What to eat in fall to get pleasure and all necessary vitamins?
Many people think that if summer is over, it's impossible to find something tasty in vegetable markets.
Vegans eat only carrot - is a popular proverb here:))
Actually, any season has a plenty of tasty vitamin sets of fruits and vegetables. We can buy imported fruits all over the year, and if you're not a fan of exotic fruits, then you can buy frozen ones that were grown in your place;) or you can freeze them by yourself.
Now it's still fall, and we have a great choice of tasty fruits in markets.
Now I'll show you what I've bought today in my #MarketFriday Day
Feijoa сost about 3,5$ per 1 kg now, and it's one of the most expensive fruit here, but it's worth it!
Feijoa is a champion because it has huge amount of iodine that is so necessary for our health
his green friends
now it's the best season for them
the price for grapes is 2$
apples - 1-1,5$
persimmon is our passion
it's high time for it, and we enjoy it every day!
the price is 1,5$
pears are not only tasty but very useful too because they alkalize the body.
ginger is our main help for powering up the immunity
it gives much strength and good mood
when I feel weak, I always drink ginger tea, and I'm fine in 15 min
jujube, unabi - this fruit has so many strange names both in Russian and in English.
It's sold anywhere now, but people still mix its names;)
it cost just 0,5$ for a bottle, but I don't know why it's so cheap - it's really tasty and it's really useful!
That's fine that we can enjoy something tasty for a good price still;)
greenery is my one more passion.
I add it not only to salads or soups, but also to my fruit coctails, so I need much of it
though it's not very cheap;(
salads cost about 0.5$ for a small bundle, but I still but it very often
it's pleasure for my eyes when I open fridge and see so much green colour inside
Summer is always in my fridge;)
My hubby doesn't like when I visit vegetable markets because I spend the most money there:)