Never too old to move, our currency would not get me a caravan/trailer in another country, although I would be happy in a Kombi camper lost somewhere where they would leave one alone.
Planted those teeth, some rejected me !LOLZ what a pity our design never allowed for new ones to grow.
Always save like crazy affording weekly breaks to ensure sanity, driving anywhere is insane, always capable of running the gauntlet to get out of town irrespective, life carries on.
I agree with you, taking a break from it does give my soul new life.
Things are worse here than I ever imagined they would be. What happened to my wonderful country? It makes me so sad to watch it go down the tubes.
Attitude of people is what is dragging the nations asunder, weeping silently for past 14 years watching mayhem happening here....
Phone boxes would not work like they used to, no matter where they are, cabling, phones plus anything else is stolen/destroyed.