It is Friday again and yes, it is a happy day because the weekend is waiting for us not far ahead! So,
Happy Friday, dear friends!
Снова пятница, и да, это счастливый день, ведь совсем скоро нас ждут выходные! Итак,
С пятницей, дорогие друзья!

This post is my participation in the #marketfriday hosted by @dswigle | | Этот пост - мое участие в #marketfriday, организованном @dswigle. |
This Friday I decided to show you a regular street market. I must say that, perhaps, half of the residents of our town have orchards and vegetable gardens located nearby. | 🍎 | В эту пятницу я показываю вам обычный уличный рынок. Надо сказать, что, пожалуй, у половины жителей нашего городка есть сады и огороды неподалеку. |

EN | | RU |
Since Soviet times, people grow quite a lot of everything - by habit. Some of fruit and vegetables are eaten fresh and shared with children and grandchildren. People also make supplies for the winter. If the family is large, then everything is eaten until the next harvest. However, many people grow more than they need, so they sell their surplus at our local street market. I do not have a garden, so I often buy here or from my colleagues. My friends, of course, sometimes share the surplus for free. | 🍅 | По привычке еще с советских времен, народ выращивает всё больших количествах. Что-то съдается свежим, раздается детям и внукам. Делают и запасы на зиму. Если семья большая, то всё используется до следующего урожая, а у кого есть излишки - они их продают на нашем местном уличном рынке. У меня сада нет, так что я часто покупаю здесь или у знакомых. Друзья, конечно, иногда делятся излишками бесплатно. |

EN | | RU |
Late autumn flowers and greenery. | 🌼 | Поздние осенние цветы и зелень. |

EN | | RU |
Here you can also buy cranberries and lingonberries which people collect оn the swamps of Estonia. | | Здесь же можно купить и клюкву и бруснику, которые люди собирают на болотах Эстонии. |

EN | | RU |
Potatoes, carrots and beets from local vegetable gardens. | 🥔 🥕 | Картофель, морковь и свекла с местных огородов. |

EN | | RU |
And these are potatoes brought from the south of Estonia, from near Pärnu. | 🥔 | А это картошка, привезенная с юга Эстонии, из под Пярну. |

EN | | RU |
This man brought the carpets to sell. When I asked for permission to take picture, he removed the "Very cheap" sign that was standing there. Why he did it, I do not know - he refused to explain. | | А этот мужчина привёз ковры. Когда я попросила разрешения сфотографировать, он убрал табличку "Очень дёшево", которая там стояла. Почему - он отказался объяснить. |

I hope you like my Friday Walk around the local market.
The link for the contest is here: linklink
The pictures were taken with the camera of my telephone Xiaomi and published via @ecency.
This is the best way to buy! Local markets always have the best prices and the produce that is sold helps to boost the local economy. I love lingonberries and didn't get any this year yet. Maybe another week before they are ready. Cranberries will come out of the bogs in another month. Who doesn't love berries, right? I like to make jelly or jam out of them, and I have an abundance of apples, pears, and peaches this year - also tomatoes. I came from a family of nine kids, so we always put food up for the winter. Old habits die hard and I have always put some of my fresh-grown away for the winter. It simply tastes better. :) Plus, I don't want to waste the things my grandmother and mother taught me. I canned some peaches and made some applesauce to put away already. The pears are ready put away for the winter months and I need to make some spaghetti sauce with the leftover tomatoes.
You just made me tired Olga! :)
You made a wonderful #MarketFriday! Thank you! It was fun going through your town. The man probably didn't want to look like he had cheap carpets, that is why he took the sign down. :) Maybe he thought people would misunderstand if only he knew most of them cannot read Russian. #MarketFriday has evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, even your language/languages. Along with the fact of what is normal for where you live? These are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue.
Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:
Take pictures! Be creative!
As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!
Upped and reposted
Local markets are really wonderful if people sell their own production, don't resell. Fruit and vegetables from small gardens really have much better tastes. I hate tomatoes they sell in shops - for me it is like eating paper or plastic. What a pity that the season for local gardens is very short here, in the north! My way to help myself with it is to freeze them. My freezer in now full of berries and different vegetables (I cut them to make ready to use) and even not big tomatoes in whole.
Thank you for the great community which I also love. !LUVHa-ha! Sorry for making you tired, dear @dswigle :-)) As to me, it was a pleasure - I love reading your comments.
@dswigle, you've been given LUV from @olgavita.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)
Nooo! I am not tired, just thinking about all the work it takes to can, freeze etc.
I freeze a lot of the berries also, they freeze so nicely. I agree with you on the tomatoes. If I don't have any and cannot buy from the local farmers' market, I go without. I am not paying for something that tastes terrible.
Excellent cutting them for use. I do as much as I can so that the work is done up front without making it twice the work. :)
Thank you for the luv and for following #MarketFriday!
Thanks for the LUV!