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RE: Market Friday Presents: A Tale of Tulips

in Market Friday2 years ago (edited)

Actually the downvote was a misunderstanding by a user, I don't know if there some other reason behind it. I enjoy being here and its fine if I get both upvote or downvote. I was shocked but later I understand that it was a misunderstanding. It was not hive watcher who downvoted me.


I didn't know, I just always recommend people to go if they don't know they are being downvoted. You wouldn't believe how many don't even know.

I am glad to hear it was an error, and I hope you have a nice weekend. Feel better soon!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thanks dear for the kind words! I'm getting well and I may come back soon. Wish you a wonderful weekend. 🌷💜❤️