Market Friday: Charity Shop "Thank You!"

in Market Friday3 years ago


This store has a very simple but kind and useful idea. Each of us has clothes that didn't fit us for a variety of reasons. At the moment of purchase a dress or shirt seemed perfect (or there were huge discounts in the store on the occasion of Black Friday), but later it turned out that the blouse has the wrong color, jeans are hard to fit on hips, and a short skirt does not fit a business suit. All these clothes take up space in the closet, and, let's be honest, they get in the way of a comfortable life, even if they are almost new and high-quality items.


I'm an advocate of sensible consumption, and I really don't like to send malfunctioning appliances or whole clothes to the trash. I used to sell cheaply or give away such things through Internet message boards, but this activity requires considerable time and effort. For people like me, the "Thank You!" store was invented.


This store collects unnecessary things and then sells some of them, and gives some of them away for free to those in need. The proceeds from the sale go not only to maintain the store and pay the vendors, the profits from the store are transferred to charitable projects. Charitable contributions are made to foundations for children with serious and incurable illnesses, people with autism spectrum disorders, homeless assistance and other charitable purposes.



The first "Thank You!" store opened in our city in 2010, and now it is a chain of several stores in different districts of the city. Collection containers for clothes are installed not only in the stores themselves, but also in large shopping centers and creative spaces. In addition to clothes, the store accepts old books, so you will see not only rows of racks with clothes, but also shelves with books in the stores. You can also take to the container things made of natural fabric (linen, cotton, wool, silk), such things are sent for recycling. Sometimes you may also see items that are not quite relevant: old records, souvenirs, or even sports equipment.



I visited the oldest of the "Thank You!" stores, this particular one opened in 2010. It is located in the ground floor on the corner of Fontanka River Embankment and Gorokhovaya Street. I remember this place very well - it used to be a stationary store, and I used to buy notebooks and pens for school work. And also felt-tip pens, colored pencils, albums, plasticine, colored crayons... there was a lot of interesting things there! Then the old store closed, but a few years later a new store appeared in its place. It's very nice that, as before, you can buy various nice little things here - postcards, notebooks and the like.



SmartphoneXiaomi Redmi 3
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

This is my entry for the #marketfriday challenge by @dswigle.


We have a few of these Charity Stores situated in our region, some have been there for many years assisting charity, animal shelters, elderly each store will accept most items you are willing to donate, always to be put to good purpose if not sold.

Old clothing if in a poor state are cut into smaller pieces and used in animal shelters for bedding as an example, nothing should ever go to waste.

@tipu curate

I totally agree! This is a very good initiative.


We have similar shops like this in NZ and most of my clothes are now from these charitable stores. I practice minimalism so only have what I need. 5 outfits for work and some to wear at home. Whenever I need something I will check out these stores first to make sure so I dont buy new stuff. Love them

I practice minimalism too. A few years ago I got my things in order and now I try not to buy more things than necessary. I like the fact that now my clothes hang neatly in the closet and there is even space left over:)

Same here. I like the fact that I don't have to think too much about what to wear as well :)

what a lovely place to visit, so much history in the items no doubt, vintage equipment and I love those ice skates

Winter is at the door, skates are just right:)))

ahhhh @tatdt it is still a nice 16C here in wales

The nane of your store is beautiful. "Thank You" has different meanings. Like thank you for lessening the clutters of your home ir thank you for helping others. Great idea and great advocacy!

Yes, stores like this help everyone! Thanks:)

Oh wow... "Thank You" store advocacy is commendable. I hope more of that kind will come to abound everywhere.

I love the mission of these stores! Thanks:)