Living overseas for a few months taught me the importance in having access to the food that we like can make in our lives. I've always wanted to live in the UK (England, since they own all of that over there) :), but not having ready access to pepperoni pizza in Germany, informed for me that whereever I go, I've got to be able to get my favorites, even if it's just through Amazon.
They better have Frosted Mini Wheats in the UK! lol!
Ha! I lived overseas for years and I actually used that time to expand my palet. :) I understand being without pepperoni pizza and the angst that carries, but, I learned to make my own.
Now I still make my own. Frosted mini wheat? The original company that made shredded wheat opened a factory in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, in 1926 at which time Welgar was its registered trademark, which became part of Nabisco in 1928. I think you will have no problem!
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