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RE: Market Friday goes to St. Kitts

in Market Friday2 years ago (edited)

A very colorful post indeed...creating a great atmosphere. One can almost sense that holiday/tourist feeling by just looking at these photos! Those dancers make me think of what we have here in South Cape Town to be exact. They are known (in Afrikaans) as the "Kaapse Klopse". They have a whole parade every year on the second day of January. Very colorful and lots of fun and rythm as well!

That fortress is very impressive! I love visiting places like that!

Thanks for sharing these photos with us, @dswigle

You can find my post for this week here.


I agree with the dancing being reminiscent of Africa, after all, they did keep quite a few of their traditions and tweaked them along the way. The dancing came directly from Africa, as did most of the people, and not a great part of their history.

The parade is exactly what we were part of, they pulled people in to dance and it was all fun. It was after the New Year, but, it is done for tourists on a regular basis.

Thanks for stopping by and dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!

It seems that African people have a natural feel for music and if they are just born with it. It amazes me when sometimes see some of their little ones around here and they can hardly walk, but when they just hear the sound of music, that little body starts!

It's interesting to hear that this was also a parade taking place just after New Year.

Enjoy your weekend, @dswigle!