in StemSocial5 years ago (edited)

In my last previous post, I talked about the health benefit of water in which I talked about various health benefits of water like the making of our skin beautiful, the aiding digestion, it helps to form saliva, to keep the mouth clean and from smelling and many more. You can check my blog to go though the last post.

Today we will be looking at the different sources of water what they are and what they really served.

The world is really blessed to have the availability of water on earth as the importance, benefit and usefulness can not be denied. The numerous importance water has bring and serve to the world, sitting down and imagining if there is no water how will this world look like.

Image from by Bri Schneiter

But apart from that, it is also important to look at the sources of water as that aspect can not he neglected. Majority of us know that water exist but did we really know where water comes from? How water is formed? We all know we need to drink water to survive but did we really know where those water are gotten from? We all know that water is importance in life but did we really know what comes about the existence of water?

Stay tuned as we journey together in discovering the mystery behind the existence and source of water.

But before I go for today topic, I will like to give a s simple and brief introduction about water.

Water is an example of a chemical substance that comprises of two element as it composition which are the hydrogen and oxygen as we all know.
I remember in my school days, my teachers always tell me that water formular or rather the formula for writing water is H²0 and I begin to wonder what really made it to be H20.
Not knowing it means two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen.

Just like how matter can exist in the liquid state, the solid state and the gaseous state, so also water can exist in the solid, liquids and gaseous state. The solid state of water can be in form of ice as we are popularly farmiliar with. The liquid state can be in the form of our liquid water we normally drink and lastly the gaseous water can be in the form of the water present in air.

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Image from by Daria Shevtsova

The chemical formula of water is always written as the H2O like I have said earlier which starts for;

2 Molecules of Hydrogen
1 Molecule of Oxygen

The characteristics of include that water is colourless, odourless and clean and also tasteless. The perfect example of water which comprises of all these characteristics mentioned above is the pure water or should I say bottle water.

Water is used in our daily activities as water used for drinking either to calm our thirst or to fill our thirtsy organ. For science as water can be used in tecnology aspect, discovering of things, providing electricity in form of dams used to generate electricity. For cooking our favourite foods and delicacies. for technology and so on. And water is also good for the household task like the washing, the cleaning, the bathing, the cooking and also on.

So it is evident that the application of water usage is numerous to mention few.

In the anabolism process, water is usually removed from molecules in order to grow larger molecules.

Water cycle can also be briefly defined as the continuous circulation of water between oceans, atmosphere and land.

Now enough of the introduction, let us move to the main thing for today.


Before I go into the major sources of water listening and explaining, I will briefly like to talk about the classification of Water sources.

We have two classification of water sources which are the protected source and the unprotected source.

Image from by Svanur Gabriele

The protected source are covered by stonework, concrete or materials that prevents the entry of physical, chemical and biological contaminants.
In this case, those source of water are not usually left opened. There is like a shield and covering acting upon them.

The unprotected source are those ones with no barriers or structures to protect the water from contamination. Just the vice versa of the protected water source. Example of unprotected source are the surface water source like the rivers, the lakes, the streams. If we noticed very well, these examples mentioned above does not have a shield or covering acting on them compare to the protected water source. Just to add, I have never seen a river been covered on top or a shield acting as a covering. If you have find one, please let us discussed about it in the comment section below.


That word ground should have given us the clue of the sources of water to be discussed in this point. Ground water is the water that is found underground.
Those types of water that comes from the ground.

The level of water below the ground is called the water table.

Now, let us look at the example of a well been digged as an example to backed my explaination.

Have we noticed when a well is about to be digged, firstly the area is well asses whether that particular region to be used for digging has enough availability of water required.

Image from by Jeremy Bishop

After the digging and digging deep, it get to a point that water will start coming out from the ground which will later be referred to as the well water.
Well water is an example of a protected water source discussed earlier.

The water coming out from the ground after so much digging and digging can be referred as one of the example of ground water. It is in the undergorund but it needs some digging effort to come forth to the surface. Most of the time, ground water need some effort in order to bring those water above the underground level up to the surface level.

Also ground water is not only limited to the wells alone as it can be collected from springs.

(2). WELL

This type of water can be linked to the number 1. And under the well water we have two types of well water.

The shallow and the deep well

(3). RIVER

Both in the olden and modern days, river water have serve as an example of surface water resource for different uses ranging from households, agriculture and irrigation.
Rivers people go there to swim, some go there to hunt fish, some go there to wash cloth, some go there for their agriculture purpose.

The quality and the quantity of river water depends on many factors like the seasonal changes, the runoff system, the water shed. It is discovered that river water are less abundant in dry season and more in abundance in rainy season. River water also tend to be good in quality in rainy season and tend to be bad in quality in dry season.

The quick to access of river water has made it to be so popular in the olden days compared to other times.

Because at ones convenience, you can go to the river and out of the abundance of the water in the river, you can easily make use of it compared to the well water, the rain water.
The river water is still widely made use of all over the world even now in the modern age we are in.

(4). LAKES

As river water is important in communities, industry, agriculture and so on, so also the lakes.

We have two type of lakes, the natural lakes and the artificial lakes.

Image from by Oliver Sjöström

The purity of lake water is low due to when the humans disturb the natural, protective vegetative cover of the landscape with settlements. They can be referred to as the runoff water.

This reduces the purity of lakes water compare to other.


Springs fall under the forms of ground water but nevertheless it is capable of standing on its own as a major source of water. The groundwater may emerge above ground as a spring.

It is discover that springs are majorly found around the mountains and hills most especially the foot part.

Spring water have a high level of purity as sometime they can be termed the most whitish water.


This rain water is the most commonest major source of water. It has been used in the olden days a lot as their major source of water and even till now till the modern age, it is still widely used.

I remember I as a kid, whenever it is about to rain, I will be prepared to bath outside sometimes that will be the perfect time for me to get my desired and quality sleep.

The storage of rainwater is particularly important in areas with a long dry season or where the ground water or surface water is difficult to obtain or polluted.

I remember in my childhood days, whenever it is about to rain, we bring out our bucket and place it under the roof to expect the outpouring of water. By that doing, we are storing the rain eater outpour. Rain water is best needed in agriculture as it helps to booster and foster the agriculture growth

I will be stopping here for today and in my next post, I will be talking about the composition of water.


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