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RE: Market Friday on Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago (edited)

Oh thank you ! LOL

So, you know when you run out of floor space, you have to go up ! That means plastering stuff all over the walls.

As much stuff as I have let go, you would think I could fit the stuff that still made the cut (so far) in the space I have, but alas I can't and prioritizing what gets to be out and what doesn't isn't fun. I want it ALL out. ha ha.... If only I didn't like so many things !


No thanks needed. :)

Yes! But, then you have all those paintings and they already rule! And those are hard to prioritize because I like them all. So don't touch! I keep cleaning closets and cupboards, and yet, I still have stuff left. I am not a packrat, but, I do like my stuff. I decided that if I cannot have it all out, I need to gift it. The house has a little bit of room to reshift, so it has survived most of what it has. So far.

Yup. I want it all. Gimmee! Gimmee!