I use generative AI for creating some thumbnails for some posts. Some of the essays I write to get the thumbnail, are on par with the post itself. This could be a testament to my effort, or a self confession of ineptness at using AI - perhaps both :)
Over on X I follow Dr. Sadler a Professor of Philosophy, and he shared an article today, Microsoft Study Finds AI Makes Human Cognition “Atrophied and Unprepared”.
AI not unlike conventional social media may some characteristics of a bad tool. That is using the tool may have some consequences to the users.
A quote from the article seems germane:
“The data shows a shift in cognitive effort as knowledge workers increasingly move from task execution to oversight when using GenAI,” the researchers wrote. “Surprisingly, while AI can improve efficiency, it may also reduce critical engagement, particularly in routine or lower-stakes tasks in which users simply rely on AI, raising concerns about long-term reliance and diminished independent problem-solving.”
Each of us have different motivations for engaging on Hive and rewarding (or not) content. One of the arguments I've seen recently with increasing frequency, is that people are on Hive because of a pro-humanity perspective, and humaneness. Content and intent matters. As I use Hive more it becomes harder to make the shift back to legacy social media - one of the primary reasons I still use Twitter is for sifting through trends and to share content I originate here on Hive. I can begin to empathize more with those who are passionately protective of the ecosystem. AI probably has some interesting roles or purposes here, but it shouldn't fundamentally alter the notion of prioritizing reflective or human-centric content.
The reason I'm on HIVE is I see it as a way to etch my existence into something more permanent than my corporeal form :)
I agree, AI text content will decrease engagement, and it’s already doing it. Also the growth rate is alarming!
@alohaed, you're rewarding 1 replies from this discussion thread.