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RE: Camping, Market Friday Style

in Market Friday3 years ago

Did I ever tell you are funny? Replacing your kid for not playing hoops with you? Lol! I have slept in a hammock and I always do that back home. We have the ones that are made of strings woven together to build a hammock. It was my youngest brother's project back then and we had used that for a long time.

I have only tried kayaking once at the beach and it was a funny experience for the waves were strong that day and there was no one to assist us in getting into the kayak and thus we were tossed and turned holding the kayak down trying to get it. We had bruises as were toppled over and over and the kayak would hit. It didn't help that we find it all funny and we were laughing to death but we made it in finally after forever.

I would like to try any of those kayaks there. Let's go just find something to wear that matches those colors :D

Now that you know the price of the tent at Dick's, then it is better to purchase online then :D I do relate with you about seeing is believing. While it is all convenient to purchase online, it's still best to see the item first and to see if it is cheaper in physical store or online. That's a wise move.

I'd stay away from the grill too. That's too much for me. Why not go with the old ways instead? Much more authentic experience :D

As always, here is a late entry for me for #MarketFriday

Enjoy the rest of the week!