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RE: Building Blocks with Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

what an interesting constuction, I've never seen it here in Russia. I'm not so good in buiding technologies, or it's really not very popular here.
But the idea is so cimple, but so cool, and it's all wooden , so ecological and so great to health. It reminds me ancient Russian houses that all were made of wood, nothing else was used, they were called "izba", and even my dad spent his choldhood in such a house. Now wooden houses are a rare thing...

image.png ()


Wooden houses are so very cool, aren't they? Wooden houses are still popular here. I love them! We call them log cabins when they look like the ones above. They have companies that build them in all sizes and shapes, even one you design yourself. Many DIY can build them without assistance. The top shot is great!

Thank you so much for sharing these pictures and your words!

#MarketFriday loves you!

This is just one company, there are many of them that build this way.