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RE: The Humming of Bees and Lavender Tales

I enjoyed your post and photos about lavender. I have two lavender plants in front of my house, but they are rather old and not looking too good. I probably haven't cared for them properly, either. That flower bed is quite neglected!


I have really come to love Lavender! I have always loved how it blooms in fields, but, the medicinal properties and overall experience of it has drawn me closer.

I am told that a Lavender plant has a lifespan of about 7 years or so- give or take, so perhaps yours is ready for the old age home? :)) Throw marigolds in at the beginning of the season and call it macaroni!

Hello, @scribblingramma! I hope all is well in your world! xoxo

#MarketFriday loves you!

Thank you, I am doing quite well. I am trying to post more often...we'll see how long that lasts. Ha ha!

Get on it~ :))