in Market Friday3 years ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak


Hola querida comunidad de especialmente a la comunidad mercado de los viernes.
Estoy muy emocionada porque hoy 11 de Marzo de 2022. En Maturín Venezuela se llevó a cabo la inauguración de un supermercado que ha dado mucho de qué hablar entre los venezolanos. Se trata de la popular cadena de supermercado Rio, en esta oportunidad con sede me maturin.

Se rumoraba que tienen precios insuperables y gran variedad de productos.
Vengan a ver el video en la plataforma 3speak y les cuento…

Así que llenos de espectativas nos vinimos a ver que tal.
La idea inicial era darle mas detalles de precios pero debido al congestionamiento de personas como era de esperarse decidí no hacer las compras ese mismo día.

Pero les cuento brevemente que el ambiente estaba chévere, había camas elásticas, pinta caritas, Minnie y Mickey los afamados personajes de Disney y los niños y adultos se tomaban fotos con ellos. Había una animadora local, degustación de alimentos, marcas importadas y nacionales en productos de comida, artículos de higiene personal y otros.

La guinda del pastel como dicen y con lo que pretendía sacar la bola del parque es con la presentación de una serie de Artistas venezolanos regionales como Dj, cantantes locales como es la banda Song 5, kardiomania show y la Artista nacional Corina smith.

Como se puede observar en el video maturin amaneció totalmente nublado y el pronóstico de google indicaba tormentas dispersas pero a pesar de las desventajas del clima muchas personas se acercaron a hacer su compras y otros con solo el interés de pasar un buen rato junto a su familia.


Hello dear community especially to the friday market community.
I am very excited because today March 11, 2022. In Maturin Venezuela took place the inauguration of a supermarket that has given much to talk about among Venezuelans. This is the popular supermarket chain Rio, this time based in Maturin.

**Rumor has it that they have unbeatable prices and a great variety of products.
Come and watch the video on the 3speak platform and I'll tell you....

So full of expectations we came to see how it was.
The initial idea was to give you more details of prices but due to the congestion of people as expected I decided not to make the purchases that day.

There were trampolines, face painting, Minnie and Mickey the famous Disney characters and children and adults took pictures with them. There was a local entertainer, food tasting, imported and national brands in food products, personal hygiene items and others.

The icing on the cake as they say and what was intended to get the ball out of the park is with the presentation of a series of regional Venezuelan artists such as Dj, local singers such as the band Song 5, kardiomania show and the national artist Corina smith.

As you can see in the video maturin dawned totally cloudy and the google forecast indicated scattered storms but despite the disadvantages of the weather many people came to make their purchases and others with only the interest of having a good time with his family.

Translated with
Samsung A20 camera
MAturin- Venezuela 15:30

▶️ 3Speak


Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers markets and eventually branching out and evolving over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but, it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact of what is these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
Take pictures! Be creative!
Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post

Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated) You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post.

As always, please remember!

#MarketFriday loves you!