I saw this headline and meant to read, but as is often the case with me got distracted. I carry the trait for Thalassemia...which is not sickle cell anemia but which could be devastating if my spouse also had the trait. Fortunately, my spouse does not come from an area of the world where Thalassemia is prevalent. We didn't learn about this trait in my family until my mother was in her seventies and received a blood test with some odd results. Since then, whenever I get a blood test I tell the physician about my trait and questions about the weird results are answered.
It's interesting that in all the blood tests I took during my two pregnancies, no doctor ever noted the odd blood work. In recent years, the peculiar results always surface. I can only image that blood tests are becoming much more refined.
I think it's a good idea to screen for genetic issues if a couple plans to have children. If children are not in the plan, then it doesn't matter, obviously.
just reading the word Thalassemia for the first time, and that may be the reason why your wife did not have, all thanks to God.
very important
Thanks for your contribution and complement, Do enjoy your holiday and eat with caution brother