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RE: Market Friday: The Bid

in Market Friday3 years ago (edited)

"... so I could show off my American-ness to all... Perhaps when we do something good again. We are in a bit of a slump right now..."

Hello sweet Denise, i just found out you! Well you shouldn't feel uncomfortable for anything at all! Its different the American people and the American state! The politicians who govern you now, may not be the best you could have, but the ideas and values ​​of American society do not change. They have inspired and still inspire many other peoples! Friendly and with love all the above!


Thank you. If I was an outsider looking in, I probably wouldn't be as generous. I find too many countries are not run in the best interest of the people, sadly.

Totally true, It seems that something is not working properly in the modern democracies we live, in culminating in the previous US elections! Anyway, let's hope all these economic changes, that it will be the trigger for change