memories being raised from childhood once again, coastal does not really support the plants we discussing, many others but not those!

What age were you when you thought you had reached the magic age?>

for me it was 21 when i was no longer living with my parents , i finally had the feeling of control and freedom.

i do like the red white and blue flag are they Dutch related ?

enjoy your weekend Denise .

I have tried to look it up but they bought the farm in 2002, and their name isn't Dutch. I am guessing it might be one of those welcome flags that has different variations of red, white and blue. You got me though because it is the Dutch flag...

I will probably ask when I go next time.

Enjoy your weekend too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Hey there Denise, I'm glad you continue the lavender adventures and you reminded me my love for lavender ice cream, for sure, this was expensive but I think I would have tried it also ^^ and I was also happily surprised to see the "French" variety !

Thank you for letting us walk by your side among those fields and shop :)

Ah, and here's my link even if you already visited

It is mostly French Lavender with a sprinkling of the English as they bloom earlier so they can open a little earlier.

They do have samples almost every day, I know it helps with sales this way. I didn't think they were doing well enough, but, going there quite a few times this season, I think they do good business, but, by the same token, they could do better. Isn't it always easy to judge from this side of the lavender? :

I guess I see more potential to be bigger. But perhaps they don't want it bigger, just keeping it a smaller farm. Maybe more manageable?

Thank you for dropping your link. It sometimes drives more people to the post as some go down my post looking for places to check out.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Yes, I imagine it must work well, especially in the summer... Incidentally, I wonder how they do it in winter ? Do they grow other plants ?

Well, maybe they want to keep the same size and the same "cruising speed"...

You're welcome, thank you again for everything, I wish you a good new week ahead 😘


Oh how wonderful to find out the shop stays open longer… that’s great.
Yes please for the recipe of the ice cream 🍨 it must be delicious hehehe 🤭

You know, I thought I was all grown up very early. Probably around 14… I moved out of my parents place to live on my own at 16 years. Threw myself in the deep end 😎
I still never regretted it.

I love the small shops… they have always such nice service and attention to the customers we don’t see in the chains. If I can I go to the little shops. Always…

This shop has such lovely products. Good to hear the oils/ scents are not to strong. I don’t like it either when they are too strong. It is too overpowering. Soft and gentle is perfectly fine 🥰

I managed to write a post… couldn’t post with ecency though… since yesterday I have problems seeing photos or even uploading them in a draft.

I take you today on a boat cruise over the river Dee in Chester where we went for the city break earlier this week… just the two of us 😁⛴️
Hope you enjoy the views.

”JOIN ME ON A BOAT CRUISE on THE JACKIE” over the RIVER DEE in CHESTER the UK 🇬🇧 ~ MarketFriday

Have a wonderful Friday Denise 👋🏻😊 soon it’s weekend 🎉🎉

I am just reading yours now. :) Early for a change. I do love those small shops and always use them when possible. I am going to ask for the recipe for the ice cream. They are really nice and I am sure they will share, They have everything else. I know you moved out when you were 16 and that is pretty gutsy of you. My father might have disowned me. No, I think he definitely might have. :)

I have come across strong perfumes on products and I have to admit, way too much. It is like the perfume of a peony. I love the scent and the flower, but, they are too overpowering for my family to have in the house. I understand and it is one of two flowers that are too strong to invite in.

Peionies and Hyacynths.

They permeate the entire front of my house - the perfume doesn't But, still, I love them. :)

I am running back to finish reading the story, just the two of you! How did that feel? Thanks for stopping and leaving your words and dropping the link.

@MarketFriday loves you!


Does give you more you time later in the day… (I hope 😁)
That’s awesome Denise, let’s hope they do. It could be a family secret though 🤓

Mine didn’t really care… but that’s another story that probably never will be told.

I like the soft smells of woody scents. They are mostly subtle.
To strong can cause headaches for sure. At least for me.

It will be such a pretty sight at the front of the house.

It was great after hopping around between family members from hubby and friends.
It was such a chore for him those 6 weeks. So this was a welcome break. Just us… We loved it as we did miss each other. 🤗
Chester was definitely an inviting city with so much to see. Will share much more from it soon.
It even had a Roman theatre… so cool and city walls high up… one could walk along over the top.

You are welcome, anytime I can 😎
Have a lovely Friday Denise 👋🏻🌺🥰

Well, if it is, she has okayed giving it to me! Yay! So, I will go down to the Lavender Farm probably tomorrow as I need to keep at the #MarketFriday while I am moving along and not working today or doing anything right now. Yay!

That is exactly what it does. The headaches! So, I don't want to kill off my lovely family, so I don't bring them in and just love them from afar. For years, I didn't know it gave them headaches and I brought them in and put them all over the house! Then one told me! I felt so bad!!! But, now, no longer. But, I am okay with that. I can only imagine hopping back and for between all the members of the family. There are nine kids in my family plus my parents. Going home used to be exhausting! Loved it, but, exhausting. Everyone wants their piece of you. God knows I love them, but, they could come and see me separately and then I could really enjoy them. You live too far~ You don't even live in the US! Blah! Blah! LOL All the excuses I tell them!LOL, It's funny but true. In a way, it is better, I get to see them all at once. And they do come when I need them, just not often enough for me!

Chester sounds amazing and tossing in the Roman theatre and I'm sold. They use some Roman Theatre structures in places here, but, nothing like what they have in Europe. :) Still, I have an appreciation for them. Now you relax and call it a day! 💖

Enjoy the peace!!!

That’s awesome 🤩 have fun tomorrow visiting again.

Oh no, that’s a shame they didn’t tell you earlier. Luckily you know now and cherish them from afar.

Yes, like that. It’s wonderful to see all but exhausting indeed.
Those excuses we know so well. They all said wanting to come over separately soon… so we need to get organised and create space for them.
As this house is sooo small, everywhere boxes I can not really move. But they know we are working on it… so have to put up with it until we find a house 🏡
We never can get enough from family or good friends and see them not often enough.
Luckily they understand. 😊 I am sure your family does too.

Chester was truly lovely… more stories coming soon. As I love exploring places with such history.
I did relax, now a quick catch up before bed.

Have a great evening Denise 🤗🥰🌺
Much love!

I will…

Me too! I am determined to get #MarketFriday done soon, except I will get most tonight and tomorrow. I feel so slow. I get entries every day, problem is, They dont drop them, they dont tag me, and i got three Thursday. It makes a big deal difference. My voting power is the only one I have. Blah! Blah! Blah!

Listen to me!!

I hope you have a great night, I never got to bed last night, worked and did #MarketFriday today. Early to bed. I slept last on Wednesday.

Have a great night! Love you! XO

I fully understand Denise, that’s a lot of posts over 3 or even more days.
It’s passed 2:11 h now and I didn’t want to make it late hehehe 🤭 still commenting. !LOL
Let’s just do our best and spread some love around here 😋🥰
No worries, you can talk to me 🤓 about it all…

Oh no… you didn’t go to bed. I hope you will this evening. And that it may be a recharging sleep 😴

Thanks a lot dear 🤗🥰 you too! Have a great night.
XOXO Love to you!

I’ve been told crocodiles can grow up to 15 feet
but I’ve never seen one with more than four.

Credit: reddit
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Oh no, we must not say the season has ended. It grips my heart! I am sure you only meant the end of season for lavender. Ha ha.

Thank you SO much for sharing the link to that online shop. I'm so excited. I love everything lavender. (In fact, one of my fantasies is to open up a shop such as that one. Wouldn't that be dreamy?? Maybe I will add that to my retirement goals. 🤔)

Monkey tea? Never heard of it! Lavender coffee? Must try sometime! Lavender ice cream? Yes, please share your recipe if it comes out well!

What age were you when you thought you had reached the magic age?

Which time? Ha ha. It probably first happened when I was 12 and hit my pre-teen angsty period, and nothing anyone had to say to me seemed as important or real as the sh*t going down in my head. Heh! Then again at 16... 21, 25, 30... All the milestone years back in the day. And now I'm absolutely sure I haven't hit it yet. I'm not there. Nope... way too much to learn and see and do, and I'm still just a child at heart for goodness sakes. Heh! Aw, aging is fun. It's all about perspective.

Love and hugs, @dswigle! Finally got my Market Friday post up this morning. It involves beer, so I guess I'm grown up after all.

You are so sweet! Yes, the lavender, although I can still go to the store until December then they close until April, however, the online store will still be open. I think opening up a lavender shop would be fun, but, I would want a Lavender Farm to go with it! Maybe my girls will start a farm instead of corporate America.

I know! Lavender coffee! Who knew? I will have to try it soon! Monkey Tea? I cannot put that to my lips. Swear to God. I am with you! I have no problem with aging. It is definitely about perspective.

Beer? I'm there! Hi, @Jayna!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I actually mentioned my daydream about a lavender farm and shop to my husband yesterday and he liked the idea! I did a double-take! He generally slam-dunks entrepreneurial initiatives I propose. Who knows, we may actually look into it.

Have a wonderful week, @dswigle!

That would be so cool! People travel distances just to pick their own! Do it! I'll come to visit you for sure!

Men can be so unpredictable! :) That can be a good thing!


If I can make the dream a reality, I will definitely let you know!

Ooh, I can smell lavender just watching and reading. Hehe! I want to go shopping here.

Here's my post for the #MarketFriday:

:) The lavender sure smelled pretty good, although it really was quite subtle. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Oh, it's hot and humid right now in your country too. It is unpleasant! I love that photo of you with the green hare! Yes, I do that too: if I find a good supplier, I stick with them to buy their goods while I can. Wow!!!! lavender ice cream, lavender soap, lavender essential oil!!! I really want to go to this store. I've never heard of lavender coffee. 🙄 amazing place! It was great to be there with you! 😃

Hi @tali72 That is not me with the green hare, that this the owner of the shop. She is really nice! I got a close-up shot of her where her T-shirt says, Boss Deb.

I honestly didn't know they had lavender coffee until I saw it here. Lavender tea, yes, but not coffee. I got some lavender soap today and lavender essential oil. She is giving me her recipe for lavender ice cream, so I am going to try to make it.

I have been having a great time with the lavender farm this year!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Yes, I realized that you are not in that photo. I must have made a wrong sentence in English. but the green hare is very cool. be sure to tell us later how the lavender ice cream will turn out 😃

Yes, we are in the middle of winter indeed...well, just past. As you say, June 21 was the day.

Really an interesting shop to visit!

And Lavender coffee? No, it's the first I've heard of Lavender coffee! That's a new one to me and very interesting.

You'll find my post for this week here.

I know!! I had no idea there was a lavender coffee. Tea, yes... I don't dare try that lavender because I don't want to buy a whole bag before trying it. What if I don't like it? But, I say to myself... What if I do? I find it interesting buy I gave it a pass for now.

Your winter is something I could get behind. Ours is pretty tame too, but, I have lived in places that had real icy/snowy/cold weather. I loved it, but, it's over now. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you~!

Maybe it would be a good idea if they can prepare some samples that you can test before spending money on it... I just wonder if they wouldn't make more sales that way as well...?

They have different samples of things every day. I have just missed the coffee days!

That's a pity if you've missed it! It would be nice if you can make an informed decision about buying it!

Maybe have a look next time around...when you can be there on a coffee day.

It ends this weekend. The lavender is almost finished picking. I may just try it out anyway, we have a lot of coffee drinkers that come to the house.

If they don't have any this weekend.

It looked like this lavender season really provided you with a lot of fun, having some good times and getting lots of Lavender. I also get the impression you've learned quite a bit of new things about Lavender...

There were the bees, sleeping on the lavender, getting really laid-back... The wasps that rather stay away... Now the Lavender coffee. And I really enjoyed reading about all this, and learning with you in the process! Thank you so much for sharing all that information with us!

The store sells a very complete range of toiletries, so I focused on the lavender soap, it definitely smells good, I want to buy it

here's my post for today's market friday

The lavender soap really smells nice! I cannot believe I didn't get any. Maybe next time!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Isn't that the truth? Spending childhood wanting to be the next iconic age up so there would be more happy benefits, that's how it rolled. Just like a lot of things, grown up appeared beautiful from the outside, inside, not so pretty.

Thank you for the tour of the lavender shop and fields. There once was a shop here (no field) where some sisters sold shabby chic things and had a reputation for their lavender, loose and other items. Always seemed to be sold out though... ha.... but the first time I was there, they were sharing a lavender cookie which was divine. It was a little like a butter or shortbread cookie with a hint of lavender. Yum.....

Oh, yes! I am tired of the adulting. I want to be a kid again. It was so much nicer in so many ways! Except if I had to go to my room. With six brothers who were sometimes troublemakers, somebody was going to go to their room... on rainy days anyway. Actually, we went outside to play on most days, just couldn't keep that many kids contained in a confined space.

I love these little family/mom-and-pop shops. They are always the nicest, I have never found any of them to be anything else. That is funny, this shop is almost always sold out of cupcakes, brownies, ice cream.. cookies. LOL I couldn't get a bite of anything yesterday! Today though, she said the husband was cooking this morning~! Really early. But, I am over it this morning. :)

I am going to use the culinary lavender I picked and make some cupcakes this weekend. I will have to see how they come out. I like the cookies they gave as samples and hope to try my hand at those...

These were a little like shortbread too, not quite, but definitely in that area of taste.

Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

What age were you when you thought you had reached the magic age?

Aw hell, I still haven't.

No way!!! I would never have guessed! :)
Who does the adulting around there?

I'm pretty sure that they lied about the magic age being the best.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

It's also summer here and happy to live here because we also enjoy all the season

Yes, i also see many ladies here who have a shop in home and run out a short business by selling thing's

Nice to see your post in market Friday and here is my post

Summer is such a beautiful time of year! The small home shops are nice and many times have unique merchandise. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

It's always my pleasure to share something in #marketfriday as i love #marketfriday too

Yay! Thank you. :)

Absolutely love all things, Lavender. What a special shop they have and with so many wonderful items to enjoy. Now, I would have had to try that ice cream too.

All things lavender are just wonderful! I would never have thought I would become so enamored with lavender! It just has that calming effect on my... I can feel it more than smell it going through the fields.

I did try the ice cream! It might need a little more lavender or my tastebuds were off. I know it is a very subtle taste, but I felt like it still didn't have enough.

Try the ice cream! You won't be sorry!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I have an online friend who just went to a lavender farm the other day. It reminded me of your posts. It looked quite beautiful! The seasons have been all messed up for sure. It's like everything is moving in slow motion. We are finally hitting the rainy season that should have been here in the Spring.

You know we are getting rain also, not nearly what you are getting, but, overcast days and rain is not in our MO for the summer. Thankfully, it still falls at night but, we have had a few days with a little rain in them and really hot temperatures!

Maybe this means another mild winter and cold spring? Yikes!

That sounds so nice! Do you have a lavender field close to where you live? Don't forget to drop your link here, it usually drives more traffic to your post. Thanks for stopping by!

#MarketFriday loves you!

 last year (edited) 

I don't think we have any lavender fields close. Today has been extra crazy. These little storm cells keep coming through, so we will have an hour of sun, then a half hour of rain. Rinse and repeat.

Here is my #marketfriday post:

There are two in Wood County, Ohio, but, didn't know how close that was.
We had a little overcast this morning but not rain. Now, it is so hot, I wish it were overcast, just a little bit. But, yes, that is a pain in the neck to have the on-again, off-again stuff.

Thanks, so much for dropping by and leaving your post.

@MarketFriday loves you!

I'm not sure where that is. Probably at least a couple of hours away. Two hours gets us to Toledo. Anything past that is longer.


Those are all the Lavender Farms. Not pressing you to go, but you can look for another time if you know they are there.

Awesome! Thank you!

Good that you don't quit Market Friday. When I read the title, I mistook it ... I was so happy to read your post about the lavender farm and the shop.

Here is my post of the week. Thank you for hosting the Market Friday community!


Noooo! I am still here! :) The lavender fields are so very lovely! I am glad you liked the post last week about the lavender!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Hosting #MarketFriday is a pleasure!

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Oh Lavender I love it, a very special market I was once in France on a big lavender farm amazing beautiful. Your lavender ice cream I would also like to know how you do it, hope it works well, here is my market for today:

I went to Provence when I lived in Europe! Aren't those big lavender farms just so beautiful? I was so stunned and this is nothing so beautiful, but, the lavender works the same! :)

I will post the recipe when I do it! It would be even better if it came out well! :) Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Denise dear,
It´s lovely to be reading your post today. I love everything about lavender..I do not know whether they grow lavender here in Spain, it´s worth asking at the Monday fresh market.

That store you featured has lovely things...I haven´t tried that lavender tea, must be exquisite and fine. I love products made from lavender by Yves Rocher which come from France, they are mostly plant based and not overpriced. Happy Market Friday and enjoy your weekend!

Hi, Mers! They do grow lavender in Spain!

One of the most relaxing fragrances is lavender. In Spain, you will find the most famous fields of Lvender in Brihuega (Guadalajara, Castile-La Mancha). More than 1,000 hectares of lavender become a sensory spectacle during the month of July.

El Bierzo, Castille and Leon

Ossa de Montiel, Albacete - the name of the company is Penarrubia del Alto Guardiana and they have a lavender distillery

Campo de San Juan in the region of Moratalla, Murcia

It is perfect timing in Spain, I believe- July to the beginning of August. Check them out~ 💜

I have tried the Yves Rocher lavender shower gel and exfoliating cream. You are right, they are definitely underpricing many of the other brands, but, they are a really nice brand! Always good to see you1 Take care, my friend! Thank you for dropping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Perfect, that is a nice information..I will look into that. Many thanks my dear Denise! Love you!

Love to you! Good luck!

Hello! Here's my new entry for this week!

Everything's For Sale, If You Can Find It

Links: Ecency / PeakD / Hive Blog
Tribes: PalNet / CreativeCoin

Hi @trincowski!! Thank you for taking the time to drop the post! I hope all is well in your world!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Denise, I shared recently some nice vintage music for #three-tune-tuesday, would love to share it with you, I am sure you'll enjoy it. Good old stuff from 50-60-es. Warmly welcome! nothing but !LUV 😘

Thank you for dropping the link to it... Is this for #MarketFriday or for my enjoyment? I ask only because you didn't drop the link.

Thank you for thinking of me! You know I will be headed your way! I take your LUV and raise you a !PIZZA

!MarketFriday loves you!

nope! just for your enjoyment (in case you love music). Dont have anything for #market-friday, ehehe. only flowers and butterflies! 😍

I do enjoy it! Thanks so much for thinking of me!

Flowers?! Love them too!

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Wow so many variations of how lavender is sold. I'll wait on your ice cream recipe. I scream for ice cream!! A little on the expensive side but so interesting to try. Afterall where else can you find it to buy? That would make a buyer just for that reason. Have a lovely weekend :)

Thank you! They have lavender everything! The ice cream fascinated me, but the coffee? I never! I mean, I'm not sure it even sounds right, but, I might be willing to try. :)

The season ends this weekend as the buds are all but spent, time to finish harvesting and put them to rest of the season. I think everything worked too hard this season to bring everything to a normal state. Too much cold, too much heat, and definitely too much rain.

Mother Nature is very forgiving. We even got a lot of nice Lavender out of it.

Enjoy your weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I’d love to visit this beautiful shop. The lavender soap bar would be #1 on my shopping list.

Here is my post

The lavender soap is divine! I can see why it would be #1 on your list! I am intrigued by the coffee, but, not ready to jump off that cliff. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words and dropping your link.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Hello! I'm back!
Last week I went to Temecula for a day, and we found a Lavender Store!! My wife and mother in law spent almost an hour there!! This one:
Here is my post this week:

Wow! That is so cool!! I was surprised at my Lavender store as well... and the farm! It is easy to spend over an hour in those places, one cannot help themselves. I can hardly wait to read your post now.

I want to thank you for dropping by and leaving your words, also for dropping the link! Have a very nice weekend!

@MarketFriday loves you!

Hey 👋
I know ur a busy 🐝 on Friday’s here
But if you do have just a moment give us a good guess 😃

You can just edit original guess that I think you thought was Silver contest. But it’s Gold week 🙂

Darn! I did think it was silver! I can still guess again. Yes, Friday and Saturday and even Sunday as they keep putting in more and more posts1 :) Thank you, Gene! @geneandashlee

Hi Denise! Thanks for sharing your visit to Seven Oaks Lavender Farm with us! It looks like a beautiful place, and I love the photos you included. I especially like the one of the lavender ice cream. It looks so delicious!

I've never been to a lavender farm before, but it's definitely on my list now. I love the smell of lavender, and I think it would be so peaceful to walk through a field of it. I also like that you mentioned that the farm is family-owned and operated. It's always nice to support small businesses.

I agree with you! I really like supporting the local economy and small businesses. If we don't support them, they will fade away into the background, just like so many things have done.

I hope you do make it to a lavender farm sometime. It is not such an amazing thing that you must do it, but, there are things you can do with it that are quite nice. I hope to be able to make some lavender ice cream !! I will see how it turns out.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I can still remember when I was growing up, thinking how excruciatingly slow it was for a year to pass.

Hehehe, I was sixteen, and I thought I knew everything there was to know!

The French Lavender essential oil was absolutely heavenly. Not too potent, but, rather soft and lovely.

I totally agree, @dswigle . It's the only essential oil I enjoy. (Even my Yorkies loved it!!!)

Happy #marketfriday!

Mw too. I am not sensitive to strong perfume or smells, but, I don't find anything redeeming about them. I do love the lavender essential oil. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words, and dropping your link! Much appreciated!

#MarketFriday loves you!

I would say that a slight lavender scent is the scent of angels!!!

:) I concur!

Hello! Happy Friday to all the community 🤗💖
My entry..

Hello! Happy @MarketFriday! Thank you for dropping your entry here! I hope you had a nice week and are ready for the weekend!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thanks a lot dear!!!

Dear @dswigle, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @duvinca.

Thanks for the hug~!

Many, many items! The store was filled with them. Thank you so much fro stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

This is a great piece. In reference to your question, I felt 16 years was my magic year😁 but I can't really say for sure since I am still growing.

This is a great piece, I love the lavender shop and the t-shirt her husband made for her☺️

Thank you. That seemed to be the popular answer this week. I'm still growing! Thank you, the lavender always gives me a wonderful day!~ Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!

You are welcome ☺️☺️☺️ I hope to see more of your work☺️☺️

Thank you so much for stopping by and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Welcome madam and thanks too for your reply.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 164 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Thanks for the LUV!

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!

#MarketFriday loves you!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dswigle(3/5) tipped @qwerrie
dswigle tipped pixresteemer