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RE: Time To Tell The Real Source Of Gravity.

in StemSocial3 years ago

I'm really eager to see a physicist weigh in on this. However, as a simply ordinary person who skipped physics in high school (and calculus) let me say I loved this blog. It made perfect sense to me. I understood the business about the ball moving, and time dilation. Because I am a humanist (actually have a degree in the humanities 😅) I see the effect this information has on our concept of reality.

When people say "God is Dead" what they often mean is the old rules don't apply. Everything we thought was fixed and certain about the universe, is not. As you show in your blog, there are rules, but they are new. And not all of us understand them. Before, we thought we knew why apples fell to the ground and we believed we knew that the earth and the moon were fixed in their orbits and in their relationship to each other. Now we have time dilation...and unanswered questions.

The effect on literature, on our psyches...immeasurable. You write this beautifully. As you can see, your exercise is provocative. Great blog.


Thank you so much for this amazing feedback @agmoore,

The whole thing about what we call "reality" is as weird as it can get. The weirdness is not limited to the quantum world, but we are familiar with what we see and feel in our daily lives, so we don't see things as "weird".

I've written a while ago about spacetime curvature and what is called geodesics. But when we talk about curvatures and paths, usually it's easier to imagine those as related to "space". In this article, it was about emphasizing that it is Time that is curving too. And of course mass/energy causes it all.

there are rules, but they are new. And not all of us understand them.

I think it's safe to say "no one really understands them". We might know about them, but understanding them is a different thing.

Everything we thought was fixed and certain about the universe, is not

It might be actually. Superdeterminism does a very good job showing how everything is predetermined but that theory is impossible to prove or disprove.

your exercise is provocative

Happy to hear that. 😊

And again, thank you so much ❤