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RE: The bees of Market Friday

in Market Friday4 years ago (edited)

Of course I love bees and my backyard has white clover planted on purpose. Originally it was to cover the ground where our grass wasn't growing so well and then I saw all of the flowers that attracted the bees! Makes me feel so good now every spring when our clover is covered in flowers! Also bonus, my husband doesn't have as much to mow in our backyard now. He never mows over the clover while it has flowers - just mows a few paths for us to walk through! I have posted pics of them other years! And of course I already posted a closeup of it which you saw on Easter. 😀


I love clover and when I grew up, we would chew a little bit of it, had a sweet/sour taste to it. Mom must not have fed us enough. :)) Or we were curious kids. I remember the big ole bumblebees buzzing around it!

How sweet, not taking the bee's enjoyment away. I never even thought of that! Thank you for that!