each other why would anyone else? I challenge you to take five minutes and read one or two posts, commenting, voting, or reposting each other. Do you enjoy getting a good comment? Yes? Everyone does. It is part of the reason we are here. That and the money. It's okay to say it. It is not a secret. Earning is fun, or it can be.I find that I am a bit disappointed that some people posting to the #MarketFriday challenge don't read or even look at anyone else's post. We depend on each other for growth, nurturing new people, showing them the right way. We are a team, building the platform, so we should be working together, yes? If we are not out giving a little support to
I see some people that don't make posts on a normal basis, but, because they are my friends, they go around and check some of the posts and comment and upvote on them. This is what friends are for. Supporting each other, not in a vote me, I'll vote for you, but, small kindnesses showed. These people know me and know that each time they do this, my heart grows a little bit bigger. Friendships are fostered, ideas are traded and suddenly, it is not such an effort to check out your friends' posts. We can all support each other. That is the way this works, this Hive thing. I ask you to stop looking for the big accounts to support you, because, when it is your time to be supported, they will find you. Of that I am certain. If each of us concentrates on doing the best posts we can do, instead of just getting the job done, we will attract the right attention to our posts. Go back and look at your last post. Are you still giving me 30 pictures and words at the beginning in end? Look at it again. Is that good work?


Answer! Can you guess??? The answer is AIR!!

Rules of the Road
- Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative! - Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
- Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
- Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
- Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
- Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
- You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post. If you don't and someone reads it, there is nothing to tie #MarketFriday to that post.
- Please only one post each week. Believe it not, I run out of voting power if you put in many more than that.

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

You are not wrong in what you say @dswigle unfortunately because of the big votes no one really cares to stop and read or check out anyone's post anymore it is disappointing because there are some really interesting posts out there that don't even get acknowledged for what they really are anyway that's my lash for the day, he is my link. Have a lovely day @dswigle :)
Oh you are out having an amazing time. I am so jelly. Just look at all those super colors!
Thanks for encouraging interaction. If Hive is to survive and especially if it is to grow, the small or newer accounts have to be encouraged and supported, at least until they get their pages up and running well.
Here is my link:
Well, you know how I love to encourage interaction. Have has great potential to grow more than it is right now, but, it does take cooperation and teamwork, much like it was when it first started. People were growing it, not getting in, making ten dollars, and running off to the bank with it. I understand needing the money, but, then take half of it and invest half. You will definitely grow that way.
The AT was good. I am going back up tomorrow or Monday. Soon before the leaves changed too much. I haven't had as much time to hike it this year, but, I am gaining on the trail. The colors are about a week or ten days behind the peak in this section of Virginia. They can run weeks behind each other.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words and your link. Have a great day and happy truck hunting.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Glad you enjoyed your Appalachian Trail hike, I am sure it was awesome :) Also, thanks for all the kind and valuable words about the team work, engagement etc. here on Hive. Very important message.
Thanks for hosting this initiative Denise, have a lovely weekend and many great entries to your legendary #MarketFriday series! :)
It was pretty nice! We frequently hike different parts of the AT/Appalachian Trail from time to time. I would say that we hiked most of Virginia with one trail left, and pieces of the other States. New England has the hardest trails, in my opinion.
The words have probably fallen on deaf ears, but, we cannot be the last of the people that want to grow the platform. So many are here to make a quick $$ never realizing the value is reinvesting in their future. I think it is important and you do too, but, it is because we understand. You can lead a horse to water...
Thank you so much for your words @phortun. I hope you are having an incredible weekend!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I have a permanent feeling of guilt, I've had it since childhood. When someone did something bad at school and it wasn't known, if there was an investigation I acted guilty, even though it wasn't. Even now, I wonder if what you said here is about me...
I agree and I've noticed that for a long time. That many of the challenge initiators were not supportive of the participants (you were the most obvious exception) and that in various communities they were just posting, without community members supporting each other. Unfortunately, even though I noticed these things, I also failed to do the right thing (except to a small extent).
Yes, Denise, you are right.
I don't know if anything will change after this recommendation of yours. I have seen several posts and will try to comment and give my opinion tomorrow, hopefully, I will have time.
I'm thinking (but I know you won't agree) that you could possibly introduce in the challenge rules the obligation to read, comment, and possibly vote on at least x posts of colleagues. That is until it becomes a habit.
After reading your post, I changed the subject and wrote something mixed up, I wanted it to be weirder.
A kind of selfie
Nooo. You do much more than the average person. If people comment on a post that you have commented on, you comment back, and the volley begins. You are totally wrong in saying you are guilty.
I don't know if anything will change. As you may or may not notice, most did not even read my post. I could introduce in the challenge rule of obligation, but, as one person has said to me (a few months ago) that I don't even run a contest or give prizes. I understand, but, they fail to see that all the upvotes they get are every week and a prize is once in blue moon. (excuse the use of this!) So they probably get more in the long run, just smaller bits of it. Perhaps not. You didn't need to change posts! It wasn't about the posts. You vote plenty, Dan. I was afraid to say anything because the wrong people got offended. I have mentioned before about the ... Hey, I just saw you change your post. LOL, It was pretty weird watching it be done.
Anyway, you and me? We are good. You are fine. No guilt. Nobody should have guilt to be honest. This wasn't to guilt anyone, it was to give some people that don't understand the importance of interaction, not even trying to force them, but, offering up what it can do to you. You already know this. I cannot teach an old dog, new tricks. :)
Awwwww. I miss the Old Dog. :(
Thank you for the words and for dropping the link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Is that you standing there in that last picture all decapitated?
I think you've hit on a few points here that are ever-present in Hive, and that is that a lot of people are in it for the votes. I'll be the first to admit that there are two things on Hive that really do irk me: 1. people who receive large auto-votes who post crap, or next-to-crap, and get huge payouts; 2. the severe lack of comments.
It is bad enough to put a lot of time and thought and time into a post and see it barely touched when there's crap that gets over $100. It is absolutely discouraging to put time and thought and time and time and get only a comment or two. I try, very hard, to give a comment to every vote I make (which is why I do not autovote anything). If I dont' have the time to comment, I usually don't vote either. For whatever it's worth, personally, I take pride in leaving at least a one line comment indicating why I like the post. It may not mean anything to anyone else that I do that, but I try. I love the conversations.
Now, that said, I'm probably just as guilty for not following the rules for your Market Friday posts. In large part that's because I'm inherently very lazy. 🙂
I am continually amazed and inspired by how you personally are able to keep on top of things and be so active. I know I can't keep up with you.
Haha! That is me! Was it my smile that tipped you off? :))
I don't have any auto votes either. It is rare, but, does happen that I love a post and can't put enough in to convey what I want to say to make it worthy. So, I might upvote it and go back the next day to do comments. By the way, I am just a fast typer, that is the only reason I can get so much done on here. The rest of my life, I am running to catch up. I forgot my sister's anniversary last week. I cannot believe it. That is the first time. It's the little things, you know? Tomorrow, I will have to call her up and confess what a bad sister I am. Then I will tell her that she is, after all, number seven child and there are still two more after her... it is so hard keeping up with all of them. Do you know they all get birthdays on top of Christmas? Talk about highway robbery!
About the rules. I have to put something out as people wanted to know how to explain it to another person. The big important things are to drop a link and tag me in it. I am chasing down posts all week because people don't do these things and they don't always surface when I look for them. You don't even know what lazy is. I have to be on top of things. There is no loyalty in keeping people that don't perform well. :)
Thanks, always, Victor! It is always a joy to see you. I was feeling like a total bully for a few hours, but, I am over it. :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
I forgot my mom's 40th birthday. She even took me out for lunch that day.
Now, it wasn't so much that I forgot it, but I just outright got the day wrong. I called her 10 days later, quite proud that I had remembered. Alas. It was 10 days prior.
I'm going to have a Market Friday post for you later today. I've won Yet Another Phonograph (YAP) (tm) at an auction, along with some records (a veritable holy-****-tonne of records, which is even larger than the standard ****-tonne) that I am going to pick up today. Online auctions are going to be the end of me.
Call your sister!
I am. I was just waiting for my coffee to finish brewing. Really? Did you buy more? For reals? They will be the demise of you! I hope you don't have to go far. I don't normally like online auctions, but, I have bit on a few. I have had a few that were disappointingly not in the best shape but the few that are amazing have made up for it. So, would I do it again? I say no, but, I still look!
My goodness! **** tonne? Bring the truck!! :))
Good luck! Calling my sister. Bye!
Last week I talked about this to a friend.
And she was like, oh your content is good you will get tonnes of votes.
And I explained not exactly, that you need to connect with other Hivers and also have good content.
They work hand in hand….
The riddle … of course I didn’t get it until I saw the answer 😂
Have a great weekend @dswigle ❤️
Some just don't get it! Some of my best posts got the least votes when I first started. It started clicking. Back then, there was nobody to tell you what you were doing wrong. It was less than a year old.
But, you are totally right and I hope she listens to you. You are probably the only one that has read this, especially if you look at the responses. :(
I didn't get the riddle either!!!! Haha! But, now, we both know it! Thank you and YOU have a great weekend too! Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You raised some points that needed to be said but often is easy not to , cheers for saying them and I am in total agreement and I normally visit a couple of Market Friday posts at least each week, but let me make a commitment now after I finish this comment, I am going to make sure I visit at least 5 or 6 this week
Now I know the post wasn't aimed at me and I did not take it that way, but I do enjoy seeing the market Friday posts and often don't drop in and give a comment so its me critiquing myself
that aid here is mine for this week
You do all the right things, it is true. I guess I was not only speaking for me but, for many other small niche communities that we may pass through.
I am glad you didn't take it as me aiming at you and double glad that you left me feedback and dropped a link! Thank you so much and I hope you are having better weather than me! Take this rain back! :))
#MarketFriday loves you!
As for the rain I heard you were getting hit but more coming our way tomorrow
Still raining, but, it is passing through. It comes with more wind, as if that is what you need right now!
Yeah I just looked at the forecast not looking forward to it
Yay, I got the air.
Glad it's something I don't need to smell.
My wife said she read some guy who had COVID-19 said he cannot smell his own fart.
Anyway, homework time:
It has been a royal pain, yes? Seems like you know so many people with it. The symptoms and the fallout from it are weird at best. That man should be happy he cannot smell his own gas. Haha! What a thing to complain /worry about. :))
Homework time? :) You are such a great student!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I think people who farts want to know what they are responsible for so we😎 can deny or admit responsibility.
You sound just like all six of my brothers. You are just as bad as one another! Deny until proven guilty!
I thought you were a little upset. hope i am wrong. I think everyone sees the relationship with each other differently on this platform. you now have a beautiful fall with colorful leaves, vibrant flowers and pumpkins. I didn’t guess the riddle (I’m crying 😭). I thought it was a smile (although I didn't understand what the birds had to do with it) 😀
Noooo! I hoped it didn't appear as if I am upset. I think that it is hard to convey what I mean in text form. (I need to gesture with my hands! :)) I am kidding)
I totally agree @tali72! As far as that is concerned, I meant to make your Hive grow, there are things to do. Relationships as far as a social media type of setting. We all have our own friends, of course. You get around the platform visiting those you know, which is exactly as it should be. You always leave genuine, meaningful comments, one of the things I like about reading yours. There were so many posts mismarked last week and not tagged, or link dropped, which makes it an all-week process searching them out. So, I was hoping a few people would read it so they would know how helpful it is.
I apologize if it sounded a little harsh.
Haha!! A smile would have been perfect if it wasn't for those birds! Thanks for your words and just know I truly appreciate you and everyone else and I love that you remember to drop the link! Thank you!
#MarketFriday loves you!
you are very kind, my dear !!!! I'm glad you're not upset. and I see how much effort you put into this platform 🌷🌷🌷
Like the Market Friday posts. We have a Farmer's market here on Saturday's. It's not huge, about a dozen little booths in the park. We took our new puppy there last weekend to get her socialized. Well, she wasn't too interested in being social just yet (9 weeks). I ended up having to carry her most of the time, so didn't get any pics. Maybe this/next weekend we'll get out again before the weather closes us down.
Haha! THAT would have been a #MarketFriday post, all in itself ! :)) I can see it in my head. It is not like she is a shrinking violet. She is a big baby, no doubt about it. Only nine weeks old? I forgot she was pretty young when you got her. But, she is such a beautiful dog. Oh, yes. My aunt lives up there at Jay Peak and the annual closedown is legendary. Get that wood stove perking!
It is truly beautiful and I do love it up there! You are one lucky man! (and family!) I hope they all like it and have settled in nicely. Thank you so much for stopping at #MarketFriday!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Couple of excellent photograph especially the first and third photographs was really awesome to view. thank you very much for explaining about your market Friday community.
Thank you so much! Sorry for the late reply! I just saw this comment! :)) Have a very nice rest of your week!
#MarketFriday loves you!
A merchant selling fruit on the side of the road.

Very nice thumbnail! Thank you for posting in #MarketFriday! I look forward to reading your post! I cannot figure out what those are in his side basket, but, I am sure that you let me know in the post! I will take a look!
Thank you for stopping by #MarketFriday and leaving your post!
@MarketFriday loves you!
My computer died!
I'll spare you the details.
Hi @dswigle. I made it though... to #marketfriday! https://ecency.com/hive-124452/@silversaver888/market-friday-day-of-the
Hi @silversaver! Why do I want to say that I know that? Hmmmm... Perhaps I am delusional. I am so sorry for your loss! Is this a new one or your phone? No sparing of details, but, glad you made it~
Happy #MarketFriday! Do I see a day of the dead coming my way? :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hehehe 😁!
Which computer owner has not replaced theirs yet? Lucky them!
I just replaced my laptop some two years ago. Before then it was over 5 years.
My fault really. I thought I purposely spilled wine on it.
True enough... it got so drunk, it gave up on me!
You know that I love #marketfriday... and I love ya too, beautiful!!!
Hello, Julie! @ellenripley Thank you so much for dropping your link! I am so jealous you got to go shopping there! I hope you enjoyed your time! :)
#MarketFriday loves you!
I remembered the link! Memory good this week. 🙂🙃
A piece of Christmas to celebrate!! Any reason will do! :)
Dear @dswigle I like your and all marketfriday, always is something new to discover here. Thanks!Here is my post, with a christmas countdown market and always a flower. https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@almi/christmas-market
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop and see me! :)) Can you believe that it is almost Christmas again? I can't! It seems like we just had Christmas last month. I look forward to seeing those Christmas Markets once again! Europe has some of the absolute best! I loved them there! Thanks for always joining in and dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hey ! we also love to walk a lot in different interesting places.https://ecency.com/hive-196308/@maestroali/goats-and-goats
That is awesome! Hiking in different locations is something the family has been doing for years! It is great for you and teaches you so much about Mother Nature! Feel free to do one someday for #MarketFriday! :))
Have a great day and thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Nice thinking you to support through blog each other in this platform and that is why I like your motivation feelings. Here is my entry : https://hive.blog/gems/@kamrunnahar/market-friday-goes-to-buy-traditional-home-made-cake-pitha
Thank you for the awesome support and love you show #MarketFriday, each week! I must say that I have come to depend on you being here! Thank you again!
I look forward to reading your entry and thank you for dropping your post!
#MarketFriday loves you!
@dswigle sincerely speaking you are very right about people attitude towards commenting and a little upvote of other menbers, we are one family and one good turn deserves another we all need to work together by interacting on this platform and one good thing about this lovely community is that we sheer our different culture our environment and we discuss like brothers and sisters and we are all from different environment and countrys am happy you raise this very important issue
It doesn't take that long to read and comment on another's post, I honestly love it when I get great comments like this.
I hope that more people realize that it is to their benefit, and the only one who will benefit is them. I hope, but, I cannot force anyone. I understand people are busy, trust me, I am busy. :) But, we just do what we can do.
Thanks again for sharing your views!
#MarketFriday loves you!
You are welcome @dswigle
This is the first that I have read about marketfriday. Next time I go to a market I will take some photos and put a post together. I don't go often but there are cool outdoor markets around me. In the mean time I'll check out a few of the other entries. Thanks for pointing it out to me :)
I wasn't implying that you must do that, just it is always good if you are actively posting in a community, people should get out and get to know those around them, as everyone should be. I guess I was hoping that the community would be more interactive, making it a fun place to be.
I want to thank you for stopping in more and more lately and leaving your kind words. They are much appreciated!
#MarketFriday loves you!
your photographs are beautiful ❤️ I very much like hiking image, that is soooo amazing!!!!!! I wanna walk that path...he hehe....God bless you my dear friend @dswigle
Thank you so much. I love to go hiking! This is a particularly long hike, which we do in sections as it is over 2,000 miles long!
There are many that do, every year! Check it out!! Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Good one and also think is the best
Hi dear @dswigle. Happy Friday!wow very lovely #marketfriday.
Here is my #marketfriday post👇
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. It is a rainy day here, but, I think we need some! Yesterday was sunshine and beautiful. I hope you are having a wonderful day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
I love the hiking photographs, @dswigle what's that thing written on the slim wall?
It is AT which stands for the Appalachian Trail
Thanks for stopping by!
#MarketFriday loves you!
My post 🤗🎃💖
Thank you for dropping you link!
#MarketFriday loves you! Have a great day!
@dswigle, thank you I have writing several time on Marketfriday community, I am happy that you are very good as giving advice,especially how to write and the purpose of objects, and those participate in this community from various Countries, with different culture, but you can still give good advice,thank you,love #marketfriday#.
Thank you so much. That is so good to hear! I like it when people take the time to listen and then decide whether it is good or not. If people fuss before listening to someone or something. Thank you so much for stopping and leaving your words.
#MarketFriday loves you!
Hi @dswigle thank you for initiating #marketfriday. I just love it! meanwhile, what is this in this picture? They look lovely and colourful. Are they edible? Source https://images.ecency.com/p/26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqWqBbFsdaqqwsC6JjQJjhQFX9n1Fk6pAmyn5xkmv3KFbvfvDdrm1N7izzkNZnKXYyFzYr2QTP6xAY81aAduHZM7C1NtMRfYHW17tLQDpBuVS39g?format=match&mode=fit
Thank you! They are all different kinds of pumpkins. They are edible and are actually very nutritious for you. They fall into the same category as winter squash! I hope this link helps. Thank you for stopping by #MarketFriday! Have a great day!
#MarketFriday loves you!
This might help: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/279610#benefits
Oh, great to learn about it! Thank you for sharing. 😊
Much love from here! 😊
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Thank you so much for the notification @hivebuzz! Much appreciated!
ok hahahaha i was going to put this on your last comment - but i thought OK MAYBE THE GIF IS MUCKING UP HER POST hahahahahaha
i mean comments is one thing - but an unrelated gif might be too far for her post hahahaha
for mine??? NEVER. hehehe but for hers - maybe LOL
so i thought i would drop it here. hahahahahaha
Haha!! That is awesome!
Appalachian Trail seems like a great hiking location. I'll try to join your #MarketFriday innitiative next week and of course stick to the rules. Have a nice weekend, @dswigle.
It is a great trail! It is over 2,000 miles, but, you can hike it in sections, most people do. I would be delighted for you to join #MarketFriday next week or anytime. Rules are guidelines so people know how it works.
Have a great weekend @zorank!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Imagine that ... 2,000 miles trail to choose from.
Yes! Here is a link to check out!
Thanks Denise! I have checked their website and can just say wow ... the Appalachian Trail is really incredible ... so much things to see and so much things to do!
Cool environment. I love marketfriday too
Thank you. That is awesome!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Here is my link for the market Friday @dswigle https://peakd.com/hive-196308/@tobywalter/my-market-friday-at-the-mechanic-shop-repairing-my-friends-bike
Thank you for dropping your link!
#MarketFriday loves you!
Its my pleasure @dswigle
At leasts has created proper awareness now @dswigle
I hope those who needed it have seen it. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend!
adindaa (Denise, that's me!!)"
P.S. I found at least 8 of your posts (I stopped counting them) on Steemit.I'll just leave this here, and I won't bother you anymore. If it wasn't so sad, it would be very funny: "Today is #MarketFriday initiated by @ https://steemit.com/hive-145160/@adindaa/showing-the-love-market-friday
You are no bother! I appreciate all that you have done. Honestly! @soulsdetour I have found some on Steemit, but, OMG! That is ridiculous. Why me?
When I yesterday found the plagiarized post of mine here on Hive, I too reacted that way - Why me? Why did this person choose exactly me?
Well, it wasn't just me. On Hive - maybe yes, but on Steemit, I found your posts, the posts of bdmillergallery, my451r, daveks, dilimunanzar, ackhoo, etc. So - all recognized bloggers and photographers with very high reputation on Hive. You must be proud to be chosen (that's a stupid joke). But in short, I'm happy I'm not the only one.
Who plagiarized yours on Hive? Do all these other people know they were featured on Steemit?
It's funny, It is, a little sad, but, seriously, they are getting $.04 for the posts. Now, I am insulted!
That's my man here 😅 with his/my last post:
Thank God there are hivewatchers on Hive! They helped a lot! Actually, they did everything to ruin this account. Without them, we would be here on Hive just like on Steemit - unprotected. And everyone will be able to do with our content whatever they want.
Yeah, they got $.04 not because your post is bad, but because there is no one there that can appreciate its value anymore. If you are not someone else's person in some community, you just get nothing. And I really cannot understand these petty thefts. I mean, they are aware they wouldn't get much for it. But they still do it. It's silly. And imbecile.
I love Hivewatchers! They do a wonderful service for the people here on Hive. I was kidding, I thought it was funny to go through that trouble and get nothing for it. It is probably the same person, different accounts. Aren't you in Romania still? When will they let you leave? I know you are ready to travel once again!
I'm in Bulgaria. I don't know why do you think it's Romania. Anyway, many people confuse these two countries. 😊
Now I'm not sure I want to leave...😂 kidding. In Bulgaria, there is still some freedom, compared to other countries. But right now, I'm more locked at home than ever because of these green certificates. But let's see what will happen next.
The Hivewatchers, I love them too! 😍 Unfortunately, they do not want to be tagged, otherwise they would receive many such explanations in love, I guess 😄
So, the whole theft project - here and there is organized by Indonesian people - one person with multiple accounts or two or three people with multiple accounts. I haven't figured out the whole scheme yet. But most of them - the predominant one, along with his wife, shows up with his face. The sad news is that I've already written a post, tagged all the people and accounts I could tag, but no one seems to care there. At least for now.
On each of the posts that I found, I wrote that the post was stolen from Hive.
I'll try to tag the admin of the community in such a comment. The bad thing is that I don't know how he will react if he is also part of the scheme.
Thank you so much for the repost @pixresteemer ! Much appreciated!
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