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RE: A Steroid Treatment for COVID-19, and a Few Words About Steroids

in StemSocial5 years ago (edited)

In the U.S. we're averaging about 1000 deaths from COVID a day. That's down a bit, but schools and businesses are reopening and predictions are that we will inevitably see an uptick.

The head of the U. S. CDC says the fall will be brutal--"the worst we've ever had". I'm glad that wherever you live COVID is not an issue. Where I live, in New York, we lost many when the virus raged a few months ago, Some of these people I actually knew. It's quieter now in New York, but we are watchful.

People get used to anything. Psychologically they can't live in a perpetual state of crisis. They get used to war, and hunger. But just because people are weary, doesn't mean the danger of these conditions has evaporated.

Thank you for your comment. I love comments. Let's me know how the blog hits people. I work really hard on these and comments are my reward.

Have a great day, and be well.


It's the same in most parts of the world. At the beginning, when the virus wasn't even as rampant as it is now, people were more scared and shit.
The media and anybody that wanted some attention rode the wave and used it for clout. The biggest irony is that when it is already spread out, they're talking about opening schools and shit.

The biggest irony is that when it is already spread out, they're talking about opening schools and shit.

Yes. A tragic irony that will cost lives.