Do you know what is an infection it's symptoms and how it's spreading?

in StemSocialyesterday

Hello team,

Friends, we are all familiar with infection in our practical life. But there are very few people who still have not been able to recognize the infection properly. During covid-19, we are most exposed to infection. Even ordinary people who did not know about the infection had also become aware of the infection. But the infection is not limited to just covid. Infection is there as long as this is the world. So for this, we should take maximum prevention from infection and keep the infection under control.

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Do you know what is an infection?

  • Invasion and growth of germs(bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, or other microorganisms) in the body.


Do you know what are the symptoms of infection?

  • Whenever you are sick, you go to the doctor and the doctor tells you that you have an infection. The doctor gives some symptoms of your body and after evaluation tells what kind of infection is. As we saw in covid-19 that the covid patient had a cough, cold, cold, fever and not breathing, all these were symptoms due to infection.
Sign and symptoms of and infectionnote
FeverThis is sometimes the only sign of an infection(most common)
Shortness of breathPneumonia / covid-19
Redness, soreness, or swelling in any area, including surgical wounds and portsAny where in body and surgical sites
DiarrheaExposure to pathogenic bacteria like E. coli
Pain in the abdomen or rectumInfection in appendicitis
Sore throat or new mouth soreGroup A Streptococcus bacteria

I have discussed the symptoms of some infections above and some of their causes. This chart given by me is for information only. Knowingly and unknowingly, we touch many things around us and increase the infection. So let us now talk about how the infection progresses.


Do you know how to infection spreading?

Site or type of infectionCause
EyesInfectious or foreign body insert into eye
SkinThrough cuts(Due to injury) micro organisms enter into body.
MouthDue to infection food, drink and other infectious particles
DirectlyThrough close contact of person like HIV/AIDS positive person
Indirectlyfrom an infected person to an object (such as food, bench tops, door handles, ) and then to another person who comes into contact with the contaminated item
Person to person spreadfaecal-oral spread
AirborneInfluenza (the flu), COVID-19, Common cold
BloodborneThrough blood or other body fluids ( hepatitis B/hepatitis C/HIV)
Through contaminated environmentlegionellosis (compost/soil) / dengue (insect)/ tetanus (soil)

In this post, I introduced you to the basic infection and further we will discuss the infection in more detail. I hope that you have liked my post and if you want to read more posts like this, then please give your feedback by commenting.