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RE: It's Market Friday!

in Market Friday2 years ago

Gosh, it seems that it is more serious that you were telling! I wish you'll get better soon enough.

The weather has been crazy here too. After a very dry winter we had an unusually rainy spring and summer only came a few days ago which is also unusually late!

Here is a bit of a travelling post. I hope it will amuse you while you are homebound!


I'm on the mend!! Thank you for your good wishes!

Our summer tried coming in early February after a warm *Mediterranean" Winter. Then at the end of March, we had our first frost of the winter!! What???? It froze all the fruit trees, my cheery blossoms, and flowers. Then it was chilly for a month~ Then sort of summer. Last week was chilly. 28C today. Hello, Mother Nature~ Behave!

We will both get righted here soon!

I am always up for a good travel post from @fotostef !! Always the best! Thank you! And thank you for dropping the link!

#MarketFriday loves you!