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RE: Camping, Market Friday Style

in Market Friday3 years ago

Now this is my kind of Market Friday post, Denise! 🛶💦☀️

Who that grew up in the 70s doesn't love looking at all the toys and do dads for outdoor activities and buying a thing or two even though our oldie, forest green Coleman gas stoves still work (if we could just find them!) and aluminum fishing boat still floats?

How cool is it that your daughter has taken up kayaking and learning combat rolls?! She definitely has her mother's adventurous DNA!

Here's my MF post, first post I've cranked out in ages...

Stay cool and hydrated! @dswigle 🆒️😎🚰


I have the old Coleman stove!!! It is at the shore house in case anyone goes camping from there - so things don't have to be drug around, just in case! So many of my relatives go there from time to time and I don't mind having it on hand, there is only so much you can use. (and store!) There are two kayaks there too as I find it easier all the way around. We send the older equipment there. Still usable!

The combat rolls are so cool and she taught her younger sister how to do them. I freely admit that I haven't attempted, but, I may surprise them. I may say yes one day. LOL

Woo hoo! #MarketFriday loves you!