System would be fair if all vehicles on the road had to be insured, of late household insurance is a requirement with high theft levels. Due to the filth not cleared and inclement weather home insurance is needed since you don't know when a house may move downhill or swept away.
Yes the insurance companies know they hold all the cards, the latest being pumped is death policies catching so many, it is broad daylight robbery. Crazy times we living in, in certain areas you can bury your dead in your own back yard to cut costs, I only learned this three years ago, as previously 'advantaged' try it, it would never be allowed!
Weather is reflecting just deserts to all, mother nature still controls everything.
One law that is lacking in this country is that it's compulsory for every car on the roads to have proof of insurance.
A guy driving a rickety worn out Cressida ran up into the backside of a new Mercedes and the guy had no insurance. Who will pay for the accident?
Nope, we have no insurance for many years on the house, but we have on the car and we have built up an emergency saving.
If anything were to happen with the house, we will simply go out to rent another one.
Yes, it's very expensive to die nowadays and that's why I have lasted for so long Lol.
A home job will also not work, as I don't want to lay in a garden with the new strangers in the house looking at me.
I didn't know about the backyard jobs and yes, we are the wrong color to try something like that.
Sticking around cause it's too expensive, yup literally. Burying family on property dual aspect, once you have family bones on the property you can lay claims of ancestral rights, makes you think!
No.. next is star dust 💫 for me.
Hahaha, same here also trying my best to stick around.
Now there is a trick that I don't know about. So I can go and lay a land claim for the cemetry where my family is buried? Ancestral land and all.
Stardust in a pendant form that Marian can wear as necklace, Not a bad idea.